Chapter 141 God-given opportunity
Almost at the same time, the entire valley shook suddenly, turning the sky upside down.

Qiu Dongbo and Huo Lai, who were roaring again and again, led their clansmen back again and again.


The azure flame that had escaped from the Zhuluo fire lotus was evenly divided into three strands, and rushed towards the three azure fire lotus seeds.

At this moment, Luo Zhu Huo Lian was dim and dull, and it was slowly sinking, falling into cracks.

What is incomparably miraculous is that, as Zhu Luo Huo Lian sank into the crack, the ground at the bottom of the valley shook more violently, and the crack was slowly closing.

In just a split second, the crack disappears.

At a distance of ten meters from the ground, three blue fire lotus seeds were suspended, and a terrible blue flame was burning all over them.

The extremely curious little broken bird Mao Mao stared down, and at the same time, paid attention to Qiu Dongbo and Huo Lai.

"Strange, is the green fire lotus seed so scary? Why is the mighty Qiu Dongbo so far away from Huo Lai?" The little broken bird Mao Mao was very surprised.

Still nothing strange happened, but the blue flames on the three green fire lotus seeds were rapidly decreasing, and the speed of being absorbed was getting faster and faster.

In the space of the stele, Meng Tianchen didn't know what happened in the middle of the valley, and was very worried about the little broken bird.However, the existence of the little broken bird Maomao can still be clearly perceived.

"I hope the little broken bird will not be reckless!" At this moment, Meng Tianchen had no choice at all.

Suddenly, at the same time as the three blue fire lotus seeds burst open, countless small blue flames burst out.

As if thinking of something, the frightened little broken bird Mao Mao kept flying towards the sky, no matter what kind of killing fire lotus.

Similarly, the roaring Pyroblast elves and the ancient beasts frantically fled towards the two sides.

This tiny cyan flame contains a trace of the essence of Zhu Luohuo, how terrifying.As long as it is contaminated with a little bit, there will be absolutely no scum left.

In an extremely strange scene, at the same time as the three Luozhu fire lotus flowers were in full bloom, everyone fled away.

After escaping far away, the Pyroblast and the Ancient Beast stood on both sides of the middle of the valley, but they actually stopped and did not approach the middle.

"Three days, I can't collect the Zhu Luo fire lotus within three days of blooming! After three days, I must take two of them." Qiu Dongbo, the leader of the ancient flame beast with extremely fierce eyes, stared at the direction in the middle of the valley bottom. .

After a while, I found that those terrifying tiny blue flames slowly dissipated in the air, turning into pure fire element vitality.The little broken bird Mao Mao then slowly descended, wanting to see the whereabouts of the three Zhu Luo fire lotus flowers.

Unexpectedly, as it slowly descended, the little broken bird Maomao found an extremely hot breath, and it seemed that if it moved closer to the bottom, its body would burn.

Even if it is to drive the energy in the body, this weird situation still does not change in any way.The extremely surprised little broken bird Mao Mao murmured: "Damn it!"

After thinking for a moment, the little broken bird Mao Mao decided to return to the vicinity of Meng Tianchen.

"Maomao, how is it? You are not injured, are you?" Meng Tianchen asked after sensing the little broken bird Mao Mao approaching.

"Aba, that Luo Zhu fire lotus is too scary!" The little broken bird Mao Mao felt a little embarrassed, he had never approached the middle of the valley bottom at all, and didn't know the whereabouts of the three Luo Zhu fire lotus.

"Quick, tell me what's going on! As long as you're okay."

As the little broken bird Mao Mao slowly explained the entire birth process of Zhu Luo Fire Lotus, Meng Tianchen was stunned.

"No, there must be something wrong!" Meng Tianchen thought anxiously.

Thinking back to what the little broken bird Mao Mao had said, Meng Tianchen almost concluded that the three Zhu Luo fire lotus flowers must still be there.Since the little broken bird Maomao drove the witch power in his body without any effect, he couldn't get close to the center of the valley.I believe that the powerful Pyroblast Elf or the Ancient Beast can't get the Zhuluo Fire Lotus so smoothly.

"Could it be that it will take some time to obtain the Zhuluo Fire Lotus?" It has to be said that Meng Tianchen's guess was very accurate.

"Do you want to go over and have a look?" Meng Tianchen hesitated.

After a while, Meng Tianchen who had made up his mind suddenly flashed out of the stele space.

"Ah?" Meng Tianchen turned pale with shock, he felt the temperature outside his body was extremely terrifying, and the clothes on his body instantly turned to ashes.

Moreover, a kind of extremely domineering vitality, the vitality of the fire element pierced into the body crazily.

Unbelievably, the black seedling Wudan in the body trembled violently. It seemed that it was excited, or something else, and it swallowed the vitality of the Tyrannical Fierce Element without any scruples.

In just an instant, the tyrannical fire element vitality around Meng Tianchen had to fade a lot.

However, not far away, more tyrannical fire-type vitality still swept in crazily, even hotter.

"It's so strange! What kind of vitality is this? There is such a miraculous fire element vitality!" For a moment, Meng Tianchen was overjoyed, obviously feeling that the fire element energy in his body was transforming and sublimating.

