Chapter 524

But at this moment, in the thatched courtyard, there was a sudden loud cry.

"Ouch... Daddy... Daddy, don't hit me... Woohoo, my butt hurts!"

The crab claw that was about to knock on the door hadn't landed yet, when suddenly, the ground vibrated rhythmically, and before knocking on the bamboo door, the door suddenly opened.

Zong Zehong and the others suddenly felt a shadow blocking all the light, and then, a gigantic foot stepped over their heads.

"Damn son! You've made trouble for labor and management again, get out!"

The next second, a loud roar came from the thatched hut, followed by a huge man who looked up and could only see the root of his neck.

Muscular all over, wrapped in coarse cloth, rattan around the waist, wearing straw sandals, with an extremely angry expression.

Zong Zehong hugged Ni Ling tightly. Before the few of them figured out what was going on, they followed the ground and shook three more times. Looking back suddenly, a huge monster squatted down and hid behind them, with teary eyes With snot and tears, he looked at the giant who ran out of the house, and then turned to look at the crab.

"Crab, crab, my dad hit me again, please plead for me."

As he was talking, a drop of snot flowed out of the person's nostrils. Zong Zehong reacted very quickly to dodge it, but just now a drop of snot fell on Qiu Zhiling's head.

"Ah! What is this! It's sticky!"

Putting his head in his hands, Qiu Zhiling went crazy, but no one paid him any attention.

"Uncle Yuan Yi, what has Yuan Qi caused you again?"

Glancing at the little giant squatting there who was crying loudly behind him, the crab spirit suspiciously looked at Yuan Yi who was standing angrily at the door of the thatched hut, arms crossed, looking down at everyone.

"The ship the caravan wanted was converted into a warship by him! How will I deliver it next month!"

He snorted twice in anger, and when the giant Yuan Yi spoke, the earth seemed to shake.


"You're welcome! Believe it or not, I will slap you!" Seeing his son Yuan Qi talking back again, Yuan Yi pretended to slap him with his palm.

Seeing that his father was about to beat him again, Yuan Qi grabbed Qiu Zhiling and blocked him.

"Dad, don't hit me, I know I was wrong!"

"Forget it! The family is unlucky!" Yuan Yi definitely would not teach his only son a lesson in front of a group of outsiders, he sighed harshly, then turned to look at Xie Jing, "Why are you here today? ?” Then he glanced at the strangers behind the crab spirit, “You brought someone here, who are these?”

"Uncle Yuan Yi, let's go into the house and talk?"

Afterwards, Yuan Yi invited Xie Jing and Zong Zehong into the courtyard of his hut.

Because they often communicate with mortals or monsters on land, there are naturally chairs for them to sit in the courtyard.

But talking to a giant who is almost as tall as the city wall is really weird enough.

Except for Qiu Zhiling, the others followed Yuan Yi into the house. In front of the courtyard door, Qiu Zhiling was still held by Yuan Yi's son Yuan Qi, almost using him as a rag to wipe his nose.

"Uncle Yuan Yi, these guys are here to buy a boat from you."

After taking his seat, Xie Jing pointed to Zong Zehong and looked up at Yuan Yidao.

"Boat? Lower middle and upper class, which one do you want? Completed ship or ready-made?"

As soon as he heard that he was here to buy a boat, Yuan Yi cast his eyes on the few people on the other side, and then, Xie Jing helped and replied: "The first-class, the strongest boat."

(End of this chapter)

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