Chapter 369 The unscrupulous pharmacist in the medicine palace joked about life 1
"It's that room!" Ni Ling said with keen hearing, and suddenly pulled Zong Zehong to the closed door, and kicked him open, "Is there a living person?"

Afraid of any danger, Zong Zehong subconsciously pulled Ni Ling behind him, blocking her with his generous back.

"Cough-cough-cough!" Constant coughing accompanied by panting came from the inner room on the right side of the room, Zong Zehong heard the sound and pulled Ni Ling into the room cautiously.

"Who's in there."

The cold voice made the dark room even more terrifying.

Next to Zong Zehong, Ni Ling snapped his fingers, and suddenly lit the candle on the table, and the room was brightened up immediately.

What caught their eyes was an old man lying on his clothes and wearing an official uniform.

Zong Zehong recognized this person.

The reason why Luocheng was prosperous and prosperous was thanks to this honest and honest magistrate. Many ministers in the court mentioned to him more than once about promoting him, but he did not make a decision.

His lips were purple, his face was dark and blue, and there was blood he coughed up on the ground. Seeing this, Ni Ling tugged at Zong Zehong's robe.

"What about this old man?"


Without hesitation, Zong Zehong suddenly stepped forward and hugged the dying magistrate Qin Zheng, letting Ni Ling lead the way, and hurried all the way back to the inn.

And Cang Yun and Mo Yuan looked at a group of monsters forced out of their original form with satisfaction at the right time, and wiped them out with a wave of their sleeves.

The monsters were not all wiped out, but they did not dare to act rashly.

Mo Yuan and Cang Yun entered the door, and Zong Zehong and Ni Ling returned to the inn.

"Qin Zheng, the prefect of Luo City, Cang Yun, save people."

Zong Zehong suddenly put the old man who had fainted on the bed, "He may know something, help him quickly!"

Frowning tightly, Zong Zehong ordered in a deep voice.

Cang Yun is just a person who has attained the Tao and is good at spells and immortals. He is not good at saving people, so it is easy to hang him for a while.

After a while, Cang Yun stroked his beard and looked at Zong Zehong, "Your Majesty, there may be salvation if there is an antidote, but if there is no antidote, I'm afraid I won't be able to last for a few days."

As soon as he heard the word "Emperor", Qin Zheng, who was lying drowsily on the couch, opened his eyes suddenly, and wanted to get off the bed to salute, but helplessly, he coughed suddenly and almost suffocated.

"Emperor... Your Majesty?" An old and aged voice suddenly sounded, and Zong Zehong's eyes also moved to Qin Zheng.

"I am here."

"Really...really the emperor?"

"..." Zong Zehong was speechless, looking at Cang Yun with a heavy expression, "Can he speak now?"

Cang Yun nodded, "As long as he doesn't faint, he is still conscious."

Zong Zehong understood it, didn't dare to hesitate, and said suddenly: "Qin Zheng, I'm going to ask you a few questions now, and you should answer them truthfully."

"Minister... I obey the order..."

An hour passed in a flash, and it was time to fall asleep, but Zong Zehong didn't feel sleepy at all. Qin Zheng finally passed out from panting and coughing, and Zong Zehong also got some clues from his mouth .

Since half a month ago, people in Los Angeles have been infected with the plague one after another.

The infected person will have a high fever, cough violently, convulsions and convulsions, and finally bleed to death from seven orifices.

When the plague began to spread, a group of pharmacists who claimed to be the Shenyuanxia Medicine Palace settled in Los Angeles. With the help of his government office, they said that they could treat the plague for the whole city for free.

But instead of getting better, the common people became more and more ill, and finally died.

(End of this chapter)

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