Chapter 600 The result of the diagnosis (3)

Lie Yan bowed his head. So far, the doctor he hired is indeed the best.

"Answer me, what would you do instead?" Su Ying has not forgotten this question.

At this time, the people in the restaurant did not dare to approach them, because Lie Yan's subordinates were also monitoring the surrounding area.

Cleaning up and other things were also done by the subordinates, and a new cup was replaced.

Lie Yan poured Su Ying a full glass.

"There is a kind of person whose vitality is very tenacious. I believe that elegant is also this kind of person. Miss, I can't make a choice, but no matter what you do, I will support you behind my back."

"Nonsense!" Su Ying was not satisfied with this answer.

She then drank the wine poured by Lie Yan like drinking plain water.

"Lie Yan, then you are elegant, how would you choose?"

"How to choose?" Lie Yan was silent for a while, seemingly in deep thought, and expressed his seriousness on this question. Finally, he stared at Su Ying and said firmly, "If a person like me is in a desperate situation, as long as If there is a slight chance of survival, even if it is risking his life, he will never back down."

Su Ying was at a loss!
The fingers holding the wine glass kept tightening.

Not so long ago, doctors gave a diagnosis that wasn't rosy.

Elegant's amnesia is due to a backlog of blood clots somewhere in the brain.

That is a very important part of the human brain, which greatly increases the difficulty and risk of the operation.

If surgery is not performed, the reality of the headache will become more and more serious, and Yaya probably won't live for two months.

However, it is said that the success rate of the operation is only [-]%.

For the rest, the greatest possibility is direct death.

Or, the most optimistic aspect of miracles happening is lifelong paralysis.

Lifelong paralysis is more painful than death for a proud man like elegant.

This kind of miracle is not worth mentioning.

Of course, the sooner the operation, the better, and there is no chance of even [-]% if it is delayed.

(End of this chapter)

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