Chapter 574 Separation 3
The crab spirit volunteered and sneaked into the sea to find the Achilles' heel of the Seven Star Squid King, but Ni Ling had no choice but to hold on to hope and watched the crab spirit quietly enter the sea.

Cang Yun and Mo Yuan, who suffered minor internal injuries, had their attack power weakened a lot. It took a lot of effort to fight Qi Xing and his men. Soon, they gradually became weaker.

Just when there was no news of the crab spirits under the sea, Cang Yun and the others could no longer resist, and Ni Ling stepped forward to help regardless of her own safety, suddenly, a scene that surprised everyone except Emperor Gui happened.

The black squids that had assembled to surround the Emperor Turtle suddenly dispersed one after another, tending to flee in all directions. What was even more strange was the reaction of the Seven Star Squid King, as if he had encountered a ghost.

"Old Turtle counts on you! You actually summoned the school of flame fish!"

Gritting his teeth viciously, the Seven Star Squid King glared at the Emperor Turtle resentfully, but before he could finish his sentence, he dodged and submerged into the sea, ready to flee.

"Huh? Brother Qixing, have you not taken revenge on my younger brother?"

The woodcutter, who was still pretending to be majestic on the Seven Star Squid King, saw that Qi Xing suddenly let go and was about to leave, so he immediately asked in displeasure.

"Brother, we will take revenge for this revenge next time! Today..."

The Seven Star Squid King wanted to flee while speaking, but in the next second, his words were stuck in his throat, and countless flame-like red lights rushed across the sea at a speed as shocking as lightning. The black squid and the seven-star squid king were out of sight, and before they could escape, they were already surrounded by this group of "flaming fish".

"what's the situation?"

Ni Ling blurted out a question while startled.

And randomly, the crab essence that stayed under the sea for a while also suddenly surfaced, and jumped onto the back of the emperor tortoise very quickly.

"It's a school of flame silver fish!"

"Eh?" Ni Ling was at a loss for a moment, "What is that?" But then, she suddenly looked at Emperor Gui, "Old tortoise, this is your subordinate?"

She seems to understand a little bit.

"You are pretty smart, little girl." Suddenly, Emperor Gui, who had always been calm and stable, smiled lightly.

Is it really Emperor Gui's subordinates, that is, the rescuers he found?

The ugly squid and the group of black squids seem to be very afraid of the school of fish with fiery red flame patterns. Does this mean that they can escape?
The flame silverfish, the body of the fish is as hard as iron, and its teeth can crush everything in the Beiming Sea except the black coral.

They come out in groups, and they are a race that many large sea monsters and sea races avoid, but they act extremely low-key, and only listen to the words of Emperor Gui.

So at this moment, after arriving in front of Emperor Gui, the leader of the flame silver fish quickly surfaced.

The body is huge, the fish head is huge, but the tail is relatively small. Right in front of the head of the flame silver fish, there are two rows of cold teeth the size of iron nails, exuding a frightening fishy glow, which is terrifying extreme.

"Master Emperor Gui, please forgive me for being late!"

"It's okay."

"Then I'll take this group of thugs who spared you peace and leave the windless sea."

"I'll leave with you, Qingdao!"


Emperor Gui gave an order, extremely majestic, and the next second, a group of flame silver fish received the order, and suddenly opened their terrifying mouths. At the same time, Qixing and his black squid subordinates were racking their brains to find a way Fleeing, they are extremely fast, but no matter how fast they are, they can't match the speed of this group of flame silver fish like electric current and lightning in water.

(End of this chapter)

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