Chapter 391 How Many People Did You Find Out That Ni Ling Was Pregnant 2
"Hit! Hit them seven inches! That's where they are most vulnerable!"

Knowing that he was in a predicament, Gu Daozi suddenly reminded Mo Yuan in a hurry when he saw Mo Yuan using a spell that they had never seen before to deal with the giant python.

After a while, Zong Zehong and Ni Ling flew to Mo Yuan's side, and helped him resist the giant python together. After the gray cloud came behind, they also flew down.

For a moment, the seven of them gathered together, watching the sixteen giant pythons staring at them with full vigilance.

The whole body is completely black, the snake's eyes are blood red, and the sharp teeth in the bloody mouth are yellow and smelly but extremely sharp.

"Three elders, please listen to this old man."

Suddenly, Cang Yun spoke.


Fuchen aimed at the two giant pythons not far in front of him, Gu Daozi got impatient.

"The situation is critical now. We must work together to find a way out of the encirclement of the giant pythons. Why don't we let go of the previous things and deal with these giant pythons first?"

"In your opinion, how to deal with it?"

Feng Qingran and the other three knew that they were in trouble, and they also knew that now was not the time to argue with them about stealing the Lingzhu. The only way to pursue the matter was to cooperate to create this temple first.

And since these people have the ability to deal with the corpse demon tree, it must not be easy!
"You six, we ten."

Jian Mei frowned, Zong Zehong swung his whip violently, temporarily stopping the giant python that was about to attack from his direction.

And Ni Ling, who was closely following Zong Zehong, took advantage of the situation and used the fire dragon to temporarily suppress the commotion | boa constrictor.

Sixteen giant pythons as thick as ancient tree stumps, six of the three elders, that means no one can deal with two, but Ni Ling and the others have dead people, but they have to deal with ten, the difficulty can be imagined.

Not long after Zong Zehong finished speaking, he stepped on the ground, jumped up suddenly, brandished the keel whip, and hit the head of a giant python that was moving towards him with a "pop!" With a slash of the whip, the giant python seemed to be intact, but upon closer inspection, it seemed to be blind in one eye.

Following Zong Zehong's blow, the rest of the people dispersed and began to attack at full speed.

All of a sudden, roars continued in the sacrificial hall, the ruins were shattered, and the tentacles left by the corpse demon tree were all over the place. Sixteen giant pythons with a length of more than ten meters ran rampant but were very sensitive. The three elders shot them seven inches with poisonous needles. In order to subdue them, Cang Yun and Mo Yuan exhausted what they had learned and exhausted their Taoism to fight against the giant python.

Ni Ling was dealing with the two giant pythons, seemingly relatively easily, but it was her underestimation of the enemy that almost killed Zong Zehong.

The peach blossom mark on the forehead is full of extremely dazzling beams of light. It is precisely because of Ni Ling's mana that the mark on the forehead is so conspicuous. The whole body is surrounded by blue-purple light. With a very brilliant arc, Ni Ling jumped onto the head of one of the giant pythons she was dealing with with a nimble leap.

Under the balance of the center, the blue-purple light beam in her hand instantly flourished. With one inhalation, the light beam quickly condensed into two dazzling balls of light shining with lightning. The purple eyes were excited, and there was no fear at all. The next second, she Taking a breath, he used all his strength to smash the ball of light in his hand towards the giant python that was about to bite her, and the ball of light sank into the giant python's bloody mouth.

In the blink of an eye, Ni Ling watched the giant python swallow her two balls of light.

Peach Blossom smiled, and stood on top of the giant python with arms folded. In just a moment, thick and foul-smelling black blood splashed, and the more than ten meters long giant python exploded.

It's five o'clock, the cat will continue to update, urgent!
(End of this chapter)

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