Chapter 492 For love, but imprisoned (7)

"Wait for me outside! If you are afraid that I will escape, ask someone to guard the front door, the back door, and the bathroom door."

Su Ying said with a cold face, and slowly rescued her own hand from Tang Yiling's. Slowly, really slowly, it wasn't that she thought it was so slow, and it wasn't that it was interesting to be so slow, but that the force— ——Because a handsome guy is holding it too tightly, and she can't shake it too fast, she can only slowly...

Looking back on this scene a few years later, how would I feel?

ten minutes later.

A group of people waited and boarded the car again.

Su Ying was sadly almost escorted onto the boat.

in the cabin.

Likewise, she couldn't leave his sight for a second.

"Is this interesting?" Su Ying asked Tang Yiling more than once, she was very serious, and she was asking him very seriously.

After so many things, how could he act like nothing happened?
"Don't you want to go back and see the child?"

Tang Yiling's heart had been hiding too much uneasiness. She had escaped too many times. Even in the toilet or at sea, he felt that he would be hard to guard against.He can have confidence in anyone, but it is difficult for him to be confident in front of her, because she is his weakness.

Su Ying was startled, and then she narrowed her eyes and asked softly, "Will you threaten me with your child?"

Tang Yiling looked at the sea outside, his deep eyes were as incomprehensible as the sea.

He didn't answer Su Ying's words.

It's just that Su Ying's question just now caused a flash of pain in her eyes, which is a kind of injury from not being trusted.

Who wants their loved one to doubt themselves?
However, Tang Yiling had nothing to say, because he knew that adoptive parents were very important to her, so he threatened her twice with them.

Therefore, in her mind, it is normal for him to use his son to imprison her again.

It's normal for her to have this kind of thought, who is to blame?

It's strange, there have been too many misunderstandings during this period of time...

Finally, to the island.

got off the boat.

(End of this chapter)

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