Chapter 129 Blood Pool

At the same time that the magical killing characters appeared in Meng Tianchen's Sea of ​​Consciousness, the bloody eyes in the stone room opened their eyes, and the bloody murderous aura covering the stone room disappeared, along with the invisible murderous aura.

But Meng Tianchen didn't notice any abnormalities in the stone room at all, and focused all his attention on the killing characters in the sea of ​​knowledge.

As if sensing something, the killing character suddenly stabbed out of the sea of ​​consciousness, and rushed towards the black seedling Wudan.

In the blink of an eye, the killing character was actually attached to the surface of the black seedling Wudan.

At this moment, Meng Tianchen has changed, his whole body is murderous, like a murderous god.

The little broken bird Mao Mao in the space of the stele obviously saw the image of Meng Tianchen bursting with blood, and screamed again and again.

"Hey!" Meng Tianchen who also cried out in amazement felt a kind of magical power pouring into his whole body, as if he transformed into an ancient god in an instant, and any existence was like an ant.

Killing intent, mind filled with infinite killing intent.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, a picture flashed, the blood-colored giant holding the giant axe, so domineering and terrifying!
The ecstatic Meng Tianchen discovered that the kill mark on the black seedling Wudan was so kind and completely under his control.

Moreover, it can be easily driven, and the murderous aura that erupts is very terrifying and very refreshing.

"Hahaha! It's so fucking cool!" Meng Tianchen didn't know what Sankong's killing intent was, but it was really powerful to get the mysterious killing mark out of thin air.

With a thought, Meng Tianchen found that he could completely control the killing imprint on the black seedling Wudan, that kind of powerful murderous power, which can be sent and received at will.

"Hey! I have added a powerful force out of thin air!"

"Aba, what was it before? Why did you erupt with such a powerful murderous aura?" The little broken bird Mao Mao couldn't bear it anymore, and hurriedly asked.

"A killing mark exploded!" Meng Tianchen didn't know how to explain it.

However, when Meng Tianchen inspected the stone room, he was stunned.

The bloody eyes were gone, and even the invisible murderous intent was gone.

What's different is that another bloody light gate appeared on the stone wall ahead.

"The third test?" Meng Tianchen murmured and remembered his situation.

"Ri-you bang bang bang, can you skip the assessment, I want to go out!" Thinking of the weirdness of this place, Meng Tianchen, who was covered in chills, didn't even want to enter the Bloody Light Gate for any assessment.

Just kidding, he had experienced life and death several times before.

After waiting for a whole day, Meng Tianchen completely broke away from the joy of getting the killing mark, and now he is struggling with how to get out of here.

"Aba, you should stay here for ten days, as long as you don't enter the Bloody Light Gate, you can leave!" The little broken bird Mao Mao guessed.

Meng Tianchen also recalled the situation of passing through the test before, and muttered in a low voice: "Maybe! I hope nothing terrible will happen again."

Meng Tianchen, who had made up his mind, didn't even think about going to the next assessment, and waited boredly.

Sure enough, as Meng Tianchen guessed, after waiting for nine days in a row, nothing happened.

In the weird stone room, there was no movement at all, it was eerily quiet!
He couldn't cultivate, and he didn't have a trace of vitality at all.

On the tenth day, Meng Tianchen finally had a difficult time.

"Nimma, I should be sent out now!"

Finally, a wave of blood-red energy appeared out of thin air in the stone room, covering Meng Tianchen.

Meng Tianchen thought it was a teleportation force that would send him away from the bloody wasteland.

However, when he found out that this irresistible energy was pulling him into the bloody light gate, he was shocked.

"Ri-you bang bang bang, is there any reason! There are still people who force people to pass through the barrier?" Meng Tianchen roared violently when he was frightened.

However, all this was in vain, Meng Tianchen watched helplessly as he slowly approached the Scarlet Light Gate, and finally entered it.

Mao Mao, the little broken bird in the stele space, was also dumbfounded.

After a brief period of darkness, Meng Tianchen found his eyes brightened.

Meng Tianchen thought that the third stage of the assessment should be the stone room, but he didn't know that an even more bizarre scene appeared in front of him.

Pool, it's a pool!
Strangely, the water in the pool was blood-colored and extremely viscous, as if it was fresh blood.

And Meng Tianchen found that he appeared in the center of the blood pool, and a rock protruded from the center of the blood pool, which was very strange, not like an ordinary rock.

Where Meng Tianchen stood was like a palm, jade white.

Taking a closer look, Meng Tianchen was so frightened that he almost crouched down.

What kind of palm-shaped rock is this Nimana? It is clearly a huge palm skeleton, which just supports him.

Meng Tianchen, who was so frightened, made up his mind, except for the skeleton of the palm under his feet and the huge pool of blood, there was nothing else.

"Damn it, what kind of third test is this?" Meng Tianchen guessed wildly, not knowing what would happen next.

"Congratulations, little guy! This is the third test of the Sankong Blood Barren Realm!" Suddenly, a familiar thing, blood eyes, appeared in front of Meng Tianchen.

