Chapter 659 Longquan 2
With the coldness in his eyes gone, Zong Zehong's voice was deep and gentle, but there was a strong affection.

"It's okay to be naughty! The baby is more important! Zong Zehong, Linger misses you, when will you come back?"

Every word, Zong Zehong could hear that Ni Ling's words revealed deep concern, how long has he been away from her?Think about it... His Linger is really dependent on him.

"Soon, we are already at the gate of the Bronze Gate." I believe that we will be able to enter Longquan soon, as long as his darling can use her clever head to figure out how to open the gate.

On the other side of the illusion, Ni Ling was obviously overjoyed when he heard that Zong Zehong and the others had found the entrance, "It went so smoothly? Hey, the old man next to him is very strange!"

"Ling'er, don't worry about it."

Mo Yuan reminded Zong Zehong that the floating phantom could not last for a long time, so speak quickly.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Tilting his head, Ni Ling moved closer to the phantom, as if he had zero distance from Zong Zehong.

"This door cannot be opened."

Turning sideways, Zong Zehong pointed to the huge bronze door behind him.

"Can't open? Why?"

Through the video, Ni Ling stared blankly at the closed ancient bronze door behind everyone, which was covered with spikes for some reason.

"There is an agency?"

"Yes, but it seems that it cannot be opened." Zong Zehong added.

"Is it because the way of triggering the mechanism is wrong?"

In fantasy, Ni Ling stroked her delicate chin and raised her eyebrows thinking, and murmured.

"Princess Ling, the patriarch of this tribe, Senior Wu Yazi, just said that the door must be opened by someone recognized by Panlong, but after the emperor put his hand on it, instead of starting it, he was almost blocked by the copper thorns on the door. Hurt." Mo Yuan straightened out all the things and talked to Ni Ling, and then, everyone looked at the beautiful girl who was thinking in fantasy, and fell silent...

Can this guy figure out a way?
Nobody knows what to do right now, so... just wait.

"The person identified by Panlong? When I won the jade slip during the trip to the ghost city before, I knew that the person identified was my man, that's right! It is certain that the mechanism cannot be opened by hand. The mechanism made thousands of years ago, at that time Zong Zehong still doesn’t know where it is!” After analyzing bit by bit, Ni Ling turned around and said, “So the way to open the mechanism is definitely not fingerprints!” Ni Ling seems to be sure of this, “Xiao Ling, go Take a look at the mechanism that touches the copper door, and describe it to me."

"Okay! Lingling, you wait."

As soon as Qiu Zhiling heard that his good partner had given him a "difficult" task, he turned around and carefully walked over those sharp copper thorns, and walked around to the organ.

"Rectangular, with grooves, and it seems... there are a few holes in the middle! But it's been a long time! I can't see it clearly!"

While gesticulating and talking, Qiu Zhiling looked at it seriously.

"Grooves? Holes?" Ni Ling was taken aback for a moment, full of doubts, what is that?
The little head was running fast, Ni Ling thought back and forth, suddenly!A string in her mind tensed, she seemed to think of something...

"There are holes in the middle of the square groove, how many holes are there?"

It seems to realize something.Ni Ling asked quickly.

"Hmm... I'll count!"

As Qiu Zhiling said, he lowered his body, leaned closer to the groove of the mechanism, and counted carefully, "It seems... there are five holes!"

"That's right! Mo Yuan took out the jade slip and put it in!"

Tomorrow is the most important exam in a cat's life.So the update is intermittent, because the cat hasn't reviewed T for anything. T wait until the day after tomorrow after the exam, I will finish the article quickly and post a new article

 Tomorrow is the most important exam in a cat's life.So the update is intermittent, because the cat didn't review anything,
(End of this chapter)

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