Chapter 244 The Inexplicable Mistress Strikes (12)

Su Ying fell on the sofa speechlessly, "What is the origin of that woman?"

Tang Yiling glanced at her. As soon as the woman came out of the restaurant, he had already sent someone to investigate. Now he had already grasped the information of the woman and found out who the boyfriend she was pointing at was a bit upset because of this. Seeing Su Ying asking this question, she still said, "Feng Zi, the only daughter of the jewelry magnate Feng Qiming."

"Crazy?" Suddenly, Su Ying couldn't help laughing! "It's so funny, sure enough, that woman is crazy!"

Tang Yiling's long and narrow phoenix eyes just stared at her so closely, without smiling.

Let this guy be arrogant, and reminded: "The seal of Kaifeng, the purple of purple."

"Oh, I see, anyway, that woman is crazy." Su Ying still smiled, without any seriousness.Smiling and laughing, she stopped laughing a little, approached Tang Yiling, tugged at his sleeve lightly, and said in a low voice, "Hey, why don't you laugh at such a funny thing?"

This is the point!

In fact, she just wanted to make him laugh.


Just about to be with him wholeheartedly, why did such a thing happen?

An oolong, a complete oolong, but that woman damned called out Su Ying's name.

This is good, even jumping into the Yellow River will not wash it off.

It should be considered a miracle that he didn't get into a rage today!
"Laugh, Su Ying! Is there a man in the world who can still laugh when he hears that he is wearing a cuckold?" Tang Yiling stared at her. After all, the feigned anger was harmless. Like a child's home.

Su Ying is in a good mood!
Seeing him like this means he's fine.

Sure enough, he believed her.

"Ah, that's great..." As he said that, he leaned to the side, his head just resting on Tang Yiling's big feet, and his beautiful lips were slightly raised, beautiful and charming. "Tang Yiling, you have changed!"

"Huh?" The inquiring gaze came down.

"Becoming more and more handsome!"

"It's almost there."

"Ha ha……"

(End of this chapter)

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