Seeing this bloody eye at close range, Meng Tianchen almost fainted.

However, Meng Tianchen was very puzzled, his eyes were clearly looking at the blood eyes, but he didn't have the feeling of heart breaking during the second round.

"That's right! It's the bloody eye from the second level, that kind of appearance, and the familiar murderous look! What's going on? Don't tell me I'm not afraid of murderous looks anymore?" For a moment, Meng Tianchen was shocked.

"By the way, it must be the killing mark!" Soon, Meng Tianchen found the reason. Now he is not afraid of the other party's murderous aura and has terrifying power. It should be the credit of the killing mark on the black seedling Wudan.

Even so, Meng Tianchen didn't dare to answer, the bloody eyes were too terrifying, looking at the other party, he felt ashamed and weak.

"It's very strange, although you have comprehended a trace of Sankong's killing intent, it is not pure! Why?" As if sensing something, Xueyan fell into confusion for no reason.

"Sankong's killing intent? Is it not pure?" Meng Tianchen muttered in a low voice, a little puzzled.

"Ri-you bang bang bang, don't tell me the imprint of killing on my black seedling Wudan contains some kind of killing intent?" Sankong's killing intent is absolutely impossible to enter here.

"Little guy, let's start the third test! You have ten days to conduct blood refining! After absorbing all the plasma in the blood pool, you can pass, otherwise you will die!"

Blood Eye's words became ethereal and cold.After finishing speaking, he disappeared strangely. At the same time, amidst the screams, Meng Tianchen found that the skeleton of the palm under his feet suddenly sank.

All of a sudden, Meng Tianchen fell into the pool of blood.


Meng Tianchen, who was about to curse violently, screamed again and again, what kind of blood pool is this, it is simply boiling magma.

In just a split second, Meng Tianchen found that the skin all over his body was cracked, and the terrible plasma burned and corroded the flesh and blood.

"Aba! Quickly, quickly transform!" The little broken bird Maomao roared sharply.

As soon as his mind moved, Meng Tianchen couldn't care less about it, and instantly performed his transformation.

What is extremely strange is that the blood pool seems to be very deep, and a terrible pulling force pulls the tail and lower body into the depths of the blood pool.

The bubbling blood pool submerged Meng Tianchen's entire body, only a huge dragon head was exposed.

It was very painful, Meng Tianchen, who was twisting the dragon's head, was in so much pain that the scales on his extremely proud body instantly melted into the pool of blood.

"Aba!" The little broken bird Mao Mao panicked.

Enduring the horrific pain, Meng Tianchen drove his Yuan Li to resist with all his strength.

In vain, Meng Tianchen's energy is almost negligible for this kind of terrifying plasma.

After the blood plasma destroyed the scales all over Meng Tianchen's body, it did not melt the flesh and blood.Instead, it entered the body violently.

Nearly [-] meridians collapse and break instantly, what a pain.

But Meng Tianchen couldn't pass out, and was clearly enduring this pain.

"Damn it, what kind of shit assessment is this! It's forced!" Meng Tianchen regretted, regretting that he shouldn't have entered the Blood Barren Realm.

Time seems to pass very slowly in the unbearable pain, only a short while has passed, and Meng Tianchen feels as if several years, decades have passed.

Finally, after going through the most terrifying pain, Meng Tianchen felt something.

The blood plasma raging in Pang Ju's body seemed to have some harmonious tendency, and some blood plasma even began to fuse with flesh and blood.

To Meng Tianchen's surprise, the pain seemed to ease a little.

As time passed, the pain faded.Moreover, some blood plasma began to fuse with the meridians, became more resilient, and automatically repaired the broken parts.

Magical, very magical feeling.

Meng Tianchen obviously found that the strength of his physical body has not increased, but his body is undergoing a slow transformation.The flesh and meridians have become very tough, and they also contain a special meaning, which means ancient times and immortality.fantastic!

Immediately afterwards, something even more mysterious happened, the blood plasma energy slowly entered the muscles and bones, as if it was exercising the muscles and bones.

Boundless pain struck again, Meng Tianchen's huge body was rolling in the pool of blood, and the horrific howling sound seemed to break through the space, how shrill it was.

"Aba, hold on!" The little broken bird Mao Mao could see that although Meng Tianchen was enduring terrible pain, the blood pool could indeed exercise the body and had some endless benefits.

"Damn it, what kind of blood is this? Why is it so terrifying!" It's hard to imagine what kind of blood this is.

Five days had passed in a row, Meng Tianchen didn't seem to be in the slightest pain at this moment, lying comfortably in the pool of blood, it could be said to be extremely refreshing.

Meng Tianchen himself didn't know how strong his body, which was already extremely strong, had become after being tempered and transformed by the terrifying blood plasma.

"Aba! It's over! Do you still remember the third test?" The little bird Mao Mao who was also happy for Meng Tianchen suddenly remembered something and screamed.

"Ah?" After being reminded by the little broken bird Mao Mao, Meng Tianchen also remembered.

 Attacking Mao Mao!

(End of this chapter)

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