Chapter 450 I've Been Staring at You (1)

Su Ying walked upstairs slowly.

Leaving Yaya's gun on his back generously, Feng Zi gave Yaya a contemptuous look.

What did he say just now?

Guaranteed that she would not dare to shoot with a gun like her, and immediately verified that what he just said was bullshit.


Elegantly put away the gun, "If I shot a woman and killed her because she didn't eat, it would be absurd."

Compared to this, wouldn't it be more absurd for him to pull out a gun and threaten a woman for dinner?
Then, Yaya's eyes flashed, and she said regretfully in a light voice, "You also know...I hate people wasting on the dining table the most."

To explain is to cover up, no matter what kind of action, elegant can't get rid of the word "absurd".

"Oh, I see." With this sentence, Feng Zi didn't look too contemptuous and elegant.

She also knew that elegant habits are special, and he doesn't like to see others waste food.

It's just that this time, he can't get angry if he doesn't like it, because that person who wastes food is not easy to provoke,

So, he casually threw out a sentence: "Just get used to it, and eat it if you are afraid of wasting it."

Yaya stared at Su Ying's leftover food, and the corner of her mouth twitched.

If it's so cold, let him eat what the woman left? !
At this time, he secretly scanned Su Ying's back who was about to disappear on the stairs, so he had better endure it!
Then, pretend you didn't see it.

As if nothing happened, he ate his food calmly and contentedly.

Feng Zi had almost eaten too much.

She suddenly said, "Tang Yiling should be back this week."


"Company. Such a big company, how could he leave it alone?"

Elegantly raised his eyebrows, "It's hard to say. The company is on track, and he can work remotely." He revealed a fact, besides, there are so many bosses who work remotely now, and only occasionally... go to the company.

"Some of the documents must be autographed."

"This one is simpler. Could it be that so many of his subordinates are idlers? They don't even understand a few documents?"


(End of this chapter)

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