Chapter 579 Helian Yinxue 4
Ni Ling and Helian Yinxue spoke almost at the same time, but after that, both of them froze in place.

In Ni Ling's impression, all the dragons of the Northern Darkness are huge in stature, have a bad temper, and are even more arrogant, but this handsome dragon man in front of her completely overturned her previous impression of the dragons.

When Helian Yinxue met the girl in front of her, she looked at herself blankly, completely ignoring his question, and suddenly raised her white sword eyebrows, which had the power to intimidate the dragon clan.

"Who are you, this king is asking you something!"

At the same time of questioning for the second time, Helian Yinxue also endured the pain on her back, and prepared to carefully look at the strange girl in front of her.

She is not a member of the Sea Clan, but she can break into the forbidden area shared by the Sea Clan and the Dragon Clan, so she must not be underestimated.

However, just as his gaze focused on the girl in front of him, he heard the girl standing in front of him shout again!
"Tail! Tail! The nine-headed ugly monster's tail is behind you, it is going to attack you, get out of the way!"

Ni Ling hadn't finished speaking, when she saw that the giant tail of the Hydra was about to slap the dragon man, her eyes were quicker and her hands were faster, two steps at a time, jumped in front of the dragon man, and the powerful defensive mask instantly disappeared from her shot out from the palm of his hand, abruptly blocking the blow. At the same time, the dragon man beside him who was lying on the ground took a deep breath and stood up. Immediately, with the support of Ni Ling, the two of them temporarily Leaving the realm where the Hydra is imprisoned.

Stopping in an open and hidden side cave, Ni Ling suddenly let go of the hand supporting the dragon man, allowing him to fall down leaning on the cave wall.

"It's really heavy!"

Panting heavily, Ni Ling, who was still drenched all over, murmured in a low voice, but it happened to fall into the ears of the dragon man, that is, Helian Yinxue.

"If you think it's too heavy, you still help me?"

After coughing twice, Helian Yinxue wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth. In the dark cave, his handsome Danfeng eyes shone extremely brightly.

"If you don't help you, you will definitely get hurt more and more. I'm not the one who refuses to save you!"

While speaking, Ni Ling snapped her fingers with both hands, and flames burst out between her ten fingers. She thought the cave was too dark, but she couldn't find anything to light the fire, so she had to extinguish the flames to get used to the dark environment at this moment.

And her series of actions were all watched by Helian Yinxue.

This girl's fire control skills must not be simple, but at first glance she seems to be an ordinary mortal, how could she have such advanced spells?
Temporarily suppressing the doubts in his heart, he broke the silence again when he met the girl in front of him.

"My surname is Helian, and my name is Yinxue. How about you?"

Helian Yinxue?

In the dim light, Ni Ling glanced at the dragon man named Helian Yinxue on the side, and didn't tell him her name, but just muttered: "All the dragons of the Northern Ming Dynasty are named Helian, I know that, but your name No, I haven’t heard of it.”

The Dragon Clan has been friends with the God Realm for generations. If it is a man of influence, she must have heard of it, but Helian Yinxue?She was completely unimpressed.

"There are many members of the Dragon Clan, so it's normal if you haven't heard of it." Helian Yinxue put away the surprise in her eyes, and said calmly, "Besides, what this king is asking is your name, so don't change the subject."

"Ni Ling!" Glancing at Helian Yinxue, Ni Ling looked back at the realm that trapped the nine-headed giant snake, and said thoughtfully, "Ni in neon clothes, a nimble spirit!"

"How did you come to the forbidden area of ​​the Black Strait?"

"The old turtle asked his subordinates to abduct me!"

"Old turtle?" Helian Yinxue frowned, "Who is that?"

"The Scarlet Green Emperor Turtle!" Glancing back at Helian Yinxue, Ni Ling immediately changed the topic, "Hey, why are you asking so many questions? Are you investigating household registration?"

(End of this chapter)

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