Chapter 138 Cracks
"Then it's troublesome!" Meng Tianchen knew that he surpassed the seventh-level sanctuary, but a high-level sanctuary, and his strength had an essential leap. He and the little broken bird Mao Mao couldn't face it at all.It's hard to say that if you meet face to face, you will be killed by the opponent.

"Maomao, what kind of heaven and earth spirit? Have you found it?"

"No! Abba, the spirits of heaven and earth are in the magma cave, and I dare not go in." The little broken bird Mao Mao said with deep fear.

"Ri-you bang bang bang, you have to think of a way!" Meng Tianchen began to think eagerly.

"Human! Get out, I know you are hiding nearby!" Suddenly, the most massive ancient horned flame beast below roared angrily.

"Damn!" Meng Tianchen, who cursed secretly, was very surprised, the desolate beasts here were obviously different from the ones he had seen before, and they actually had good spiritual intelligence.

Seeing that there was still no movement around, the furious leader of the ancient horned flame beast surged in power, and the terrifying fire element energy poured out of his body, and a large space was ignited with raging flames.

"Damn it, a strong man in the Ninth Layer Sanctuary!" Meng Tianchen, who was hiding in the space of the stele, felt his scalp tingle, never expecting that the ancient horned flame beast was so terrifying, it was actually a strong person in the Ninth Layer Sanctuary, displaying the Yuan Qi Domain.

One must know that the field of vitality is the symbol of the strong in the nine-fold sanctuary.

"It's okay! I didn't rashly show up to lure the other party!" The little broken bird Mao Mao who flew away was so frightened that he finally left the opponent's vitality field and did not show his figure.

The powerhouse in the Ninth Layer Sanctuary is still an extremely terrifying ancient horned flame beast, and it is simply not what the little broken bird Maomao can match now.

In the field of the opponent's fire element vitality, Meng Tianchen found that he did not show his body, and while he let out a sigh of relief, he complained endlessly.

"Damn it, how could there be such a powerful desolate beast, even if the three demon lords are here, I'm afraid they won't be able to get any benefits! What should we do now?" Meng Tianchen forced himself to calm down, thinking anxiously.

The terrifying fire-type vitality domain lasted for a long time. Even the powerful leader of the ancient horned flame beast couldn't bear such consumption. In desperation, the vitality domain had to be withdrawn.

"Come out! Little reptile, damned little human reptile, get out!" The huge ancient horned flame beast became more and more angry.

"According to Mao Mao's investigation, the area at the bottom of this valley should be small, and there are two powerful forces. One is the ancient horned flame beast below, and the other is the Pyroblast elf of the magma cave. They must have existed for countless years. The strength of the two sides should be comparable." After careful analysis, Meng Tianchen wanted to find a way out of the predicament.

"Damn, there's no way! The ancient horned flame beast below is too terrifying, you must not act recklessly, you can only wait." Meng Tianchen, who had made up his mind, simply ignored it.

And after discovering that the vitality domain of the ancient horned flame beast had disappeared, the little broken bird Mao Mao, who had been waiting for a long time, flew near Meng Tianchen again.

"Aba, that guy is too terrifying, he is definitely a half-step Wuzong powerhouse!" The little broken bird Mao Mao was very frightened.

"Half-step Martial Sect! That's a level of Wuhen's Immortal, troublesome." Instantly, Meng Tianchen remembered the powerlessness he felt when facing the Wuhen Demon Lord, and broke into a cold sweat.

At the same time, Meng Tianchen couldn't help but envy the little broken bird Mao Mao.Not only can it fly, but it also has an extremely weird concealment technique.

"It would be great if I can hide. I can sneak away and pick up the profound crystals on the stone wall." Meng Tianchen shook his head helplessly, the concealment of the little broken bird is the power of talent.

Three days.

Three days in a row have passed, and Meng Tianchen at this moment can be regarded as hating the ancient horned flame beast below to death.

Although some of them had dispersed, the leader of the ancient horned flame beast was still there, staring at the surroundings, as if he wanted to spend it with Meng Tianchen.

"Damn, this guy is trying to kill you, brains! Why don't you just get out!" Meng Tianchen could clearly see the leader of the ancient horned flame beast below, a terrifying half-step Wuzong expert.

On the contrary, the little broken bird Mao Mao has searched the entire valley bottom for three days.

"Aba, that's strange. Right in the middle of the valley, there are quite a few ancient horned flame beasts and Pyroblast elves confronting each other, but they didn't fight." The little broken bird Mao Mao was very confused.

"What? Didn't fight?" Meng Tianchen was very disappointed, how much he hoped that the ancient horned flame beast and the Pyroblast elves would fight, and it would be best to die.

"Besides, I sensed a terrifying energy gathering in the middle of the valley. I didn't dare to get too close. I don't know what's going on." The little broken bird Mao Mao has completely figured out the bottom of the valley. The two groups of ancient monsters Strength.

"It's weird, it must be weird!" After pondering for a moment, Meng Tianchen asked anxiously: "Maomao, is there any special place in the middle of the valley?"

"Aba! No, there's nothing special about it. It's just a lumpy rock, the same as other places on the bottom of the valley." The little broken bird Mao Mao was also puzzled.

"There must be something unusual." Meng Tianchen's tone was very affirmative.

