Chapter 548 "Meeting" on a Narrow Road, Encountering the Woodcutter Fleet 2
The light-white index finger pointed at his lips, pouted his small mouth in distress, and hurriedly asked Zong Zehong to lie down again.

"Lie down! Qingzi must be in pain like this. Fortunately, I brought plaster...every time you protect me, you will get hurt..."

The voice weakened from strong to weak, and slowly, Ni Ling pouted her small mouth, and sat across her legs on Zong Zehong's lower back, muttering distressedly, while carefully helping Zong Zehong rub the medicine.

At the right time, Qiu Zhiling couldn't find Zong Zehong and Ni Ling everywhere, and when he finally found them in their cabin...

"Hey...Big Iceberg, Crab Essence asked me to tell you..."

Just as Qiu Zhiling spoke halfway, he choked on the second half of the sentence.

Seeing Ni Ling sitting on the back of Zong Zehong, whose upper body was naked, with both hands stroking and kneading him, Qiu Zhiling was stunned for about three seconds.

"You...what are you doing?"

Zong Zehong closed his eyes and frowned slightly when he heard Qiu Zhiling's voice, feeling the person on his back stop moving, "Linger, don't Stop." Then lazily opened his eyes, looking at Qiu Zhiling, "Speak up if you have something to say."

"Uh... Actually... the bones have found a nearby island, and we are going to stop temporarily to repair the ship."

"Well, I understand, close the door and go out."

"But...but what are you doing?"

Looking at Zong Zehong's strong and perfect figure intently, Qiu Zhiling suddenly tilted his head and asked gossip.


After Qiu Zhiling finished speaking, Zong Zehong suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Qiu Zhiling coldly, and the next second he slapped the wind fiercely!He closed the hatch door and locked Qiu Zhiling out.

There was no sail, but fortunately the boat was equipped with oars, so at sunset and dusk, they slowly paddled to the nearest unnamed island.

Bo Lin was the first to disembark, followed by Yuan Qi and Qiu Zhiling, while Mo Yuan and Cang Yun stayed on board.

Later, Ni Ling took Zong Zehong's arm to the deck.

"Your Majesty, tonight we will spend the night at the beach."

Seeing Zong Zehong, Mo Yuan suddenly turned around and said.

"How long will it take to repair the ship?"

This is what Zong Zehong is concerned about.

"Yuan Qi said, if it's fast, one day and one night will be enough."

"Do you know where we are now?" Standing on the bow of the broken ship, Zong Zehong looked at the dazzling red sun slowly sinking into the sea in the distance and asked with deep eyes.

"I don't know the specifics, but I heard from Mr. Bone that because the sudden storm greatly shortened the journey to the windless sea area, in about ten days or so, we will be able to look for clues to the Water Spirit Orb."

When Mo Yuan finished speaking, not far away, Qiu Zhiling's loud cries suddenly sounded.

At the same time, in the sea area not far from their ship, three huge sailing ships arranged in a triangle were slowly approaching them.

on board.

"Captain Woodcutter, the two ships on the left and right wings are seriously damaged."

"En." He replied gloomyly, holding binoculars, the woodcutter was standing on the watchtower at the bow and looked around the sea area. Let the helmsman use local materials to repair the ship!" Turning the wheel of the telescope, suddenly, the woodcutter seemed to have discovered something, and raised his eyebrows suddenly, "There is still a ship on the shore?"

"...Captain! Could it be the ship of the group who stole our treasure?"

  PS: I'm sorry, there are very few more recently, because the Spring Festival is approaching, visiting relatives and friends for all kinds of meals, and I'm tired like a dog when I get home, I will try my best to make more tomorrow, forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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