Chapter 656 The Real Coiling Dragon Divine Power 2
Holding the torch, Wu Yazi took the lead and walked in the front, and a group of people followed him, step by step, all the way down the stone ladder.

Although holding torches, in fact, the ever-bright lights on the walls along the deep secret passage also brightened the space they were in.

On the left side of the spiraling stone ladder is a hard millennium wall, while on the right side without railings, there is bottomless darkness.

"Old man, what is Longquan?"

I don't know how long I've been walking, but Qiu Zhiling suddenly made a sound and asked before seeing the end.

"The old man is not very clear. I only know that it is my group's mysterious forbidden area. Only people above the elders can enter, and the source of God King's power is in this place called Longquan."

"It's time to go for an hour, why don't you see the bottom?"

Just as Wu Yazi finished answering Qiu Zhiling's question, Mo Yuan couldn't help asking again.

"Longquan is in the deepest part of the ground. Hurry up. If you walk a little longer, you will reach the Golden Lion and Bronze Gate."

Wu Yazi's "for a while" lasted for nearly three hours.

When they saw the bronze door that Wu Yazi mentioned, everyone's legs were numb and their feet were sore, they leaned against the wall to rest.

"I'm depressed! After walking for so long, I would have flown down if I knew it!"

Qiu Zhiling knocked on his calf and grunted sadly, not paying attention to the huge and solemn bronze door in front of him that exuded an ancient atmosphere.

"Hahaha!" After drinking the clear water handed by his granddaughter Lanji, Wu Yazi laughed three times when he heard Qiu Zhiling's complaint, "Boy! Strength, let alone strength, I am afraid that this young master's internal strength will not be able to use it!"

When Qiu Zhiling heard it, he didn't believe it at first, but he secretly raised his inner breath, but he really had no power at all. He was secretly shocked but didn't show it, he just glanced at Zong Zehong and saw his twisted face. With a serious expression on his eyebrows, he knew it was true.

In Wu Yazi's words, even here, they have no power to resist the enemy, just like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

"Then what should we do now?"

Suddenly, Zong Zehong, who seldom spoke, spoke coldly, looked at Wu Yazi lightly, and spotted the bronze door behind him.

Smiling calmly, staring at Zong Zehong, Wu Yazi said nothing, but slowly raised his hand, and put his palm into a dusty groove on the side of the bronze door.

That should be the switch to open the copper door, Zong Zehong looked at it and thought to himself.

But the reality was different from what he had imagined. Not only did the copper door not open, but after a loud muffled noise, densely packed rusty copper thorns suddenly appeared on the door.

Fortunately, Mo Yuan and the others hid in time, otherwise they would have been pierced and turned into hedgehogs!
"Old man, are you cheating?!"

The sudden crisis woke up Qiu Zhiling's alarm, and instantly pointed the finger at Wu Yazi, but in the next second, Lan Ji slapped his arm back.

"Stinky boy, don't spit blood! No one can open the bronze door!"

"Brother, do you dare to touch the young master?"

"What's wrong with touching you? You are the one who beat my grandfather disrespectfully!" Said Lan Ji raised a non-aggressive fist and went towards Qiu Zhiling.

Just as Qiu Zhiling was about to fight back, Zong Zehong roared, "Shut up, everyone!"

With momentum like a mountain falling, Zong Zehong's scolding made Qiu Zhiling and Lan Ji froze in place.

His black eyes were as cold as ice blades, and his thick eyebrows were as sharp as a sword. The feeling of being so cold to the marrow made everyone present shudder.

"Uh...haha, don't get angry, don't get angry, this old man is just trying to trick me!"

(End of this chapter)

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