Chapter 131
The sound pierced the space, and the blood eyes appeared.

"Little guy, welcome to the fourth test!"

Shocked for a while, Meng Tianchen always felt that there was a creepy smell in Xueyan's words, even though the other party's tone was not too harsh, it was still very uncomfortable.

"Little guy, for this level, you need to trigger a wave of the Sankong Divine Ax within ten days! Otherwise, you will become the nourishment of the Sankong Divine Axe!"

"You fucking..." Meng Tianchen, who had just started scolding, was dumbfounded, and the bloody eyes disappeared ghostly, gone.

"Ri-you bang bang bang, you're trying to play me to death!" Meng Tianchen was filled with resentment.

"Aba! This broken ax is not simple!" In the space of the stele, the little broken bird Mao Mao had a bad feeling.

"I don't think there is any difficulty, isn't it just to induce a wave of the broken axe? How difficult is this! I can even subdue high-level artifacts like broken stone tablets!" Meng Tianchen dismissed this level, seemingly It is very simple to trigger the wave of the broken axe.

However, when Meng Tianchen just took a step, his complexion suddenly changed.

The originally silent Broken Axe, the so-called Sankong Axe in Xueyan's mouth, unexpectedly made a piercing whistling sound, which was extremely sad!
This is not the main thing, the frightening thing is that this sad voice bombarded Meng Tianchen.

If he was hit hard, he saw Meng Tianchen's huge body flying upside down, and a jet of black plasma shot out from the huge dragon's mouth.

At the same time as his mind was shaking, Meng Tianchen felt the chaos in his body, his internal organs shifted, his sea of ​​consciousness trembled, and even the black seedling Wudan trembled again and again.


Just a sound wave, Meng Tianchen was severely injured.

How could he dare to be negligent, Meng Tianchen turned over and looked at Sankong Shenaxe standing in front again, with a look of fear on his face.

"Nimma, what the hell is this! It's just a sound wave, I almost finished playing!"

The little broken bird Mao Mao was also frightened, and shouted in fear: "Aba, this broken ax is too scary, it is definitely not an ordinary weapon! It is most likely not a yuan weapon!"

"What? It's not an element?" Meng Tianchen was even more surprised, and asked anxiously: "Maomao, what is it if it's not an element?"

"Aba! I just passed on some secret information not long ago. On top of the Yuan Qi, there is another weapon, which is extremely terrifying, and it is a holy weapon! And..."

Before the little broken bird Mao Mao finished speaking, Meng Tianchen screamed again and again.

"Holy Artifact? Surpassing Yuan Artifact?" For a moment, Meng Tianchen was dumbfounded.He is very clear about how powerful the artifact is. At present, he doesn't even have a real artifact, and now there is a more powerful sacred artifact, so he can't help being shocked.

Suddenly, Meng Tianchen thought of something.

When he was refining Heiyunguo, the Demon Lord Wuhen once made a move at the most dangerous moment, and when he finally tried to investigate Meng Tianchen's sea of ​​consciousness, he seemed to have said that it was a holy weapon for soul defense.

"Damn it! Could it be that the small black ball in the center of Lao Tzu's sea of ​​consciousness is really a sacred weapon? A sacred weapon for soul defense?" At this moment, Meng Tianchen was in shock, but the black ball was really awesome, and it saved him in times of crisis many times.

"Aba, if this broken ax is a sacred weapon, it will be troublesome!" The little broken bird Mao Mao complained.

Meng Tianchen's huge longan showed greed.

Just kidding, this is a sacred artifact, a sacred artifact that is even more awesome than the Yuan Qi, it is a lie not to be moved.

However, thinking about the power of the elemental weapon is extremely terrifying, it is simply impossible to subdue the holy weapon.

In an instant, Meng Tianchen remembered the words of Xueyan, this level needs to trigger a wave of Sankong Shenaxe.

"Damn, I'm not strong enough! If I can subdue this three-empty axe, then I'll be awesome, and I can't see who will destroy who!" Although he was very moved, Meng Tianchen clearly recognized that the three The Kongshen Ax was not something he could shake, let alone subdue.

Even the broken stone tablet of the riot can't do anything about it. Once the black rune is unlocked, he will be enslaved by the broken stone tablet and become a killing puppet.

For a while, Meng Tianchen smiled wryly.

"Aba, in fact, holy artifacts are divided into four levels just like elemental artifacts! I estimate that even the Wuhen Demon Lord who is half-step Wuzong can't subdue this three-empty axe." Meng Tianchen is familiar with his temperament. The little broken bird Mao Mao, of course knew what Meng Tianchen was planning.

"Four grades?" Startled and amazed, Meng Tianchen asked anxiously: "Maomao, tell me quickly, how are the grades of Yuan artifacts or holy artifacts?"

"Aba! Elemental artifacts and sacred artifacts are the same, divided into low-grade, middle-grade, high-grade, and top-grade! Four grades! Heaven and earth spirits cannot be refined into sacred artifacts. Only weapons materials of the level of heaven and earth sacred objects can It is possible to refine the holy artifact."

Hearing this, Meng Tianchen's heart was surging. It was the first time he heard that there was such a division between Yuan Artifacts and Sacred Artifacts, and there was an extra sacred object of heaven and earth.

"Maomao! Is it difficult to induce a wave of Sankong Shenaxe this time?"

"It's not only difficult, it's simply impossible!" The little broken bird Mao Mao was also anxious.

