Chapter 474 Planned, unable to keep up with changes (16)

According to the original plan, it was Su Ying who lured Tang Yiling away, and then asked them to find a way to kidnap him.

But why are there only the two of them here today?
Feng Zi asked, "I didn't see that woman today, where did she go?" She was going to ask, of course, Su Ying. She was the one who came up with the idea before, but at the critical moment, she disappeared.

"She can't come." Yaya replied in a low voice: "I locked her in the room. That woman didn't really cooperate with us at all. At this time, she has less value to use... If it fails this time, that's fine too. Take her hostage."

"So it is."

"I changed my plan suddenly, do you agree..." There was a hint of questioning in his tone.

"Whatever you want." Feng Zi didn't stop him.

"Thank you!" In order to express her gratitude, Ya Ya gently hugged Feng Zi, and whispered in her ear: "The hunt has begun!" He slowly took out the hidden pistol, but he was not in a hurry, and still hid behind Feng Zi as if nothing had happened.

The so-called hunting is waiting for the right time.

As a killer, in addition to experience, he also has a special intuition, feeling that he can succeed at that moment.

And at this moment, the more nervous the two of them were, the more relaxed and casual they acted...

Like all passengers waiting to board the plane, nothing out of the ordinary.


Elegantly drew the corners of her mouth slightly, as if she was chatting with others, but between laughing and chatting, she talked about different topics: "Madman, do you know? Long, long ago, when I first fought against Tang Yiling , I made a vow when I came back. In this life, I will aim to kill Tang Yiling, so, when I saw him... I felt that killing him seemed more important than that old man."

"It's okay, get rid of the younger ones first, and then find a chance to deal with the older ones."

Feng Zi actually agreed? !

Elegance is a little touching.

(End of this chapter)

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