Chapter 101 Fusion Refining
After transferring all the 290 million military merits to Zhuge Yun, Meng Tianchen planned to exchange all of them for blood crystals, a huge amount of blood crystals.

As expected of a smart woman, Zhuge Yun never asked Meng Tianchen why he exchanged such a huge amount of blood crystals.Obviously, her little man intends to establish power, and the blood king battle body intends to pass on to the most loyal subordinates.

The time is too tight, there are only three years, at least one must advance to the first major achievement of the sanctuary, and also practice the third level of the blood king's combat body, and practice the spirit twisting whip and the thousand yuan stick method.

Not enough, not enough time!
"Aba! The vitality of the stele space is so rich, it is equivalent to thirty times that of the outside world! You don't have to worry about improving your energy, the only difficulty is improving your artistic conception. You have to exchange for some treasures of artistic conception!" The little broken bird Mao Mao Knowing Meng Tianchen's eagerness, he suggested.

"By the way, Xiaoyun! You don't need to exchange all your military exploits for blood crystals. Use some to exchange for artistic conception treasures for me. The earth system needs petrification artistic conception and business environment, and the dark vitality artistic conception needs three kinds, ghost illusion artistic conception, fear artistic conception and death artistic conception. The fire element can be exchanged for the refining, melting, and disaster artistic concepts, and the wind element can be used for the piercing artistic conception, stabbing artistic conception, and hurricane artistic conception."

Zhuge Yun's small face was full of shock, even if he had exchanged for these artistic conception treasures, it was almost impossible to comprehend them in a short time.

"Xiao Tianchen, I think you still only comprehend one element, and we'll talk about it in the Sanctuary first. Besides, you still need to practice the Blood King Battle Body!" Zhuge Yun was full of concern during his words.

"Ri-you bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang, time is tight!" Meng Tianchen yelled, thinking that the top talent in the Fenglong Contest might reach the third level of the sanctuary, he said ruthlessly: "Never mind, Xiaoyun, Just help me exchange it back."

A series of sanctuary is definitely not enough, even if Meng Tianchen has a lot of cards, he must fight.

After sending Zhuge Yun with a somewhat melancholy expression out of the space of the stele, Meng Tianchen summoned the extremely curious Heita and Zhuge Bao in, he was not in the mood to answer their questions at all, and only let them practice.

"Aba, actually I don't think it's necessary to cultivate the fourth element! Although the achievement of the fourth element sanctuary is terrifying, but this time the time is too tight. The first element is not enough, and the two elements are almost there!" The little broken bird Mao Mao was also worried.

"It makes sense!" Meng Tianchen responded casually, and Meng Tianchen fell into deep thought.

After all, which two departments should be cultivated to the first level of the sanctuary first?

"The two bloodlines of Lao Tzu are darkness and fire. The dark attribute comes from drunkards. It is mysterious! The fire is almost certain, and it belongs to Mrs. Sheng Yanhu. The best thing is to practice these two lines first! After all, it is perfect with oneself. fit."

Thinking about this, Meng Tianchen felt something was wrong, and hurriedly said: "The dark attribute is known for its weird attacks, and the fire element is even more violent. Although I have cultivated the Blood King Battle Body, it is not enough for the third-level powerhouse in the sanctuary."


Meng Tianchen, who was worried about his own defense, once again remembered the information passed down by the Emperor Panhuang. Among the vitality secrets of defense, the heavy secrets of the earth system belonged to the first place.

Ordinary battle bodies, as long as they are integrated with profound mysteries, their defense power can be increased by two levels at will.

"It is necessary to successfully cultivate the thick profound meaning of the earth system. Lao Tzu's blood king battle body has been cultivated to the third level, and the defense level has reached the peak of the eighth level of breaking yuan. Once the thick profound meaning is integrated, it can definitely be upgraded to three levels. Attacking shouldn't be a problem." Slowly, Meng Tianchen's thoughts became clear.

You must know that the Blood King's combat body is the best martial art of the Yuan level. After integrating the thick profound meaning, its defense can be improved by three small levels, or even more.

"Hey, the most powerful thing about me is the body, the incomparably powerful power, if you don't use it, it will be too bad!" Meng Tianchen, who suddenly felt refreshed, was in a good mood.

"Yes! Cultivate the earth element to the first level of the sanctuary first! What is the other kind of cultivation? Darkness? Wind element? Fire element?"

For a while, Meng Tianchen couldn't make up his mind.

If you are in a hurry, it is undoubtedly faster to practice the darkness and fire elements, and the wind element is conducive to the improvement of speed, and it has terrifying attacks.

Faintly, Meng Tianchen felt that his first innate power, that is, the Black Arrow, should be of the dark attribute. Once the dark element reaches the level of the sanctuary, its power is likely to change.


Meng Tianchen, who had made up his mind, was full of pride, and laughed loudly: "In the Dragon Sealing Competition three years later, I will definitely be a blockbuster! Hahaha!"

Not long after, Meng Tianchen sensed that Zhuge Yun had entered the stone house, and immediately called him into the stone tablet space.

"Here!" After handing Meng Tianchen a storage ring, Zhuge Yunjiao said with a smile: "Little Tianchen, I announced that I have retreated to the public! This time, I will strive to improve my strength."

"Xiao Yun, you don't want to participate in the Dragon Sealing Contest, do you?" Meng Tianchen was taken aback.

Immediately, the face of Zhuge Yun, who was originally delicate-flashy, changed, and he shouted viciously: "Don't you think my sister is so old?"

"No, Xiaoyun, you misunderstood me!" Meng Tianchen, who was complaining endlessly, secretly sighed that women can turn their faces faster than turning a book, and flattered him: "I mean, you have a noble status, but you are the leader! Participate in the Dragon Sealing Contest ..."

