Chapter 602 Repeating the tragedy of thousands of years ago? 1

Ni Ling was in so much pain that she was dying, but she knew that her ability was still there.

In weakness, she weakly opened her eyes, narrowed them into slits, and glanced at the fairy doctor who was taking her pulse by the bedside.

Can people from the God Realm of Medicine God Valley not be familiar with each other?
While the little fairy doctor was still remembering whether he had ever seen the person on the bed, Ni Ling knowingly clutched her stomach and turned sideways, turning her back to everyone.

As for Ni Ling's action, in Helian Yinxue's opinion, she thought that she had something else to do.

"Ling'er, is it still hurting?"

He thought he could ease her pain.

Sitting back on the bed again, Helian Yinxue moved closer to Ni Ling, her eyes full of concern.

"You...would you like to try it for me?"

Gritting her teeth, Ni Ling managed to squeeze out a smile, and joked bravely.

After finishing speaking, she did not forget to add another sentence, "I'm fine, let the fairy doctor take care of her."

She had to hurry away this girl who was slightly younger than her, otherwise it would be difficult if she was recognized.

Then, in the huge coffin palace, only Helian Yinxue, Ni Ling and Yehuo who insisted on not leaving were left.

And at this moment, on the other side, outside the main gate of the Dragon King's Crystal Palace, a huge voyage ship wrapped in light is slowly stopping and falling.

"Who dares to trespass on the deep sea dragon clan!"

The moment the hull landed on the bottom of the sea, almost all the shrimp soldiers and crabs guarding the main palace gate would swarm up and surround the Dragon Spirit.

Everyone on the boat, except Zong Zehong and Di Gui, was dumbfounded when they saw this oppressive formation.

"Okay, step back and tell the old Dragon King that my emperor turtle has come to see him to reminisce about the old days!"

The anchor was dropped, the hatch was opened, and the deck extended to the bottom of the sea floor. With the resounding sound of vicissitudes, the Emperor Turtle in a dark blue brocade robe walked down from the top like a dragon and a tiger.

And just now, he was like a shrimp soldier and crab general as if he was facing a big enemy. When he saw the emperor tortoise, he retreated to both sides of the road, respecting and admiring him in every way.

"It turns out that Lord Turtle is here!"

It was Longgong Ye Tingwei who spoke.

"Subordinates, report now!"

"Well, hurry up!"

After the words fell, a shrimp soldier beside Ye Tingwei walked into the Dragon Palace in a blink of an eye.

"Then my lord... these people... are they?"

"Friends traveling with the old man!"

At the same time that Emperor Gui disembarked, Zong Zehong disembarked side by side with him, while the rest followed behind.

A mere mortal dares to walk side by side with the thousand-year-old tortoise of the sea clan?
The moment Zong Zehong appeared next to Emperor Gui, all the guards of the Sea Clan looked at him.

An extremely cold but handsome man, with an innate domineering aura that is dizzying and suffocating. Beside Emperor Gui, his aura is exactly the same!Who is this mortal?
When Ye Tingwei invited Emperor Gui to enter the Dragon Palace, Zong Zehong suddenly said, "Why do you want to help me?"

"Huh? The old man will help you?"

With his hands behind his back, Emperor Gui walked all the way towards the Dragon Palace, glanced at Zong Zehong faintly, and turned to deny it.

"No, the old man is not helping you, but that girl."


"Humans and monsters have different paths. She looks like a demon but not a god. You are a mortal, but you are together. This is a matter against the law of heaven. There is only one possibility to find the Water Spirit Orb, and that is related to Panlong. The old man can guess it somewhat, but The old man is only curious about two things, who is that girl named Ling'er, and...whether you will repeat the tragedy that happened thousands of years ago."

"I don't understand what you're saying."

"You'll know." Not long after.

Message from the cat: scan the whole net for yellow!All kinds of bad!Speechless!Falk!

(End of this chapter)

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