Chapter 127 Sankong Blood Eye Halo

mosquito buzz!
Before Meng Tianchen could speak, the annoyed little broken bird screamed sharply, turned into a strange black arrow, and stabbed towards the puppet monster.

Seemingly sensing a crisis, the puppet monster roared, and a bloody light shield appeared in front of it.

"Huh!" Meng Tianchen, who was extremely shocked, obviously felt the strength of the bloody light shield, and shouted anxiously: "Fucking, what kind of puppet monster is this, who can actually defend against combat skills! This? The bloody light shield has at least reached the third level of the sanctuary level."

In an instant, even Meng Tianchen became envious of such a defensive combat skill.

As everyone knows, the seemingly powerful blood-colored light shield is like a thin layer of paper in front of the little broken bird Maomao.

The little broken bird Maomao, who easily penetrated the blood-colored light shield, stabbed at the puppet monster's strange cry.

Meng Tianchen was dumbfounded, for a puppet monster that had at least reached the fourth level of the sanctuary, its ferocious head actually burst open, and a kind of blood-colored metal fragments burst out.

However, the next scene was even beyond Meng Tianchen's comprehension, even the little broken bird Mao Mao was dumbfounded.

The puppet monster with a broken head actually changed, turned into a blood-colored energy, penetrated into the clean ground, and disappeared.

"This? What's going on here?" The little broken bird Mao Mao, who didn't dare to neglect, was afraid that Meng Tianchen would encounter a surprise attack, so he hurriedly flew back to Meng Tianchen's shoulder, very cautious.

A strange sound.

On the fluorescent wall directly in front of Meng Tianchen, there unexpectedly appeared a door, a blood-colored light door.

Moreover, an extremely indifferent voice stabbed into Meng Tianchen's sea of ​​consciousness out of thin air.

"Pass the first test, within ten days, enter the second test!"

Meng Tianchen, who was in doubt, stared at the blood-colored light gate on the stone wall in front of him, and searched around, but found nothing unusual.

But the little broken bird Mao Mao came back to his senses, and exclaimed in surprise: "Aba, practice! This is a good opportunity, hurry up and practice! I must comprehend the profound meaning of withering to great success."

That's right, this place is obviously a precious place to comprehend the mysteries, and there are only less than ten days. If you don't practice at this time, when will you wait.

Immediately, Meng Tianchen, who endured countless questions by force, entered the state of cultivation and comprehension.

Fully comprehend the mysteries of withering.

Nine days, only nine days have passed.The little broken bird Mao Mao let out a high-pitched whistle. His Fading Profound Truth has really reached a great achievement. If he continues to comprehend it, he will soon be able to advance to the fifth level of the Sanctuary, which is simply unimaginable.

Similarly, Meng Tianchen, who woke up with a start, had a look of pity, not enough time, the Withering Mystery is only barely reaching a small achievement.

If other people know that they have only just comprehended the mysteries of withering and yet they have reached a small success in cultivation, they will surely shock the heavens and the people.

However, with the even more terrifying little broken bird Mao Mao in comparison, Meng Tianchen was not at all happy.

"it's time!"

With curiosity in his arms, Meng Tianchen put the little broken bird feather into the space of the stele, and stepped into the bloody light gate on the stone wall.

As soon as he entered the Scarlet Light Gate, Meng Tianchen felt a terrifying murderous aura, crushing it and piercing into his body crazily.


Meng Tianchen never expected that just after entering the second level, before he had time to check the surrounding environment, he was attacked horribly.

This peculiar murderous aura is very familiar, and Meng Tianchen instantly remembered the feeling when he followed behind the Wuhen Demon Lord and just stepped on the first blood chain.

It's just that the murderous aura here is much weaker than that of the blood chain, otherwise Meng Tianchen would not be able to support it.

Even so, Meng Tianchen was still in pain.

The murderous aura that entered the body was extremely violent and strange.Meng Tianchen's flesh and blood, meridians, and even his mind were attacked.

What frightened Meng Tianchen even more was that more strange and murderous auras frantically flocked towards the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Nimma, what kind of shit place is this?" The terrible pain made Meng Tianchen scream again and again, and his handsome and evil face suddenly became hideous.

It's hard to imagine that even a powerful body like Meng Tianchen can't support it, let alone someone else.

What Meng Tianchen didn't know was that apart from him, no one else could break through to the second level.

"Aba! This kind of murderous intent is too terrifying!" Mao Mao, the little broken bird in the space of the stele, was very anxious.

Fortunately, all the terrifying murderous aura that entered the sea of ​​consciousness was absorbed by the small black ball in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness without any discomfort.

Meng Tianchen, who had calmed down a little, was not in danger of his life for the time being, except for the physical damage.

The invisible murderous aura squeezed into the body even more crazily, and the extremely painful Meng Tianchen tried his best to drive Yuanli to resist, although the effect was minimal.At the same time, look around.

It was still a stone room, almost exactly the same as the stone room in the previous first level.

The only difference is that the walls, the ground and the stone surface above the head of this closed stone room are all dark red.Moreover, there is also a terrifying invisible murderous intent.

"Damn it, is it true that the second stage of the assessment is to stay in this terrifying murderous stone room?" Meng Tianchen was afraid, and regretted entering here.

