Chapter 638 Underground Qionglou 10
"I didn't expect such a wonderful scene on land." The leader of the flame silver fish had never been out of the Beiming Sea, and now he was stunned to see this scene.

"The jade slip refers to the bottom here!"

Just when everyone was immersed in surprise and admiration, Mo Yuan pointed to the Tiankeng with an incredulous expression on his face.

"Under here?"

Cang Yun looked at Mo Yuan in shock, as if he thought he heard it wrong.

"Yes!" Mo Yuan looked at the huge bottomless sinkhole in front of him, his face became serious for a moment, such a strange pit, dangerous and unpredictable, no one knows what's below.

"How do we get down?"

At this moment, Qiu Zhiling asked this crucial question.

The strange tiankeng, surrounded by green hills, is surrounded by lush vegetation and ancient vines, but careful observation can reveal that the rock wall of the tiankeng exposed behind the lush vegetation is steep and trapped.

"The cliff wall of this tiankeng is flat and there is no place to stand, and there is no way to go down!"

Mo Yuan stopped in front of the tiankeng to investigate, and suddenly came to a conclusion.

"Even if we can't go down, we will go down."

Suddenly, Zong Zehong, who had never spoken, said coldly.

Staring at the huge tiankeng in front of him, perhaps in the eyes of anyone, this is an insurmountable barrier, but it is like the test of the Panlong. An unreachable inheritance.

For a while, several of them stood on the top of the mountain, staring and meditating around the tiankeng, the surrounding mist gradually dissipated, and a clearer scene appeared in front of them, just opposite the edge of the tiankeng where they were standing, came a The sound of the waterfall falling, it turns out that there are several hanging springs on the opposite cliff and falling into the bottom of the pit. The surrounding springs are also covered with rare and exotic grasses, filled with fairy air, which seems real and unreal.

Such a beautiful scenery is too beautiful to behold, but Zong Zehong knew that he was facing the biggest challenge, just when everyone was helpless and did not know how to get down to the low end, suddenly!A white monkey in Cang Yun's arms screamed, landed lightly, scratched its little head, turned to look at Cang Yun with innocent eyes, and cried a few more times, as if talking to him.

"Little guy, do you have something to tell me?"

Cang Yun knelt down and stroked the white monkey's head, asking with kindness in his eyes.

Seemingly understanding Cang Yun's words, the white monkey nodded, and ran away from Cang Yun's palm in a second.

"Hey! Where are you going, little guy?"

Seeing the white monkey slipping away, Cang Yun was about to get up to chase, but suddenly found the white monkey jumped down the tiankeng and disappeared without a trace.

Zong Zehong and Qiu Zhiling also saw this scene.

Seeing this scene, Zong Zehong suddenly raised his eyebrows and wanted to go forward to investigate, but Qiu Zhiling got there first.


Rubbing his chin and muttering, Qiu Zhiling squatted down on the edge of the tiankeng where the white monkey disappeared and looked down with his hands on the ground, and suddenly found the dangerous stone ladder blocked by dense vines.

"Big ice cube! Look! There is a way to go down!"

Qiu Zhiling pushed aside the vine excitedly, and in an instant, ten stairs in the shape of steps were revealed in front of them.

"Manual excavation! Although it has been in disrepair for a long time, there must be a trail leading to the bottom of this cliff."

As Cang Yun said, the real fire of samadhi suddenly ignited in his palm, "Go!" The next second, the real fire like a slender fire dragon fell on the vines covering the path, and in the blink of an eye, a line was clearly visible. The steep trail caught everyone's eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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