Chapter 125 Optimus Blood Pillar

Here, the blood-red sky has an extremely ancient atmosphere, and it also contains a sense of decay and withering.

However, when he saw the situation under his feet, Meng Tianchen's face changed drastically, and he screamed out.

What appeared at the feet of Demon Lord Wuhen and Meng Tianchen was a round platform, a huge stone in the shape of a round platform, suspended in the air.

Extending from the round platform boulder are nine thick blood-colored iron chains, all rusty and full of rust, and there is a strange aura on them, with streaks of blood looming from time to time.

"Shock!" Seeing Meng Tianchen's mouth wide open, he was speechless.The Demon Lord Wuhen smiled lightly and said: "This is the real blood crystal secret realm, which is divided into nine regions. Among them, eight regions are still completely closed. Even the simplest first-level region is only explored. A very small portion."

"Master, does every blood chain lead to the first level area?" Meng Tianchen suddenly realized.

"Yes!" Demon Lord Wuhen's expression suddenly became solemn, and he said in a low voice: "This blood crystal secret realm is extraordinary, definitely not an ordinary martial arts world. The air is absolutely forbidden here, even the strongest of the Wuzong sect, don't even think about flying. And these nine blood chains are also unusual, it is difficult to break the ban above! It is very difficult!"

As if recalling something, the Demon Lord Wuhen laughed wildly and said, "Hey! If it wasn't for me, the Bone Demon and Qian Shan would not even be able to break the blood chain blockade leading to the first level area. "

Meng Tianchen became even more curious about the Wuhen Demon Lord.

As if to test Meng Tianchen, Demon Lord Wuhen took the lead to step on the blood chain with a word engraved on it.

And Meng Tianchen followed cautiously.

"Ah!" Just stepped on the blood chain, Meng Tianchen screamed, feeling an invisible and terrifying murderous intent, almost crushing him to pieces.

"Hey!" With a strange laugh, Demon Lord Wuhen drove a black mist to cover Meng Tianchen inside.

"Master? Didn't you say that the ban on this blood chain has been broken? Why is it still so terrifying?" Meng Tianchen was sweating coldly thinking of the feeling just now.

"Although the ban has been lifted, there is still a terrifying king-level power on it, and it is not something you can resist."

"Master, what is the power of the king realm?" Meng Tianchen was extremely curious, and at the same time, he also understood why no one was guarding here, and it was unnecessary at all.

Only the blood chain leading to the first area can be unblocked in the area of ​​the ninth level of blood realm, and it is not at the level of the three major demon masters, so it is impossible to pass.

"Damn, I understand now! Such a terrifying place, what kind of guards do you need? Damn, where is the black prison? Where is the black prison?" Meng Tianchen was extremely confused, but he heard that the black prison was in the courtyard of the Blood Crystal Secret Territory. within the entrance.

"Master, where is the black prison?" Meng Tianchen, who hesitated for a while and pretended to be doing nothing, asked softly.

"Black Prison?" Who is the Wuhen Demon Lord, and then he guessed something, and said in a low voice: "The Black Prison is just ahead, you can see it in a while. There are many unknown dangers there, you can't go in! At least , we have to wait until Lao Tzu comes back."

Hearing this, Meng Tianchen was relieved for a while, the Wuhen Demon Lord was obviously not on the side of the Black Demon Clan.

In a vague way, Meng Tianchen guessed that the reason why Wuhen Demon Lord became a Demon Lord was most likely for this secret realm.

The blood chain is very long, it has traveled tens of thousands of meters, and it has not seen the end yet.Even the Wuhen Demon Lord proceeded carefully step by step.

"Master, what's down here? What's wrong with falling?" Suddenly, Meng Tianchen thought of a very scary question.

"Hey, fall? If you fall, you will die!"

"Da-you bang bang bang, damn the black demons, why did you build the black prison in such a horrible place." Suddenly, Meng Tianchen's mood became heavy.

It seems that it is definitely not that simple to save Lan Xiaorou and Lei Jiansheng and others.

"Ah?" Suddenly, Meng Tianchen, who looked down, accidentally saw many bloody vortexes of different sizes below, which looked terrifying.

"Master, what level of martial arts is here, why is it so terrifying?" He was very surprised, Meng Tianchen had seen a lot of martial arts, even Panhuang's martial arts was not so weird.

"This is the ancient martial world!"

Meng Tianchen didn't understand even more, and asked curiously: "Master, is there any level in the martial world?"

"Of course it's layered!"

During the march, Demon Lord Wuhen patiently explained to Meng Tianchen.

Martial world, turned out to be the powerhouse above Wu Zong, left behind after the fall.As we all know, the strong Wu Zong can communicate the vitality of heaven and earth, and can form a world, that is, the Wujie, within the Wudan in his body.

After death, these martial worlds will merge into the heavens and the earth, forming the world of heaven and earth.

"Ri-you bang bang bang, it turns out that this is how the Qiankun world came about!" All of a sudden, Meng Tianchen understood.With a strong cultivation base, after the fall, the martial world left behind must be terrifying.

Just like the blood crystal secret realm in front of me, it is definitely the martial world left over from the ancient power and super metamorphosis.

