Chapter 598 The result of the diagnosis (1)

In order to see his daughter, Xiao Han had no choice but to put down his self-esteem and come to the hospital.

Of course, I made a little excuse and said that I was going to the hospital for an examination, so I stopped by to take a look.But everyone can see that Xiao Han's body is fine. He didn't come once a month before, but now he has come several times in just a few days.Why didn't you come to see Su Ying?
However, Su Ying wisely did not expose him.

There is a little surprise.

Elegance and Xiao Han get along well.

One old and one young.

They often play chess together, as long as Ya Ya doesn't have a headache, they are generally very obedient.

Just because he was obedient, Su Ying didn't have to work too hard.

However, Su Ying became more and more worried.

What disease did not find out after several days of investigation?Whether it is good or bad, there should always be a little notice.

In the afternoon, the attending physician called Su Ying to the hospital office alone.

We chatted for half an hour.

When Su Ying appeared, her complexion was extremely gloomy.

She didn't expect that after waiting for a few days, the result turned out to be like this.

Just after leaving the office, she saw Lie Yan (raging flames).

Lie Yan leaned against the wall with a heavy expression on his face, as if he was waiting for her.

When she saw her coming out, he also stood respectfully and called out "Miss."

Su Ying glanced at him lightly, didn't say anything, and walked towards the ward unhurriedly.

"Miss, what are you going to do?"

Hearing this, Su Ying paused.

Lie Yan rarely asked her such a question, and it was surprising to ask her now.

Could it be that even he couldn't hold his breath anymore?However, when he asked this question, it was obvious that he knew what the doctor said to her before she did.But she didn't know when Lie Yan cared so much about elegance?
"Who are you worried about? Elegance?"

She spoke lightly and didn't look back.

(End of this chapter)

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