Chapter 481 Alley Fright! (5)

She took out another one and continued to light it.

Waiting, for any reason, is annoying,
Only smoke—can keep her calm for a while,

Suddenly, she discovered that smoking is really a good thing, which keeps her awake now.

Killing people is really not a pleasant thing.

But, she was about to do it.

In the process of doing it, it is also likely to be killed.

At this moment, unexpectedly, she thought of Xiao Enze, and the impression had never been so clear.

Or, she and he are the same type of person.

It's just that at the last moment, there was still a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and could she do it?

It seems very difficult... Jealousy, in an instant, she was a little jealous of Xiao Enze, she could die so happily even if she died.

Did he mean it?
You are angry with her, so you are laughing?


Su Ying lowered her eyelids dimly, her black eyes without waves were like a deep pool of night that does not flow.

Suddenly, the eyes moved.

With a tight right hand holding the gun, a car drove up from a distance and stopped in front of the villa.

Who else would dare to stop there besides Yaya and Feng Zi?

So, she slowly raised her hand and aimed.

The moment he got out of the car, the moment he was unprepared, he should be shot and sent to heaven.However, she is also gambling.Compared with marksmanship, I dare not say it is very accurate, as long as she is calm, she will not deviate too far, and occasionally, she will be terribly accurate.

So, she is betting.

Bet you can hit him!
The moment she raised the gun, she told herself she must calm down!
Must be calm!


The car door opened quickly!
At this time, a person came down from inside——

In an instant, when she saw that person, Su Ying's hand trembled, but luckily she retracted the gun in time.

Ah Qiang? !How did he come here?

Not long after, several more cars appeared and quickly surrounded the villa.It looks like someone from the Tang family.Did they find it here too?

Su Ying turned sideways and hid in the alley.

(End of this chapter)

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