Chapter 494 For love, but imprisoned (9)

That stubborn woman was crying silently when she saw the child.

Moreover, at some point, he carefully squatted beside the small bed,

Even holding on to the railing on the side of the crib, I was worried that I would startle the baby...

"Baby, mom, mom came to see you... Mom saw you!"

Su Ying couldn't hold it back any longer, the tears kept flowing, the bitterness in her heart and the patience of so many months, it seemed as if there was a dam all of a sudden, all poured out!Unable to suppress it, the moment she saw the child, she could no longer pretend to be strong,

"Are you okay? Have you been wronged..."

——"Mom misses you very much..."

——"I really want to, and I'm worried that something will happen to you."


With tears in her eyes, Su Ying couldn't make a sound, but couldn't help muttering, talking to the child.

The child's curious gaze occasionally looked at her.

However, can such a small child understand it?
Can't understand!
However, the little baby seemed to be able to feel the sadness from his mother, so he cried "Wow!"

This time, Su Ying panicked!
She had absolutely no idea what to do.

Although she is a mother, she has never taken care of a child before, and she doesn't know how to take care of her. She was so dazed, confused and at a loss, with tears in her eyes, "Don't cry, baby, I'm sorry, I'm sorry !...It's all mother's fault..."

The more Su Ying coaxed, the more the child cried.

Situation, a little out of control.

Suddenly, Tang Yiling pulled her up and hugged her tightly.

In such a situation, he couldn't remain calm, and said softly, "Ying, don't cry, it's all because I didn't protect you well, I'm sorry..."

He pressed her cheek against his chest, keeping her from seeing the child for a while.

At this time, hearing the baby crying, the maids also came in and coaxed the baby.

Tang Yiling signaled that the two of them would take the child away temporarily.

Seeing the child for the first time, Su Ying was too excited, he couldn't let her emotions fluctuate too much, "Calm down, the child is fine. From now on, I will definitely protect you, really, trust me again, just Just once."

He whispered earnestly in her ear, which was like an oath and a promise.

It's just that Su Ying's mood is unstable now, and she doesn't know if she has listened.

She leaned quietly in his arms.


Finally, she still cried out!

Holding back tears, it's been too long...

This cry was like a flash flood. He cried for a long time, for a long time. He was so tired from crying that he fell asleep in Tang Yiling's arms, and the shirt on his chest was already wet a lot.

He put her gently on the bed...

It was already late at night when Su Ying woke up again.

It was very quiet outside.

There was a dim light in the room.

And she was lying on the bed, covered with a white sheet.

Tang Yiling fell asleep half leaning on the bed, but his big hand was still tightly holding her hand.

Looking at this familiar handsome face, Su Ying couldn't express her sadness.The dim eyes looked at the baby's crib again, but in vain, his eyes widened, and he sat up suddenly, showing panic, shaking Tang Yiling eagerly, "Where is the child? Tang Yiling, where is my child?!"

Tang Yiling woke up startled, seeing her appearance, couldn't help feeling distressed.Soothing softly, "It's okay, the child is in the next room and someone is taking care of it." For fear that the child would disturb Su Ying's sleep, Tang Yiling asked for the child to be moved to the next room for the first time.

Hearing this, Su Ying was inexplicably relieved.

She lay down again slowly.

He closed his eyes and gradually calmed himself down.

(End of this chapter)

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