Chapter 486 For love, but imprisoned (1)

Tang Yiling pursed her lips and looked at her with complicated eyes without saying a word.

Su Ying looked directly at him, but finally looked away first, "Tang Yiling, it's impossible for us. Some things happen and we can't go back..."

"My grandfather is dead."

Tang Yiling squinted his eyes slightly and asked, he didn't want any accidents to happen because of this misunderstanding.

Su Ying looked at Tang Yiling suspiciously, "You said he was dead?" Lie!It was completely different from what Ah Qiang said. Ah Qiang said that he went to the hospital for an examination, and the dead man was not the old man at all. Why did he say that the old man died?Tang Yiling was lying?Or is Ah Qiang talking?Su Ying thinks the former is more likely.

After going through so much, she suddenly felt that it was difficult for her to trust anyone. Even if this person was Tang Yiling, she would still be skeptical.

What's more, the old man is his close relative, so it's not surprising that he would help the old man cover up.

However, there are two things she will never forget,
First, the mother probably died at the hands of the old man, and second, if Xiao Enze hadn't risked his life to save her, she would have died in the hospital long ago...

A little tired.

Su Ying broke away from Tang Yiling's embrace.

He got up and wanted to leave, but Tang Yiling grabbed his wrist—note, it was the bowl in his left hand.

The hand that touched a little bit of consciousness but couldn't make any effort... This is another crime committed by the Tang family.

"You don't believe me?" Tang Yiling narrowed his eyes to Su Ying's, and the eyes became deeper and deeper.

Su Ying glanced at Tang Yiling indifferently.

Calm, not in a hurry, not impetuous, "I don't want to quarrel with you, and I don't want to have any unpleasantness with you. You are you, that old man is that old man, I have always been very clear. I have never been out of resentment against that old man , and hate you, so...don't think too much about it."

It's not that she doesn't want to hate, but that she can't hate him.

However, let her abandon everything and live with him as if nothing had happened, for the time being, she asked herself——she couldn't do it yet.

(End of this chapter)

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