Chapter 405 Obstacles (1)

"Su Ying..."

Tang Yiling rushed downstairs forcefully.

As a result, he couldn't take a step out of the main house.

The guards are very strict outside. No matter how strong a person is, he can't deal with dozens of men, and all of them are very skilled.

In the end, his hands and feet were tied and he was thrown on the sofa in the hall to wait for news.

I can only wait for news here.

When the bodyguard who tied him up said politely: "Mr. Tang, I hope you cooperate. If we hurt you, we can't explain it to the eldest lady."

Tang Yiling asked, "Stop, how many months is your young lady pregnant?" This question is very important.

The bodyguard hesitated.

Seeing that he was so excited just now, it was obviously for the good of the eldest lady.

"It's been more than eight months..." The bodyguard retreated a few steps, and a large group of people still watched over Tang Yiling, and they were not affected by Su Ying's incident.

Besides, when Tang Yiling heard that Su Ying was eight months pregnant, he froze in a daze!
The child is his?
There is no need to doubt this point, eight months ago, she was only with him!Who else would the child have besides him?

"This damn woman..." She was pregnant without notifying him?Don't say a word?Not even a phone call? !Didn't she know how to do this, and he felt that she had a guilty conscience? !

He is just a mortal, not a saint, and he will count anything!

Suddenly, Tang Yiling bit a certain button on the collar, and said in a low voice: "Go to the hospital and see how the young lady is... and report to me anytime." , but did not expect to use it to inquire about Su Ying's news.In a hurry, he habitually referred to her as "Young Mistress", but she is already divorced... Just now I asked those bodyguards when Su Ying was pregnant.

Hours, anxiously waiting.

(End of this chapter)

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