Chapter 114 Blood Killing Qi
"Ri-you bang bang bang, what a great place! You can actually improve your primordial consciousness! It is indeed a half-principal weapon!" Meng Tianchen, who was secretly delighted, had an inexplicable greed. If he could own the Wuhen Tower good.

Taking another step, the walls on both sides of the corridor, the black talisman light flickered, and another small black light arrow pierced towards Meng Tianchen.

"Hey! It seems that this time the little black light arrow is much more powerful!" Meng Tianchen just guessed out of thin air, he couldn't feel the attack power of the little black light arrow at all.

However, the Black Tower was different, following Meng Tianchen also took a step, forcibly bearing the attack of this little black light arrow.


"Black tower! Hold on, the little black light arrow is amazing, if you persevere, you can improve your primordial consciousness!" Meng Tianchen cheered up the black tower, guessing that the taste of primordial consciousness attacks is definitely not something ordinary people can bear.

"Brother! I can still bear it! His grandma's, it hurts so much!" Finally he persevered, Heita grinned when he thought of the terrible pain before.

Moving on, step three.

While Meng Tianchen was overjoyed, Heita felt even more painful!
"Heita, why don't you go back!" Meng Tianchen was really worried that if he was not careful, the Black Tower's primordial consciousness would be in trouble.

"Brother, it's okay, I can stand it! It's just that the weird pain is too uncomfortable!" Heita's face was resolute.

"Okay!" Meng Tianchen shouted loudly, and took another step!
"Heita, we have to speed up! If there is a time limit in this terrifying phantom killing formation, if we can't pass, I'm afraid there will be trouble." Meng Tianchen suddenly remembered something, and immediately became cautious.

When he crossed the ninth step, Meng Tianchen was overjoyed, there was a void in front of him, a bloody misty corridor appeared, and another stone room appeared in front of him.

Behind him, Heita, with a sluggish face, sat down on the ground in relief, with a look of fear on his face.

Unexpectedly, there are two small black boxes in the middle of the stone chamber.

"Both of you, collect a box each, this is your reward! You can choose to keep going, or you can go out!"

Meng Tianchen stared at the two black boxes, and when he was wondering, a familiar and old voice came from above.

Under Meng Tianchen's signal, Heita collected a black box.

"Heita, you go out first!"

"Brother, do you still want to go on? The third phantom killing formation is absolutely terrifying, can you not take risks." Heita was very surprised.

"Heita, it's okay, you go out first, I'll try it out, if it doesn't work, then return." Meng Tianchen was unwilling to give up such a good opportunity.

Heita knew very well that with the strength of his primordial consciousness, it was impossible to survive the third phantom killing formation, so he went out immediately.

"Aba! This opportunity is very good! Before the Wuhen Tower is destroyed, it is definitely a terrible weapon! The phantom killing array inside here contains magical power. If you can break through it for the first time, you will pass it. Substantially sharpen and improve the primordial consciousness." The little broken bird Mao Mao hiding in the space of the stone tablet has been paying attention to Wuhen Tower.

"What?" Meng Tianchen was a little puzzled, and quickly asked: "Maomao, doesn't that mean that if I enter the first and second phantom killing formations of Wuhen Tower in the future, I will no longer be able to improve my primordial consciousness?"

"Yes!" The little broken bird Mao Mao said with certainty.

"Damn it, it turns out that this thing is a one-off thing!" Meng Tianchen, who was a little disappointed, knew that he had imagined the Wuhen Tower too miraculously.

This is just a half-element tool, how could it be possible to infinitely improve the elemental consciousness!
The first time he successfully broke through and gained something, it was already against the sky. Thinking back, Meng Tianchen smiled in relief, and walked towards the third tunnel ahead, which was also the third phantom killing formation.

"Aba, the voice of the old man before, should be some kind of Wuhen Demon Lord, too stingy! After breaking through the second phantom killing formation, there are only ten crystals in the box." The little broken bird Mao Mao immediately checked He took the small box that Meng Tianchen put in the space of the stele, checked it, and was disappointed.

"Maomao, it's pretty good to be able to pick up ten Yuan Jing for free!" Meng Tianchen felt that ten Yuan Jing was quite a lot.

In the third Illusory Killing Formation, Meng Tianchen felt that something was wrong just as he took a step, and his face instantly became serious.

The blood-colored mist in the tunnel is obviously much denser, and the visibility is less than two meters.The black walls on both sides did not move at all, and there was no elemental consciousness attack at all.

"Maomao, what's going on here? I've already stepped in, why didn't I get attacked?" Meng Tianchen felt a little guilty and couldn't make up his mind.

"Aba, the Wuhen Pagoda is really weird. I think this third corridor is probably much scarier than the first two." The little broken bird, Mao Mao, didn't know, and guessed wildly.

The second step is to keep going.

Still no abnormality was found.

Step three, step four, step five...

After walking eight steps in a row, Meng Tianchen didn't notice the so-called primordial consciousness attack at all, and said in surprise: "According to the rules of the previous two phantom killing formations, as long as I take this ninth step, I should have passed the third phantom killing formation." Killing array."

"Ri-you bang bang bang, how can there be such a cheap thing? What's wrong?" Meng Tianchen, who didn't dare to be careless at all, hesitated for a while, but still didn't dare to take this step.