In desperation, Meng Tianchen moved forward again, to the previous position, not daring to move forward again, for fear of triggering the sonic attack of Sankong Shenaxe.

"Aba, only those who are strong in the Wuzong sect can truly display the power of the Yuan weapon. Even if it is a high-level sanctuary, even a half-step Wuzong, it is difficult to display the true power of the Yuan weapon. As for the holy weapon, I don't know." ! This assessment is too difficult."

"Isn't that a dead end?" At this moment, Meng Tianchen doesn't even have the slightest desire to covet the Sankong Divine Axe.

"Maomao, is there any way to identify the level of the element? I don't know what level the broken stele is!" Even though he couldn't control the broken stele, Meng Tianchen was still looking forward to it.

"Only the strong Wu Zong can detect the level of the elemental weapon. Our level of elemental consciousness is too low, it won't work."

After hesitating for a long time, a fierce Meng Tianchen took another step.

The terrifying sound was like a giant bell, striking Meng Tianchen heavily.

Flying upside down again, Meng Tianchen spurted blood again and again, which was worse than the first time.

"Nimma, I can't even take a step forward, how can I induce a wave of Sankong Shenaxe?" Meng Tianchen was incomparably shocked.

After half a day, Meng Tianchen returned to his previous position again, and he didn't dare to move forward any more. His huge long eyes stared at Sankong Shenaxe, both startled and afraid.

"Aba, this is not the way! You can't get close at all, think of other ways!" Looking at Meng Tianchen's miserable state, the little broken bird Mao Mao comforted him.

Meng Tianchen didn't respond, and felt faintly that if he wanted to induce a wave of Sankong Shenaxe, he had to take a step and move closer.

As long as he moves forward a few steps, it is hard to say that he can really trigger the fluctuation of Sankong Shenaxe and complete the assessment of this level.

However, it was too difficult, Meng Tianchen couldn't even take the first step, the sonic attack of Sankong Shenaxe was too abnormal.

If Meng Tianchen knew that the so-called sonic attack was just a kind of unconscious tremor of Sankong Shenaxe, he would definitely be too scared to speak.

In desperation, Meng Tianchen unleashed the magic biting knife.

The black knife could fly out and stab Sankong Shenaxe straight.

Soon, a very strange scene appeared, just when the magic biting knife was about to touch the Sankong divine axe, the magic biting knife collapsed and turned into a cloud of black mist.

Reluctantly, Meng Tianchen withdrew the Demon Biting Knife.

"Damn, the Sankong Divine Ax is too scary!" Meng Tianchen was helpless.

"Curse the prison!"

With Meng Tianchen's angry shout, the cursed prison was released, and it quickly covered Sankong Shenaxe.

However, when the cursed prison flew above Sankong Shenaxe and was about to cover it, it stopped moving.Stagnated above the blade of the axe, there was no way to cover it.

"Cursing the prison doesn't work either!"

After taking back the cursed prison, Meng Tianchen fell into deep thought, the difficulty of this level was beyond his imagination.

"How can I induce a wave of the Sankong Divine Axe?" Little Po Niao Mao Mao was also immersed in the inheritance information, meditating hard.

Time flies fast.

In a blink of an eye, nine days passed.

Seeing that the deadline was approaching, Meng Tianchen was in a hurry.He remembered that Xueyan said that if he couldn't induce the slightest fluctuation of the Sankong Divine Axe, he would become the nourishment of the Sankong Divine Axe.

In desperation, Meng Tianchen took another step, wanting to get closer to Sankong Shenaxe.

The huge body was sent flying again, and the terrifying sonic attacks were even more terrifying than the previous two.

Seriously injured, this time Meng Tianchen was really seriously injured, many meridians in his body ruptured.

Spitting out a mouthful of plasma, Meng Tianchen stared at Sankong Shenaxe full of resentment, very unwilling.

"Ri-you bang bang bang, is it true that I'm going to die this time?" Facing the irresistible Sankong Axe, Meng Tianchen gritted his teeth with hatred.

After resting and reconciling for a while, Meng Tianchen got up and returned to the previous position, not daring to try again.With his current cultivation base, it is impossible to take a step forward.

In a hurry, Meng Tianchen decided that time was running out, and the only way was to unseal the broken stele and summon it, hoping to trigger a wave of the Sankong Divine Axe.

Just when Meng Tianchen sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, just when he was about to uncover the black rune seal on the body of the broken stone tablet, he suddenly felt a flash of inspiration.

Changed my mind.

Meng Tianchen knew very well that once the seal of the broken stone tablet was lifted, even if the Sankong Divine Ax did not attack him, he would be enslaved by the broken stone tablet and turned into a walking corpse, a puppet purely for killing.

Meng Tianchen raised his ferocious dragon head and let out a long roar.


A huge gray pillar appeared in front of Meng Tianchen, it was [-] meters high and the thickness of a bowl.


Suddenly, the entire valley suddenly changed. The surrounding towering peaks shook violently, the ground cracked, cracks appeared one after another, and terrible sounds intersected together.


The originally apathetic Sankong Ax suddenly trembled, and bell-shaped sound wave vortices visible to the naked eye locked onto Meng Tianchen and struck.

Meng Tianchen's complexion changed, pale.

It is impossible to stop this kind of powerful sonic attack, and it will definitely kill your soul.

 Attacking Mao Mao!

(End of this chapter)

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