Chapter 463 Planned, unable to keep up with changes (2)

"Missy went to City A..." Ah Qiang said hesitantly, and finally answered: " seems to be a person. Lie Yan is still in the capital, so the young lady may be in danger. I once heard that when I was in the capital I have been to some inside information, saying that the eldest lady is being hunted down by a group of people."

"...She's in City A?"

Tang Yiling's dim eyes flashed, and then he restrained himself. It was true that she was hunted down by others. He had already ordered those people to retreat to the island, so she is safe now.

However, she actually came to City A alone, why?
children? !As smart as she is, she must already know that the child is here.

Therefore, Tang Yiling originally planned to set off tomorrow, but decided to advance it so that he could get ready in the shortest possible time.

She is in city A, as long as she is in city A, it will not be difficult for him to find her.

He turned and went back into the room.

Coming directly to the child, his expression softened unconsciously.

Gently holding the child's chubby little hand, "baby, daddy will pick up mommy, okay? From now on... our family will live together." The baby is now two months old and is being taken care of carefully. Underneath, she is very healthy and cute. Anyone who sees her can't help but want to hug and kiss her.

He believed that when she saw the child... she would be very happy.


Tang Yiling immediately appeared in City A.

In the new villa, he listened to the reports of his subordinates.

It is said that some time ago, a woman who looked very similar to the young mistress often appeared near the company.

It's just that it hasn't appeared in the past few days. . .

"Is she looking for me?" Tang Yiling's cold eyes flashed with confusion.

is this real?
Will she really come to him? !
This kind of thought made him never think of... Did she really come to him?
Suddenly, he regretted it!

Why move the villa, why sell the previous villa? !

After listening, Tang Yiling rushed out the door and drove out in the car.

(End of this chapter)

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