After a while, Meng Tianchen finally couldn't bear it any longer, shouted loudly, and walked forward.

At the same time as Meng Tianchen took the ninth step, terrifying energy fluctuations erupted in the entire tunnel, bursting with explosions.

The blood-colored mist that had been motionless at first rioted together, rushing towards Meng Tianchen with a whistling roar.

Murderous aura, in an instant, these bloody mist revealed their true colors, which turned out to be extremely pure murderous aura.

"Ah?" With a scream, the little broken bird Mao Mao cried out in fear: "Aba, it's not good! This is a substantive bloody killing spirit! At the same time, it is also the most terrifying attack of Yuan Consciousness. What's even weirder is that the attack At the same time, it can affect the mind; if the will is not firm, it will immediately turn into a killing maniac."

"Blood-killing aura?" Startled, Meng Tianchen felt the blood-killing aura crazily entering his body, which could really affect the mind, and at the same time he swarmed towards the sea of ​​consciousness.

The sea of ​​consciousness unexpectedly showed scenes of illusions, this is a sea of ​​corpses and blood, extremely terrifying.

"Hahaha! How can mere killing illusions do me any favors!" Meng Tianchen laughed wildly, guarding his mind.

Amidst the domineering voice, Meng Tianchen truly discovered that the illusion of killing in the sea of ​​consciousness was shattered and returned to a vast and dead silence.

The condensed blood-killing aura formed blood-colored threads, pierced into the sea of ​​consciousness, and rushed towards the small black tower.

Without exception, these seemingly murderous bloody threads disappeared the moment they touched the black ball, and were silently swallowed.

Meng Tianchen couldn't even sense the slightest movement of the black ball, but only found that his primordial consciousness was slowly improving.

What Meng Tianchen didn't know was that this scene completely fell into the eyes of an old man in black robe.

"Hey!" The old man in black robe screamed, standing in the sky so high that no one could detect his existence.

The black-robed old man who slowly opened his eyes was the owner of the Wuhen Pagoda, the Wuhen Demon Lord. "It's interesting, this little guy is interesting."

After murmuring twice, Demon Lord Wuhen stood high in the sky and closed his eyes again.

In less than half a stick of incense, the blood-killing aura in the third tunnel, that is, the third phantom killing formation disappeared, and was completely swallowed up by the small black ball in the center of Meng Tianchen's sea of ​​consciousness.

Stepping out of the corridor, Meng Tianchen breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly found a small black box in the middle of the stone room.

"Nimma, every move of Lao Tzu must have fallen into the eyes of Lord Wuhen. This small box should be placed by him."

Slightly raised his head and took a look, the sky above the stone chamber was filled with confusion.Meng Tianchen took the small black box and threw it directly into the stele space. He didn't expect any huge treasures in this small box.

"Hey, Aba, this time it turned out to be thirty Yuanjing! It's tripled! Not bad!"

"Thirty primordial crystals are pretty good, and ordinary warriors in the first level of the sanctuary may not be able to get them out." During the words, Meng Tianchen sensed his primordial consciousness, and he just successfully broke through the third phantom killing formation.

Yuan Consciousness actually increased by three hundred miles.

"Fuck me, this Laoshizi Illusory Killing Formation is really awesome. In the blink of an eye, my primordial consciousness has increased by three hundred miles." Meng Tianchen was very excited, staring greedily at the entrance of the tunnel ahead.

The fourth tunnel, the fourth phantom killing formation.Inside, the bloody mist is more intense, bright red, like fresh blood particles, with a fishy smell.

Fortunately, Meng Tianchen has seen the horror of the bloody battle valley, otherwise, ordinary people would definitely be frightened by this weird blood mist.

After stepping in, Meng Tianchen, who was slightly taken aback, still didn't notice any Yuan Consciousness attacking him.

Thinking of the situation in the third tunnel, Meng Tianchen was not surprised, and murmured: "Nimma, it seems that the murderous aura will not appear until the ninth step."

This time, Meng Tianchen didn't pause, and took steps again and again.

However, when he took the ninth step, a sudden change occurred.

The terrifying energy became frenzied and frightening.All the blood mist frantically gathered and collided together.A lot of strange black light flew out from the walls on both sides of the corridor.

"Damn it! What's going on?" Meng Tianchen, who was dumbfounded, found that neither the terrifying murderous aura nor the strange black light from the wall attacked him.

Instead, block in front of him.

In an instant, these murderous bloody aura and strange black light intertwined together, unexpectedly condensed into a monster.

The blood-red monster roared violently.The power and influence bloomed crazily, as if the ancient evil had awakened.

"Not good!" Meng Tianchen, who dared to be negligent, immediately drove Yuanli and poured it into his whole body.

"Damn it, the tunnel is too small, it's impossible to use transformation at all! This is troublesome, why did this horrible thing appear?" Meng Tianchen complained incessantly when he clearly sensed the terrifying power of this blood-colored monster.

"Aba! Not good, this is a murderous beast formed into a spirit. It has low spiritual intelligence and only knows how to kill. If you want to go there, you have to kill it?" The little broken bird Mao Mao is also anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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