Chapter 214 Su Ying's Choice! (5)

Su Ying now.

She has already become sensitive and fragile when it comes to feelings!
Any slight turmoil would make her heart lose her sense of completeness, and her hope and longing for the future.Because the previous injury was too deep and too heavy...

In this life, I don't want to repeat that kind of pain again.

I'd rather be alone, I'd rather be wandering all my life...

Su Ying decided not to return to the capital, and would not contact Lie Yan again.

The car was driving crazily on the street.

Finally, I came to a beach.

She thinks a lot.

I thought about it a lot...

Happened from birth to the age of nine.

Then to the years with adoptive parents, and then to meeting Tang Yiling.

From marriage to divorce, love to heartache to despair!

She has been growing.

Never regretted it, never regretted it.

Stayed in W city for two years, mixed with a group of people who had the same experience.

It's been ridiculous, but also happy.

Then gradually forget about Tang Yiling...

However, when did he seem to become so important again...

Su Ying didn't know.

In the Tang family villa.

When Tang Yiling heard Aunt Fang say, "Young Mistress has been back many times."

He was stunned for a while, and then there was surprise in his eyes.

But, soon he was disillusioned again!

Because of the phone she left for Aunt Fang, he has been calling.

From the morning to the afternoon, and then to the evening, the phone was cut off.

After dialing for nearly three hours, she still didn't answer?

If you keep calling, the phone is turned off? !

"Brother Ling, what's the matter with you?" The woman sitting on the sofa asked quietly.

A little cramped and uneasy.

When Tang Yiling heard this, he changed his smile reluctantly, and said gently, "It's okay, it's just that your sister-in-law...she didn't answer my call. I don't know what's wrong with her? I'm a little worried." It was like chatting about family affairs.

"Oh. Take your time, sister-in-law will be back."

"Well, I will be back." Tang Yiling said calmly, but her tone was affirmative, more like telling herself that she would definitely come back.

At this time, Aunt Fang brewed a cup of tea.

(End of this chapter)

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