Chapter 497 For love, but imprisoned (13)

Tang Yiling was extremely busy with work, while Su Ying stayed by the child's side and didn't go anywhere.

On the island, it is different from City A.

No matter how tightly guarded Tang Yiling was in City A, Su Ying could find a loophole to escape.And this island is like a prison on the sea, without communication, and there is no means of escape. Moreover, if you go to sea rashly, you may not even know the direction, and you will be completely useless if you die in the sea.Right now, all we can do is wait and see what happens...

And in the waiting time.

She hopes to be with her son all the time.

So, the next few days.

Su Ying didn't do anything other than stay by her son's side.

No matter day or night.

An extra minute of time together is very precious to her.Because, she didn't know when she would leave suddenly, and she would never see her baby again.Therefore, every day, every second, she put all her energy on the child, thus forgetting a lot of troubles and ignoring one person...

until one night.

Tang Yiling asked the servant to come up and invite her downstairs for supper, three times in a row, but she ignored it every time.

Tang Yiling waited downstairs for more than an hour.The food was cold. He made all these things himself, and he carefully prepared them for her, just to surprise her.But in the end, she didn't even come down to take a look...

"What is young mistress doing? Are you busy? Isn't someone taking care of young master?" Tang Yiling narrowed his eyes slightly and asked the servant dangerously.

The maid didn't know how to answer for a while, so she replied, "I'm... I'm sitting. The young master is asleep." In fact, Su Ying seemed to be in a daze.However, even if she doesn't go downstairs, the current people can't force her to go downstairs.

Tang Yiling remained silent.

Clutching a diamond ring.

Originally, he had been looking for an opportunity to put it on for her, but it seemed that he didn't need it right now.

After a while, he waved his hand to signal the maid to step back, and asked someone to clean up the things on the table.


(End of this chapter)

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