"Nimma, the original master of this martial world definitely surpassed Panhuang. It's hard to believe what level he has reached? How could he die with that kind of super terror?" Meng Tianchen was full of doubts in his knowledge of the sea.

After about half a day, Meng Tianchen finally saw the land, the boundless blood-colored land.

On one side of the blood chain, stands a strange black castle.

The entrance to the castle was tightly closed, guarded by four big men in black armor.

"This? Is this a black prison?" Suddenly, Meng Tianchen understood, feeling a little agitated, Lan Xiaorou and the others were trapped inside.

"Master, the black prison is built here, so the people inside are doomed?" Meng Tianchen was a little anxious.

"That's not true!" The Wuhen Demon Lord looked at Meng Tianchen meaningfully, and said in a deep voice: "This is the first area, which is very vast, and the area that has been explored so far is less than half. Explore the unknown area , there is a great risk. And the people in the black prison are cannon fodder."

"Ah?" Meng Tianchen screamed and almost burst out.

Obviously seeing that Meng Tianchen was agitated, the Demon Lord Wuhen sighed: "Bastard, you can't act recklessly, even if someone of yours is trapped in the black prison, you can't act rashly. Everything, wait for you to get out of the blood." Come out of the wilderness, and talk about it after Lao Tzu comes back."

Meng Tianchen gazed at Demon Lord Wuhen very gratefully, and said sincerely: "Master, thank you!"

"Stinky boy, you are my only apprentice, thank you!" Now, Wuhen Demon Lord was very happy.

These days, Demon Lord Wuhen clearly knew that Meng Tianchen had a deep fear of him.

"Okay! Let's hurry up! It's hard to say that other people have arrived!" With Meng Tianchen, Wuhen Demon Lord quickly rushed towards the opposite direction of the black prison.

Along the way, Meng Tianchen even saw an extremely terrifying blood beast, an extremely weird blood beast, extremely brutal and bloody.

"My mother, this place is too scary!" Meng Tianchen truly felt the horror of those blood beasts, they are definitely not ordinary witch beasts, at least they are above the fifth level of the sanctuary.

However, these seemingly brutal and terrifying blood beasts all perished in the black mist attack randomly issued by the Wuhen Demon Lord.

"Nimma, what level has the old man reached? It's too scary!"

The extremely curious Meng Tianchen couldn't help but asked, "Master, what level have you reached?"

The Wuhen Demon Lord didn't hide anything, and responded casually: "Half-step Wuzong!"

He took a deep breath, Meng Tianchen never expected that the Demon Lord Wuhen would be so terrifying, he was actually a half-step Wuzong, and that was the pinnacle of the Nine-Layer Sanctuary.

In the space of the stele, the little broken bird, Mao Mao, was also very afraid, and kept screaming.

"Aba, fortunately this old man has no ill intentions towards us, otherwise he will die!"

Meng Tianchen also sighed that he was lucky, if it wasn't for the Wuhen Demon Lord, let alone saving Xiaorou and the others, even entering here would be impossible.

Except for the three major demon masters who can lead people through the blood chain, it is impossible for anyone to come in.

After a long time, Demon Lord Wuhen stopped, while Meng Tianchen was stunned.

In front, three stone pillars appeared, the blood-colored Optimus pillars, which were tens of thousands of meters high.

Just looking up at the three blood-colored stone pillars, Meng Tianchen suddenly felt a terrifying invisible coercion overwhelming the sky.It seemed to crush him into pieces in an instant.

"Little bastard, don't look at it!" The Demon Lord Wuhen scolded angrily, waved his big hand, and a cloud of black mist covered Meng Tianchen's body.

After a while of relaxed Meng Tianchen was terrified, if it hadn't been for the Wuhen Demon Lord to take action, he would have died just now, his soul was absolutely scattered, that kind of coercion was too terrifying.

"Ri-you bang bang bang, what kind of shit is this place? The coercion emanating from the three broken stone pillars almost wiped out Lao Tzu!" .

"See the Demon Lord!"

With a loud sound, Meng Tianchen realized that there was a group of people not far in front of him, the leaders were two black and thin old men, and the rest were all young people, a total of 53 people.

"Wuhen, this is your apprentice?" Apparently, the two demon masters were very surprised by Meng Tianchen who suddenly appeared.

Even though there was a layer of black mist outside his body, Meng Tianchen still felt two terrifying qi locked on his body.

Under these two terrifying auras, Meng Tianchen felt as if his clothes had been taken off, and he became completely naked, without any secret at all.

"Da-you bang bang bang, these two perverts!" For a while, Meng Tianchen was sweating coldly.

"Hey, Bone Demon, Qianshan! This apprentice of Lao Tzu is not bad! There is hope for this Linhe Competition!" Demon Lord Wuhen coaxed awesomely.

It seemed that something had been detected, the Bone Demon Lord and Qianshan Demon Lord both showed shock and disbelief on their cold faces.

"No, no trace! You fucking hid so deep!" The Bone Demon Lord and Qianshan Demon Lord, who were very angry because of the fact that the Ling family boy was killed in Fenglong Fortress, all shouted loudly. up.

"Hey, little guy, what's your name, you will be the fourth young demon lord in the inner courtyard from now on!" The bone demon lord quickly laughed.

 Attacking Mao Mao!

(End of this chapter)

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