Chapter 632 Underground Qionglou 5
"But I won't go down with you...I don't worry."

He hesitated, Ni Ling was buried in Zong Zehong's chest, helpless.

"Princess Dan Ling, if you really come down with us, if something happens to you, the emperor will be the one who is even more worried!"

Cang Yun stroked his beard and came to Zong Zehong's side, glanced at Wuwangya, and sincerely persuaded him.

In the end... Ni Ling compromised.

"Then I'll wait for you to come up here, you can't make me wait any longer!"

Holding Zong Zehong's waist, Ni Ling confessed nicely.

In fact, it doesn't matter if she doesn't follow, with Cang Yun and Mo Yuan around, she feels relieved.

Panlong's final resting place is a sacred place even if there are hidden traps, I believe they will be able to find it.

In this way, after everything was prepared and the leader of the flame silver fish divided the fish group into two groups, Zong Zehong, Mo Yuan, and Cang Yun were ready to set off towards the bottom of Wuwang Sea Cliff.

"The impact force when going down may be very strong. You must hold on to our fins and you must not let go."

Before leaving, the leader of the flame silver fish confessed.

It took almost an instant for Zong Zehong and others to disappear before their eyes.

One second, they were still on the edge of the sea cliff, and the next second, they fell and disappeared before Ni Ling's eyes.

"Lingling, they will definitely come back soon!"

Shrinking to the height of a normal person, Yuan Qi squatted beside Ni Ling, pointing to Ni Ling's round belly.

"You also have to take good care of your baby."

"Don't worry!" Patting Yuan Qi on the shoulder, Ni Ling sat on the back of another wave of silver fish, looked left and right, and looked around for a moment, "It's boring to wait now, hey... I have to find something to do do it."


On this side, Ni Ling and Yuan Qi entertained themselves, while on the other side Zong Zehong, Cang Yun, and Mo Yuan were carried by the flame silver fish to break through the waves.

The roaring sound was endless, and there was a faint flash of lightning. The sea water soaked all of them, and it was unknown how long their bodies were suspended in the air...

Hearing a "plop", the icy sea water was piercing to the bone, and his whole body was in excruciating pain. Zong Zehong only felt a few mouthfuls of sea water, and followed the light to reappear on the sea surface.

Taking a deep breath, he brushed off the sea water on his face, and the scene that greeted his eyes made him unable to react for a while.

The sky was incomparably blue and clear, and the clear and melodious chirping of an unknown bird was heard next to his ears. Suddenly, a giant shadow flew over his head and disappeared before he could see it clearly.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

After a while, Cang Yun's shout suddenly came from not far away!

"Zong Zehong! Here I come!"

Looking again, Mo Yuan had already swam to his side.

The people are still there... and following Cang Yun are several flaming silver fishes that have turned into human shapes.

"Go ashore first!"

Coolly throwing down a sentence, Zong Zehong jumped three feet high from the water, and performed lightness kung fu to go directly to the shore closest to him.

With Ni Ling gone, only Cang Yun and Mo Yuan were left to accompany him, which made Zong Zehong a little uncomfortable.

"What is this place?"

After wringing out the drenched clothes, Zong Zehong looked around, surprised from the bottom of his heart.

The sky is as blue as jewels, the sea of ​​green is as clear as a mirror, there are huge birds flying in the sky, and there are countless strange plants around, they seem to have entered another world.

What they had just fallen into was the emerald green sea surrounded by scattered islands.

There is no Wuwang sea cliff, no endless abyss...

And Mo Yuan took out the jade slip from his bosom without hesitation.

"Let me see where it leads the way..."

(End of this chapter)

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