Chapter 622 The Great God Suddenly Arrives at the Dragon Palace 1
"The realm of water mist is poured by the warm water from the deep sea of ​​the Northern Underworld. Immortal spirits gather in the mist, and then gather the fragrance of flowers at the entrance of the cave. It can calm the nerves, and also has the effect of hallucinating. If you don't see anything in the Valley of Nianchen and Delusion, you will lose your mind and go crazy, and not far ahead..." While speaking, the Dragon King pointed to a jade-faced water dragon mirror not far away that was condensed with water mist, "That is The water mist mirror can predict the future and understand the past."

"If you turn it on, can you know everything?"

"It's not everything. From this mirror, you can only see some things or people at a certain stage."

"How to turn on and control it?"

Caressing the cold-touch mirror, Ni Ling saw the hope that was in front of her eyes, looked back at the Dragon King and asked.

"Use spiritual power and ideas."

"Spiritual power?"

Ni Ling was taken aback when she heard that she needed to use her spiritual power.

Spiritual power... Someone has repeatedly told her not to use too much spiritual power for the time being.

Seeing Ni Ling's hesitation, the Dragon King clearly understood something.

"Why don't you ask me to help Princess Ling open the mirror, how about?"

This is the only way to go, the Dragon King couldn't bear to think to himself.

"Is it possible?" Ni Ling's purple eyes flashed a bright light, and she looked at the Dragon King with surprise.

"Of course there is no problem. This king will open this mirror for you, and you can communicate with it with your mind."

Without waiting for Ni Ling to thank him, the Dragon King put his two fingers together, and a golden light burst out from his fingertips, directly hitting the jade mirror surface of the water mist mirror. Designating the imprint of peach blossoms between the eyebrows, the purple eyes are fixed on the water mist mirror.

She wants to see her future with Zong Zehong...

She wanted to know if Zong Zehong could inherit Panlong's legacy...

She wants to know a lot...

Thoughts were constantly jumping, and Ni Ling's eyes were locked on the mirror.

Seemingly real and illusory, on the dream-like water mist mirror, unknowingly, pictures really began to flash...

In the first picture, everyone stands proudly on the highest peak surrounded by green mountains. She has never seen that place before, but everyone in the picture seems to be smiling...

The second screen flashed quickly!
"Imperial Palace! That's Zong Zehong and I's home!"

When the resplendent and extravagant palace came into view, Ni Ling was full of excitement and couldn't help shouting.

Singing birds and fragrant flowers, beautiful and luxurious scenery, court ladies coming and going, as well as patrolling father-in-law and guards...

Seeing this, the hope in Ni Ling's heart that she would be with Zong Zehong became stronger.

They are back to the palace!They can go back!

The third picture...the fourth picture kept flashing...quickly.

In the water mist mirror, Ni Ling can see Zong Zehong, and can see his every expression...his anger, his coldness, his ruthlessness...

The further you go, the faster the screen flashes for some reason.

"Dragon King, Ling'er can't see why it jumps so fast."

The Dragon King also felt the strangeness of the water mist mirror, but he also didn't know why it happened.

The flashing speed of the screen was fast, and just when Ni Ling was trying to see the image in the mirror clearly, the cave where the mist illusion was located suddenly vibrated!
"Could it be that there is another volcanic eruption under the sea?"

The Dragon King frowned and muttered, and after thinking about it, he glanced at Ni Ling who was staggering. He cried out that it was not good, and quickly withdrew the golden light in his hand, and hurried forward to support Ni Ling.

This girl can't be hurt...

"Dragon King, what are you doing? I haven't finished watching it yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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