In the closed stone room, there is no escape route at all, and there is no way out.

"Da-you bang bang bang!" Meng Tianchen yelled, obviously feeling that his body was already in a terrible state, if he persisted, this body would be completely finished.

With a thought, Meng Tianchen wanted to enter the stele space.

"Ah?" With a scream, Meng Tianchen was dumbfounded.

Unable to enter the stele space, even the space was sealed.

"It's over!" The biggest hole card actually failed, and it was only then that Meng Tianchen became truly frightened.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Meng Tianchen, who had flashed this terrible word, tried his best to calm down and get out of the predicament.

There was a complete riot inside the body, even the black seedling Wudan was trembling violently, as if it felt a crisis.

The meridian is broken, really broken.

Meng Tianchen, who had endured such torture, endured so much that he didn't pass out.

At the most critical moment, the black seedling Wudan violently vibrated, and the frenzied invisible murderous aura in the body suddenly rushed into the black seedling Wudan, as if being pulled by a powerful force.

After a little perception, Meng Tianchen was ecstatic.

Most of the tyrannical invisible murderous aura in the body poured into the sea of ​​consciousness, and a small part was directly absorbed into the black seedling Wudan. The terrifying pain finally eased down.

And the invisible murderous aura that entered the black seedling Wudan was directly sucked into the prototype Wujie, swallowed by the cursed prison, crazily.

Meng Tianchen breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the meridians in his body were slowly repairing themselves, he almost felt like he had narrowly escaped death.

"My mother, fortunately there is a curse prison to save me, otherwise I will die!"

Seemingly feeling that Meng Tianchen was out of danger, the little broken bird Mao Mao hurriedly shouted: "Aba, call me out!"

After trying it, Meng Tianchen found that it was impossible to summon the little broken bird Mao Mao from the space of the stone tablet.This weird stone room seems to be isolated from the space of the stone tablet.

"Space seal? Could this be the space seal that Old Immortal was talking about?" Meng Tianchen was extremely shocked.

Hearing that it couldn't be summoned, the little broken bird became anxious, and kept yelling and cursing in the space of the stone tablet.

Three days, three days in a row passed.

The injuries in Meng Tianchen's body had already healed, and even he himself was amazed by the terrible resilience.

The murderous aura, the weird murderous aura seemed endless, piercing into the body crazily all the time.Fortunately, they were all eaten by the black ball in the sea of ​​consciousness and the cursed prisoner of the embryonic martial world.

A strange roar suddenly erupted in the stone room.

A terrifying thing appeared, appeared out of thin air in the center of the stone room, suspended.

Eyes, this is a big eye, about the size of a fist, blood-colored, fresh, and the blood on it seems to be able to drip down at any time.

Take a look.

Just looking at the blood eyes, Meng Tianchen felt panicked and lost.

"Damn it!" Meng Tianchen yelled, almost frightened out of his wits, this weird bloody eye was too scary, he glanced at him, and quickly closed it.

You must know that his mind has undergone transformation, and Meng Tianchen is the most proud of it. Even high-level sanctuary powerhouses may not be able to match it.

However, in front of Xueyan, he was so vulnerable.

"In the face of Sankong's murderous aura, if you persist for three days, you can get the qualification for the second test!"

What frightened Meng Tianchen even more was that the blood eyes actually made a sound, and locked him completely, as if being stared at by a terrifying beast, extremely terrifying.

"Ri-you bang bang bang, what the hell is this bloody eye? It's too scary! You can even talk. You see a ghost!" Meng Tianchen finally spent three days under the invisible murderous aura after going through life and death. It is only to obtain the qualification for the second level of assessment.

The little broken bird, Mao Mao, who was also frightened, screamed in the space of the stone tablet.

"Sankong's murderous aura!" Meng Tianchen who closed his eyes was even more confused, why is that kind of invisible murderous aura called Sankong's murderous aura.

"Little guy! You have a good heart! The power of your bloodline is also strong!" Suddenly, the bloody eyes that had been stagnant for a long time changed their previous indifferent tone, and there was a trace of expectation in the words.

"Ah?" Meng Tianchen, who still didn't dare to open his eyes, was dumbfounded, and wondered, "Da-you bang, don't tell me the bloody eyes are some kind of catastrophe?"

Immediately, Meng Tianchen asked anxiously: "Maomao, do you know this blood eye? Is there such a creature?"

"Aba! In my memory, there is really no race with blood eyes!" The little broken bird Mao Mao was shocked.

Seemingly sensing Meng Tianchen's fear, Xueyan said sharply: "The second test begins, and you only have ten days to comprehend Sankong's killing intent. Not only can you continue to live, but you can also get the qualification to enter the third test." ! Otherwise, die!"

Killing intent, this is the real killing intent.

Meng Tianchen, who almost passed out, was stunned in his thoughts. The Demon Lord Wuhen didn't say that there are such horrible things in the Blood Barrens, and he died if he failed to pass the level. This damn is too domineering, too barbaric!

"San Kong Blood Eye Halo!"

Following Xueyan's shout, Meng Tianchen felt that the entire stone room was shrouded in a strange blood light.

 Attacking Mao Mao!

(End of this chapter)

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