Chapter 308
Signaling the surrounding palace people to keep silent, Zong Zehong put his arms around Ni Ling's narrow waist, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Just follow me."

A group of palace people followed Zong Zehong and the blindfolded Ni Ling, walked through the winding corridors, passed the imperial garden, crossed the arched bridge in the frozen lake, bypassed the vacant Weiyang Palace, and went back and forth. Several times, he brought Ni Ling to the Fengluan Palace that had just been renovated.


Feeling that Zong Zehong stopped, Ni Ling was full of curiosity.

"En." He replied in a low and mysterious voice, and in the next second, Zong Zehong lifted Ni Ling's blindfold, "From now on, Fengluan Palace will be converted into Dragon Spirit Palace."

The "dragon" is him, and the "spirit" is his soul.

Ni Ling, who hadn't reacted yet, was slightly taken aback, and suddenly, Zong Zehong's deep and magnetic voice came from next to his ear.

"Ling'er, how about living here with me in the future?"

Ni Ling looked at the inside of the Dragon Spirit Hall in disbelief.

Qionglou Yuyu is beautiful.The floor is paved with jade, and eight pillars made of white marble marble stand on both sides of the huge palace, four on each side, and the dragon eyes and phoenix eyes on each pillar are inlaid with night pearls, which is extravagant.

Walking into it, the ethereal feeling created by the thin gauze curtains makes you feel like you are in a fairyland. The Dragon Spirit Hall is like a greenhouse, and the stream is diverted slowly into the channel dug in the hall, irrigating the blooming flowers everywhere in the hall. Unknown exotic flowers and herbs, ambergris burning and fragrant, Ni Ling slowly opened the gauze curtain in astonishment and then penetrated into it.

She heard the chirping of white cranes, and in the middle of the hour, there were really three cranes with red crowns and snow-white feathers.

Seeing them, the heroine's eyes instantly wet.

She thought of the cranes in front of her own mansion in the God Realm, those birds in the God Realm that soared freely... She thought of her favorite big white...

Suddenly, Zong Zehong hugged Ni Ling from behind with a smile.

"Like it?"

Ni Ling suddenly turned her head and stared at Zong Zehong.

She could tell that he had spent a lot of time remodeling this place, and the atmosphere created in the palace made her feel like coming home.

It is very beautiful, it is not like a palace in a magnificent palace, this palace is unique.

She smiled brightly, her peach blossom eyes curled up, "It's like coming home."

Suddenly he hugged Ni Ling tightly, and said fondly: "From now on, I will live here with you, how about being inseparable?" He didn't want to leave her for a moment, and Zong Zehong clearly understood from the bottom of his heart that those extremely possessive and domineering , all because he couldn't leave her.

With a beautiful and brilliant smile, Ni Ling nodded vigorously.

"I also searched for many strange things from the people for you to enjoy. Don't you like to let Xuefeng play with you? I left it in the palace. From now on, it will be your pet."

When Xue Feng was mentioned, Ni Ling smiled brightly in her eyes. For that rare white eagle, she really liked it!
"Then this will be our place from now on? Only the two of us?"

Holding Ni Ling's hand, Zong Zehong took her to visit the various parts of the Dragon Spirit Hall, "Well, it will only belong to us." His heart can no longer accommodate anyone, so this is the relationship between him and her. Home.

In this cold deep palace, Zong Zehong, who had a sense of belonging for the first time, let go of the last trace of coldness in his eyes.

"Let's go and see where we sleep."

Thinking of sleeping with Linger in this place that belongs to them in the future, my heart is filled with a sense of happiness, which Zong Zehong has never felt before.

(End of this chapter)

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