Chapter 636 Underground Qionglou 9
"Then I got angry! The dog jumped the wall when he was in a hurry! By a group so big..." As he said, Qiu Zhiling compared the size of the sharks, "The sharks are chasing you! Is it tolerable or unbearable, so I I played a game of chasing each other with those sharks! I took a lot of effort to ride on the head of a shark, and stabbed it into its body with the teeth that I smashed, and let it go West it dare not go east!"


Little did he know that Qiu Zhiling still had such an experience, Zong Zehong raised his eyebrows and gave him a look, and asked him to continue talking.

"Then I rode the shark in front, and the sharks chased after me. I don't know how long I ran. When I woke up, I was already in this unknown place."

"So, boy, did you come here by accident?"

Mo Yuan listened to what Qiu Zhiling said, and then said decisively.

"You can put it that way." Nodding, "But... why are you here?"

This is what Qiu Zhiling wanted to ask, how could there be such a coincidence?

However, Zong Zehong didn't speak any more, just closed his eyes and took a nap. Seeing that Zong Zehong was silent, Mo Yuan naturally helped and replied: "Boy, you don't know! This place is the ultimate goal of our trip. The place the emperor wants to find!"

"What!" Dazed for a moment, Qiu Zhiling was shocked, "This is..."

pointing at everything around...

This is, what is everyone looking for on a long trek?
"Princess Ling's stomach suddenly became bigger on the way, and she was inconvenient to move, so the emperor cruelly left her alone on the edge of Wuwang Sea Cliff."

So that's the case, Qiu Zhiling thought to himself.

The vegetation at the foot of the mountain is luxuriant, many ancient trees cover the stars in the sky, and the cries of unknown animals can be heard from time to time. After chatting with Qiu Zhiling for a while, Mo Yuan and Qiu Zhiling used the excuse of asking Qiu Zhiling to clean up. Look for Cang Yun.

"Boy, the old man hasn't come back yet. I'm a little worried about him. I'll go find him."

"Okay, then you first..."

Just before the end of Qiu Zhiling's words fell, suddenly, there was the sound of someone moving in a dense jungle.

In the next second, Zong Zehong woke up!Mo Yuan fell silent, even Qiu Zhiling perked up, and suddenly took an attacking stance.

"Who's there!"

"Cough, cough..." There was a violent coughing sound first, and then a familiar voice sounded, "Be quiet, don't worry! It's me!"

Pushing aside the leaves and emergency, followed by the fire, Cang Yun appeared in front of everyone in a panic.

"Old man!"

Mo Yuan shouted excitedly when he saw Cang Yun!Thought something happened to him.

"Hey! Brother Mo Yuan." Shaking off the leaves on his head and spitting out the branches in his mouth, Cang Yun smiled awkwardly and walked in front of Mo Yuan.

It was Qiu Zhiling who first noticed an "unidentified creature" behind Cang Yun.

"Old man, old man! What is this?"

Its body is white, it looks like an ape, its voice is immature, and its bright eyes are shining. When it sees Cang Yun, a "white monkey" Qiu Zhiling walks out from behind him, and he is in a hurry to get close to it to find out. But maybe the little guy is afraid of strangers. Qiu Zhiling approached, and hurriedly climbed onto Cang Yun's body in fright.

"Don't be afraid, this is..." Before he could tell, Cang Yun comforted the snow monkey in his arms. He was about to say who it was, but he was stunned for a moment, and looked at Qiu Zhiling from top to bottom. With a dirty appearance, he couldn't recognize who it was, "Who is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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