Chapter 429 Entering the Desolate Ancient Forest and Meeting the Ancient Moon Immortal 1
The iron cavalry from Huoxie Palace followed closely behind, but they were finally thrown off by Zong Zehong and the others, who were extremely powerful.

Three days later, they arrived at the edge of the Fire Evil Kingdom.

Sitting on a raised high slope and looking into the distance, at the very front, there is a boundless lush and rolling forest that has been preserved since ancient times. It is surrounded by clouds all the year round, which is very beautiful, but the forest is extremely beautiful. sinister.

Rare and strange beasts, wild giant monsters all live in it, and there are people from the third generation of gods, demons and demons gathered there, which is extremely unsafe.

Looking down from the high slope, it is a checkpoint set up by the border of Huoxie. At this moment, Zong Zehong is holding a secret order. Just in case, Cang Yun and Mo Yuan disguised themselves, and Qiu Zhiling said that he was arrested when passing the checkpoint. Catch, in order not to be recognized, he wore a bamboo hat to cover his head, while Ni Ling covered his face with a light veil to avoid attracting attention.

When a group of them descended from the sky and were about to clear the customs, the border guards were all on high alert.

"Going out of the customs to handle errands by the queen's order."

Holding up the secret order, Zong Zehong said coldly with a frightening aura.

And this secret order seems to be really effective, seeing the secret order is like seeing the emperor and queen herself, and all the border generals knelt down when they saw this.

After Zong Zehong, Ni Ling and Cang Yun successfully passed the border, half a day passed...

The grassland was breezy, and the sunset glow in the sky was brilliantly printed and dyed. The imperial cavalry who had chased them all the way also arrived at the border, but they lost them after chasing them.

"Did you meet any suspicious people today!"

Sitting majestically on the horse, the iron cavalry captain who led the team looked at the soldiers guarding the border and asked.

"No!" Standing upright, a soldier continued, "There is only a group of five people holding a secret order and claiming to go out of the customs according to the order, and I will let it go."

The iron cavalry captain was stunned for a moment, "Are there any people in white robes and green robes, one old and one young?"


The captain of the iron cavalry turned pale with fright, and then sternly reprimanded: "Those people who broke into the palace without permission are the evil criminals!" But how could they have secret orders? "Where did they go after leaving customs!"

"The direction of the ancient forest."

The Royal Cavalry could hardly shirk their responsibility for losing someone, but they still had to go back to the palace to report the situation to Queen Liu Xu.

"Hurry back to the imperial capital!"

After finishing speaking, a hundred iron knight soldiers turned their heads and left the checkpoint at the border of Huoxie in a mighty way.

However, Zong Zehong and the others did not go directly into the ancient forest because Mo Yuan blocked them.

"Your Majesty, don't enter rashly."

"Why?" Ni Ling didn't eat and sleep well for three days and three nights. Because she was pregnant, she collapsed in Zong Zehong's arms. Some, while Qiu Zhiling circled around him like a headless chicken, as if wanting to get close to the person in his arms.

There was a charcoal fire on the ground, and they sat around the fire, and Mo Yuan pointed to the dark and misty depths of the ancient ancient forest.

"Your Majesty, have you forgotten what I mentioned to you before you came here? There are many gods from the God Realm gathered in this place. With Princess Ling's current appearance, if Ni Duan is discovered by them, she will definitely reveal her identity! "

"Identity? What identity? Isn't Lingling just a rare phantom fox?"

With bright black pupils open, Qiu Zhiling squatted down beside Zong Zehong, looked up at Mo Yuan with curious baby eyes, and then said again.

"Are you afraid that those old gods will be disadvantageous to Lingling because she is a demon? No!" He shook his hand again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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