"Maomao, be careful, you must not let the other party find out. Pay close attention to the position in the middle of the valley, the big guy below is too annoying, damn it, it seems to be exhausted with me." Meng Tianchen hated it. .

Several days passed.

There was nothing abnormal in the middle of the valley bottom, and the leader of the ancient horned flame beast under Meng Tianchen still did not leave.However, the guy fell into a deep sleep.

"Hehe, this guy's spiritual intelligence is not low, he even pretended to sleep, and wanted to paralyze me, just waiting for me to show his figure!" Meng Tianchen was very surprised, the ancient horned flame beast below was definitely not ordinary.

There was no good way, so Meng Tianchen began to practice in the space of the stele.

Suddenly, the entire bottom of the valley vibrated, and the dull sound seemed to come from the depths of the ground.

Woke up!

The leader of the ancient horned flame beast below Meng Tianchen seemed to have remembered something and roared.

In an instant, the vitality of the entire valley erupted, and a large number of ancient horned flame beasts crazily rushed towards the middle of the valley. It seemed that a war was about to break out, or some shocking treasure was about to appear.

Shocked, Meng Tianchen hesitated whether to flash out of the stele space, not sure what happened below.

"Aba, it's so strange!" The little broken bird appeared around Meng Tianchen strangely, and whispered.

"Maomao, tell me quickly, what happened?" Meng Tianchen was very anxious.

"Aba, in the middle of the valley, a crack suddenly appeared, a very small crack, and a large amount of fire-element vitality gushed out. Some treasure must have been born." The little broken bird, Mao Mao, was not sure.

"Ah?" With an exclamation, Meng Tianchen was extremely excited, this is a rare opportunity, a chance to get out of danger.

"At this moment, the space of the stele flashes out, let the little broken bird Mao Mao grow up, and it should be able to fly up." While excited, Meng Tianchen thought of the Profound Truth Profound Crystal on the stone wall.

After showing his figure, Meng Tianchen fell down quickly, and landed on the real rocky ground in a moment.

Scattered and checked, but no ancient horned flame beast was found at all.

"Maomao, go and get those profound crystals first, and if you find something wrong, hide yourself and leave!" Meng Tianchen, whose eyes were full of greed, went straight to the rock wall not far away, and told the little broken bird Mao Mao.

After he really picked off a tiny pale yellow crystal, Meng Tianchen was so excited that his hands trembled and he couldn't speak at all.

This is a Profound Crystal of Earth Element, an incomparably miraculous fetish, a real treasure.

According to Panhuang's inheritance information, even in ancient times, profound crystals are indescribable treasures, priceless treasures, extremely mysterious, and slightly inferior to the spiritual objects of heaven and earth.

You know, even the entire Black Demon Empire has not found a Profound Profound Crystal, even the old antiques such as the Wuhen Demon Lord do not have a Profound Profound Crystal.

"Hey, get rich!"

"This! This is a profound crystal of darkness!"

"Okay! Another one, this one is of the wind element. As long as I refine it and understand it, I will definitely reach the peak of my fast secret, and the element of wind element will definitely be able to smoothly advance to the second level of the sanctuary, and it will be very easy."

Meng Tianchen, who was muttering to himself, carefully removed one after another of the Profound Truth Profound Crystals from the stone wall, and put them into the space of the stele, his mind moved and he was so excited.

The little broken bird Mao Mao was even more eye-catching, as if he didn't care that the vibration of the entire valley floor was getting bigger and bigger.

"These are all Laozi's, all of them are Laozi's." Meng Tianchen, whose eyes turned red, couldn't care about anything else, only the profound crystal in his eyes.

Along the rock wall, picking all the way away, Meng Tianchen himself didn't know how much he collected.

Strangely, the closer to the middle of the valley bottom, the more profound profound crystals on the stone wall, and the farther away, the rarer profound profound crystals on the stone wall.

All the way to the bottom of the valley on one side, which is the old nest of the ancient flame beast, on the stone wall, there is no profound crystal.


Suddenly, Meng Tianchen was awakened by a series of beast roars.

While sweating profusely, Meng Tianchen discovered that there were actually a few ancient horned flame beast cubs, still at the breaking element level, roaring violently.

Almost at the same time, a howling sound came from the center of the valley, as if some terrifying monster had rushed over.

"Damn it! Not good!" Shocked, Meng Tianchen realized that he had broken into the lair of the ancient horned flame beast. He ran along the rock wall for hundreds of meters and hurriedly escaped into the space of the stele.

The moment Meng Tianchen flashed into the space of the stele, a gigantic ancient horned flame beast appeared.

Although he was not the leader of the ancient horned flame beast, he was definitely a terrifying guy. Judging from his body shape, he should be a catastrophe from the Nine Layers Sanctuary.

The little broken bird, Mao Mao, had already activated her natural power and hid herself.

howl!Roar!Ho ho!

It seemed that after seeing that the group of ancient horned flame beast cubs were not injured, the huge ancient horned flame beasts violently attacked the surroundings indiscriminately, and then slowly quieted down.

"It's troublesome!" Meng Tianchen muttered and found that the huge ancient horned flame beast had no intention of leaving, and was very worried.As long as he comes out of the space of the stele, he will definitely be discovered by the opponent and lock on to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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