"Hmph! Elder sister, don't worry about you entering the inner courtyard alone. It is said that there are so many beauties inside. Of course, I also want to enter the inner courtyard and watch you all the time!" Zhuge Yun, who was extremely enchanting, was full of coquettishness.

"This?" Meng Tianchen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and argued, "Xiaoyun, do you think I'm such a casual person?"

"Hmph! You are not casual, you are not human at all when you are casual!"

Defeated, Meng Tianchen was completely defeated, and called Rao: "I'd better hurry up and practice!"

Seeing Zhuge Yun's proud face, Meng Tianchen gritted his teeth with hatred, wishing he could rush over and strip him naked.

"Ri-you bang dong bang, hooking up with this little girl, I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse, or Zhuxia is safe! It's a pity, that bitch can't die!"

After a while, he sealed himself in a corner of the stele space, and Meng Tianchen checked the storage ring that Zhuge Yun had just given him.

Skimming the mountain-like blood crystals directly, took out the treasures of the artistic conception of the earth system and the treasures of the artistic conception of the dark system.

After a little inspection, Meng Tianchen picked up a crystal nucleus with an extremely shocked expression on his face.

This is the crystal core of the Poyuan Nine Layer Witch Beast, and it belongs to the three-headed rock snake. This is not an ordinary witch beast, with noble blood, which is extremely rare.Reached the opening of the first rank!The power of his talent is clearly petrification.

"Da-you bang bang bang, that girl Xiaoyun actually exchanged such a precious treasure, she must have posted a lot of military exploits! With the crystal core of this three-headed rock snake, I can comprehend petrification as quickly as possible. artistic conception."

Start refining!
Drive Yuanli into the crystal nucleus of the three-headed rock snake, but there is no reaction at all.

"Damn it, what's going on? Aren't the crystal nuclei all refined by Yuanli?" Meng Tianchen was very puzzled.

Immediately afterwards, Meng Tianchen drove Yuan Consciousness into the crystal nucleus of the three-headed rock snake, but there was still no movement. He even felt that it was very difficult for Yuan Consciousness to enter the crystal nucleus, and there was a sense of strong resistance.

"Nimma, what's going on here? How can it be refined?"

Helpless, Meng Tianchen had no choice but to look up Panhuang's massive inheritance information, trying to find out the reason.

Fusion refining!

Not long after, Meng Tianchen's eyes lit up.

"Ri-you bang bang bang, it turns out there is such a magical secret method of refining." According to the information, Meng Tianchen learned that some witch beasts with noble blood cannot be refined by Yuanli, and need to be fused with Yuanconsciousness to refine them. OK.

After spending most of the day, Meng Tianchen finally mastered the secret method of fusion refining.

Calm down, perceive the Yuan Seed in the dantian, and the majestic Earth Element Yuan Force gushes out and condenses into a ball.

At the same time, Yuan Consciousness leaked out a small black ball, slowly leaked out of the sea of ​​consciousness, and slowly collided with the earth element Yuanli group at Dantian.

In an instant, Meng Tianchen's body lit up with a light yellow halo, which was truly miraculous.

According to the secret method of fusion and refining, Meng Tianchen carefully drove the Yuan Consciousness, and penetrated into the earth element Yuan Force Group bit by bit, and slowly fused.

This feeling is extremely mysterious.

Until the Yuan Consciousness and the Earth Element Force Group were completely fused, Meng Tianchen suddenly had a glimmer of understanding, and had a deeper understanding of the seven Earth Element artistic conceptions that he had comprehended.

Moreover, I have a little perception of the profound meaning of the earth element's vitality.In particular, the thick artistic conception of the earth element, which has been comprehended for the longest time, has almost formed the prototype of a thick profound meaning.

"Splendid! Only now did I know that there is such a benefit in merging the refining secret method! Hahaha!" Immediately, Meng Tianchen was ecstatic.

This, without a doubt, is a shortcut to comprehend the profound meaning.

Pulling the earth element force group completely fused with the primordial consciousness, revealing the palm.

I saw an orange-yellow energy cluster appearing in Meng Tianchen's palm, shining with a faint halo.

go with!
Controlling this group of miraculous Yuanli energy, it pierced into the crystal nucleus of the three-headed rock snake.

Suddenly, the three-headed rock snake crystal core in Meng Tianchen's palm made a bang and exploded with extremely powerful power.

Don't be lazy!

According to the secret method of fusion and refining, Meng Tianchen carefully controlled the energy group that was about to explode violently in the palm of his hand.

The crystal nucleus of the three-headed rock snake has turned into a mass of berserk energy, blasting out a dazzling yellow light.

In desperation, Meng Tianchen yelled loudly, trying to control and compress it.

The ball of yellow energy floating above the palm of his hand was extremely violent, and the tendency of beating wildly gradually eased.

Taking a long breath, Meng Tianchen exclaimed: "Nimma, it's really not easy. This first step is considered a success."

When the yellow-colored energy mass in the palm of his hand gradually softened, Meng Tianchen carefully dragged it into his body.

Getting closer, this group of light containing terrifying energy slowly approached the dantian, approaching the Yuan Seed.

While Meng Tianchen's face tightened, he suddenly controlled the yellow light ball and pierced the Yuan Seed.

Suddenly, Yuan Zhong went berserk at his dantian, trembling violently, as if he was overwhelmed, but also as if he had swallowed an extremely delicious food, excited, very excited.


At this time, Meng Tianchen's face became tense.At this moment, it is the most critical moment to integrate the refining secret method.

(End of this chapter)

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