The black seedling Wudan, like a greedy child, is desperately absorbing the unique vitality of the Domineering Fire Element.

No matter how much there is, eat as much as you come.

Gradually, Meng Tianchen clearly felt that the fire element vitality in his body was fundamentally different from before, completely different, not simply sublimated.

Taking a closer look, Meng Tianchen shouted in fear: "This? How is this possible?"

"Aba! What's the matter?" The little broken bird Mao Mao repeatedly asked.

"Maomao! It's simply unbelievable. This weird fire element energy is amazing. You know, my fire element energy has not been promoted to the sanctuary yet. However, after absorbing these mysterious fire element energy, the Wu Dan The fire element power has completely transformed, even stronger than the other three sanctuary powers."

"No! Impossible?" The little broken bird Mao Mao couldn't believe it.

"Huh!" Suddenly, Meng Tianchen's mind was shaken, the black ball in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness trembled slightly, and a strange thought came to him deep in his soul.

"Go, go!" There seemed to be a voice urging Meng Tianchen to go to the middle of the valley, where there seemed to be what he most longed for.

At the same time, Meng Tianchen found that the blood in his body was rushing uncontrollably, agitated.

"Damn it! What's going on?" Meng Tianchen was a little dazed.

"Maomao, the three fire lotuses in the center of the valley may still be there." Meng Tianchen guessed it the moment the black ball of the Sea of ​​Consciousness had this strange thought.

"Aba, you are right. The three Luozhu fire lotuses in the middle of the valley may really still be there. But they can't get close. The three Luozhu fire lotuses are surrounded by the extremely terrifying essence energy of Luozhuhuo. It should take some time for it to subside." The little broken bird Mao Mao finally understood.

"It doesn't matter! Go closer and have a look first, if you can't get close, then hide in the space of the stele." Faintly, Meng Tianchen felt that this time was his great opportunity, and he must not let it go.

Unexpectedly, after walking slowly for a certain distance, more and more powerful mysterious fire-type vitality seemed to go crazy, piercing into Meng Tianchen's body.

However, the little broken bird Mao Mao couldn't stand it anymore, he couldn't resist that terrifying hot breath at all.

Helpless, Meng Tianchen had no choice but to put the little broken bird Mao Mao into the space of the stele, and approached the middle of the valley tremblingly by himself.

As he slowly approached the center of the valley bottom, Meng Tianchen felt the fire element energy in his body increase wildly, far surpassing the other three elements of sanctuary energy.

"It's unbelievable! Lao Tzu's fire element energy is still at the peak of the ninth level of breaking element, and it is so powerful. Once he advances to the sanctuary, won't it be even more powerful?" Meng Tianchen was overjoyed and at the same time wondered even more.Even in the Panhuang inheritance information, there is no introduction of a similar situation.

After half a day, Meng Tianchen was extremely excited.

I saw it.

Meng Tianchen could clearly see three blue lotus flowers floating ten meters from the ground in front of him, their incomparably strange and powerful aura made him dare not approach them.

"Sure enough, my guess is correct. Even a powerful half-step Wuzong expert can't get close to this place. You can only wait for the energy of the Luo Zhu fire lotus to gradually restrain itself before you can collect it."

Meng Tianchen was very excited, this is a huge opportunity, one that cannot be missed.

The terrifying ancient horned flame beasts and Pyroblast elves couldn't get close to this place at all, and for some unknown reason, he could not only absorb this domineering fire-type vitality, but also get close to the Luozhu fire lotus.

It's a pity that when he got here, Meng Tianchen felt extremely difficult, almost every step forward was very difficult.

This temperature is too high, it seems that his body may be incinerated into ashes at any time.Even if that kind of weird fire element energy crazily penetrated into the body and was absorbed by the black seedling Wudan, it would be difficult to move forward.

Soon, Meng Tianchen discovered an extremely miraculous scene.

As long as he stops, after the terrifying Domineering Fire Element Qi around him is absorbed into his body, the terrifying coercion and fiery aura accumulated on him will fade a lot.

"I understand! As long as I absorb this terrifying tyrannical fire-type vitality, I can get close to the three Luozhu fire lotus flowers, which can be collected. Opportunity, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

Thinking of this, the blood in Meng Tianchen's body surged even more, how excited he was.

"Yes, these three Luozhu fire lotus flowers must belong to Lao Tzu, and I must seize them." Meng Tianchen's eyes were red as he stared at the three Luozhu fire lotus flowers in front of him.

Time passed slowly, and half a day passed.

Meng Tianchen had already come to the bottom of the three Zhu Luo fire lotus flowers, less than ten meters away from the treasure above his head.

However, at this moment, Meng Tianchen was in a difficult situation.The fire element vitality in the body is too terrifying, even the mutated black seedling Wudan can't suppress it, it may riot at any time, and terrible things will happen.

Facing the three Luozhu fire lotus flowers above his head, Meng Tianchen didn't know how to collect them. At this moment, the terrifying energy of the three Luozhu fire lotuses had not been completely restrained, so he couldn't collect them at all.

"Maomao! Do you know how to collect it?" Helpless, Meng Tianchen had no choice but to ask the little broken bird Maomao.

 Attacking Mao Mao!

(End of this chapter)

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