Chapter 420 The truth of being exploited (9)

However, there was one very important doubt that he could not figure out.

"Bang!" He pushed open the door.

When Lie Yan saw Tang Yiling, surprise appeared in his eyes, but he was calm and composed.

"Didn't expect you to go and come back?"

"What you said is true?" Tang Yiling questioned, his eyes fixed on Lie Yan when he asked.Hearing the truth, Tang Yiling couldn't calm down even now.Grandpa, he doesn't understand why even grandpa would do this?Why must Su Ying be killed?Just this point, he couldn't figure it out, and it didn't make sense, and it was precisely because of this point that he couldn't help but doubt it.

"You doubt?" Lie Yan asked back.

"Su Ying is my wife and my grandfather's granddaughter-in-law. Why did he plan to kill her so carefully? Could it be that the two of them have enmity?!" Tang Yiling questioned, asking Lie Yan and Xiao Han, "Su Ying I once said that my grandfather owed her a blood debt. I didn’t quite understand it at first, but now I understand a little. If my grandfather really sent someone to kill her, it would be a blood debt, but before that, the two had been getting along very well. Besides, Back then, if grandpa didn't like her, he wouldn't let her marry in. Could it be that he suddenly killed her today? Don't you think it's ridiculous—"

Tang Yiling's questions were all normal, and none of them were wrong.

To kill, there must always be a motive.

The old man had no motive. If he killed someone just to force Su Ying to divorce, the motive would be too far-fetched and too absurd, and his credibility would not be high.Therefore, Tang Yiling was suspicious, especially if the one was his relatives.

Lie Yan was silent.

There are some things that he knows are not something he can say casually.

Especially in front of the person involved - Xiao Han.

Even though he was also the party involved back then, he was still young after all.

The atmosphere suddenly raised the solemnity to the peak.

"Why don't you talk? It's just now, and you guys are also acting for me, so if I'm sure, I'll turn back?"

Tang Yiling's sharp eyes swept over the two of them, and because of the alcohol, they added a touch of wantonness and violence.

(End of this chapter)

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