Chapter 710 Even Without Memory 8
This is to say that wearing Linyue costume is better than bringing Linyue to fly, and Zong Linyue, who was protected in Qiu Zhiling's arms, was very excited when he saw so many bats flying towards them, but both of them seemed to have ignored the fighting power of vampire bats.

If you want to talk about vampire bats, one would be crushed to death with one hand, but if there are thousands of bats densely packed, it would be hard to say...

But it was too late when Qiu Zhiling realized the danger.

The flying dragon was instantly surrounded by vampire bats, and was pecked out countless small wounds in an instant. The painful flying dragon couldn't help but let out a dragon moan, and began to become restless, completely forgetting that there were two people on the dragon's back. In seconds, Feilong tossed and turned, and threw Qiu Zhiling and Zong Linyue out in an instant.

Qiu Zhiling watched Zong Linyue fall quickly because of his miss, and his frightened crying echoed in his ears.

Dumbfounded and even forgot to save himself, Qiu Zhiling saw Zong Linyue disappear in the blink of an eye, his heart sank, his heart was full of mixed feelings, he had caused a catastrophe!

Just when he didn't know what to do, a gorgeous purple light arc suddenly appeared in the sky full of vampire bats. Before Qiu Zhiling understood what happened, he watched the light arc catch the rapidly falling Zong Linyue broke out of the siege.


Zong Linyue only felt suddenly hugged by a fragrant embrace, but he was so frightened that he still cried and started calling Zong Zehong. In the most critical time, children used to look for their parents.

"Ouch! Baby, your snot and tears are all over me! Don't cry!"

Ni Lingben was wandering around on the battlefield, looking here and there, but he didn't want to be attracted by the dragon chant that suddenly came from the sky. At first glance, it turned out to be a huge flying dragon being killed by a group of The vampire bats were surrounded, and what's more, two people fell from above.

One big and one small.

She can only save one, of course only the young one?

The little one was rescued, and they landed safely on a raised high slope, temporarily safe.

Looking at the distressed child crying in front of her, Ni Ling suddenly lost her mind.

"This... baby?" She didn't know the child's name, but seeing the handsome appearance carved in pink and jade, she decided to call him baby for now.


Wiping her tears with her little hands, Zong Linyue didn't notice that she was safe at all.

"Don't cry, don't cry, come here, my sister will wipe it for you."

As Ni Ling said, she knelt down, pulled out a brocade handkerchief from her waist, pulled away the little boy's little hand, and wiped his nose and tears indiscriminately.

"Little baby, it won't be pretty anymore if you cry!" With a smile on her face and extremely gentle, Ni Ling blinked her purple eyes at the little boy who was close at hand, then pretended to be angry and said, "Enen! Don't cry That's good! If I let my sister know which stupid idiot put you in this danger, my sister will beat him into a pig's head for you! Do you think it's okay?"

Wiping the tears off the face of the boy in front of him constantly, Ni Ling murmured softly, and Zong Linyue, after looking at the breathlessly beautiful purple eyes in front of her for a moment, seemed to find something, bursting into tears. Laugh, very excited.

"Purple! Purple eyes!"

Brother Ling said that his mother also had such beautiful purple eyes!Just like his!
(End of this chapter)

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