Chapter 143 Wraith
"Da-you bang bang bang, I'm going all out." Encouraged by the little broken bird Mao Mao, Meng Tianchen, who made up his mind, slowly approached the black forest in front of him.

However, as the distance from the Black Forest got closer and closer, Meng Tianchen became more and more frightened.

A cold, incomparably cold aura emanated from the Black Forest.

It was a weird aura that made even the soul feel cold, almost an aura of death.

Meng Tianchen, who controls the power of the dark curse, has a tense expression on his face. He can conclude that there is definitely a terrible crisis hidden in the black forest ahead. There is a kind of taboo power, and it is also of the dark attribute.

Feather, a little broken bird who already felt that something was wrong, saw the black forest that was close at hand, and cried out in fear: "Aba, why don't we go in."

Meng Tianchen took an angry look at the little broken bird on his shoulder, and muttered in his heart: "Is this still the lawless and fearless little broken bird?"

Suddenly, a whirlwind blew up in the originally silent black forest, and those weird trees that were not too tall all swayed, and they actually made howling sounds like howling ghosts and wolves.

"Damn!" Meng Tianchen, who was yelling, was so frightened that he backed away again and again.

mosquito buzz!喓喓!

The little broken bird Mao Mao was also screaming in fright.

Meng Tianchen, who had stopped, concentrated his mind and stared at the direction of the black forest. He couldn't see anything inside, only the branches and leaves of black dead trees.

"Maomao, do you feel that we are so close that we can't even see the ground of the Black Forest clearly, isn't it strange?" Meng Tianchen was extremely confused.

"Aba, I feel that there seems to be some kind of restriction in the Black Forest. The whole Black Forest should be enveloped by some kind of aura." Just now, the little broken bird Mao Mao was really frightened.

After a while, the completely silent Black Forest remained the same, and nothing happened.

"Da-you bang bang bang, I don't believe in evil anymore!" Gritting his teeth, Meng Tianchen decided to go in and have a look. If something goes wrong, he can hide in the stone tablet space.

After a while, Meng Tianchen and the little broken bird Mao Mao approached the black forest again, and even the black dead trees that were close at hand could be seen clearly, but they couldn't see anything else, even the ground could not be seen clearly.It seems that there is an invisible thing blocking the line of sight.


While the wind was howling in the Black Forest, Meng Tianchen stepped into the Black Forest sweating profusely.

"This?" Meng Tianchen who had just entered the Black Forest screamed in fear.

There was a crisp sound under the feet, something broke.

Looking down, the horrified Meng Tianchen found that his feet were covered with white bones, and many black dead trees grew among these bones.

What's even weirder is that Meng Tianchen couldn't see what was going on outside the Black Forest.

"It's so weird, what is this place? Why are there so many dead bones?" What made Meng Tianchen's hair stand on end was that the dead bones under his feet had no energy at all, and were completely decayed. broken.

Moreover, these dead bones are obviously not of human beings, they are all of desolate beasts, the bones are huge, all of them are incomplete, and the incompleteness is very serious, none of them are complete.

"Ah, Abba, this place is so scary!" The little broken bird Mao Mao panicked.

Scattered and checked, fortunately, no scary monsters appeared.Meng Tianchen thought in surprise: "Damn, this place is too evil, why does Mobitu Xiaodao have to enter here? I won't die!"

Ever since entering the black forest, the strange whistling sound in my ears has not stopped. This sound seems to be howling from some monster, quite miserable.

Demon Devouring Knife!

After shouting boldly, Meng Tianchen summoned the Demon Biting Knife.

However, looking at the magic biting knife in the palm of his hand, nothing happened.

"Damn it, the Devil's Biter Knife hasn't moved! Do you want me to go deeper?" Meng Tianchen clearly felt the Devil's Biter Knife, and there was a joyful emotion.

"Let's go in and have a look!" After hesitating for a while, Meng Tianchen decided to go deeper.After all, his biggest reliance is the power of two natural talents, the magic biting knife or the cursed prison.It is worthwhile to pay some price to improve the power of the Devil's Biting Knife, as long as you can't die.

Meng Tianchen saw that even in danger, he could escape into the space of the stele.

Moreover, Meng Tianchen clearly remembered that Wuhen Old Ghost once warned him that the Devil's Biting Knife was actually the strangest soul attack.When encountering ordinary strong men, those whose souls are not strong enough, or who have no protection from the sea of ​​consciousness, the magic biting knife can make meritorious deeds.Once encountering someone with perverted soul power, not only will the Magic Biting Knife not be effective, it may also suffer backlash.

"Strong! The Devil's Biting Knife must be stronger." Thinking of this, Meng Tianchen didn't bother to pay attention to the trembling little broken bird on his shoulder, and stepped forward.

Every time he took a step forward, the sound of crushing dry bones under his feet was extremely terrifying.

Walking forward very cautiously, after half a day, Meng Tianchen, who went deep into the black forest, gradually settled down.Apart from that weird whistling sound, there was no danger at all.

The magic biting knife suspended in Meng Tianchen's palm has not moved, even the little broken bird Mao Mao has become more courageous, screaming from time to time.

Suddenly, Meng Tianchen became startled, less than ten meters in front of him, a ghostly monster appeared.

In an instant, Meng Tianchen and the little broken bird Mao Mao screamed at the same time.

There was no sign of any of this, the creepy Meng Tianchen backed away again and again, the dry bones under his feet creaked.

It was a floating monster, resembling a human, with its feet less than a foot off the ground.Covered in white, the body less than one meter long has an unreal feeling, it seems to be a kind of phantom mist.

What is especially weird is that the Qi Bai monster's facial features are blurred and unreal.

The moment Meng Tianchen saw the Qi Bai monster, he felt a kind of resentment, an extremely strong resentment.It seems that the other party has a deep hatred with him.

this?Not the most important.What's even more frightening is that a kind of resentment was born in Meng Tianchen's mind.The irresistible growth soon filled the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

"Damn it!" Meng Tianchen shook his head in shock, trying to calm himself down.

After finally dispelling the weird resentment from the sea of ​​consciousness, Meng Tianchen was terrified.His mind is mutated, so powerful, even ordinary high-level sanctuary powerhouses, their minds are hard to compare with him.

But that's it, just looking at the other party, Meng Tianchen's mind was unexpectedly unstable, he was assimilated, he felt resentment, and almost sank.

"Ah! Abba! This? This is a wraith!" As if thinking of something, the little broken bird Mao Mao was so frightened that his words trembled.

"Wraith? What is a Wraith?" Meng Tianchen didn't dare to look forward when he backed up again and again, and hurriedly asked.

"Aba, the so-called resentful spirits are strange things that are born after the death of some superpowers. After the remnant souls dissipate, the leftover obsessions gather together. Resentful spirits are not even a kind of life, but just a kind of life. A body of thought. It can affect the mind, which is extremely terrifying."

While stabilizing his mind, he locked on Qi Bai's Wraith in front of him, and couldn't find out the other party's cultivation at all.

"Thousands of blows!"

Frightened and angry, Meng Tianchen did not perform the transformation, but summoned the gray stick, and used the first move of the Thousand Yuan Stick Technique.

The indestructible gray stick, mixed with powerful force, locks on to Qi Bai's Wraith, and strikes straight down.

With a loud sound, Meng Tianchen was dumbfounded.It was so easy, the other party didn't even move.

The gray stick, which has never disappointed Meng Tianchen, split Qi Bai Wraith's body from top to bottom, and hit the dry bone ground, splashing some dry bone fragments.

"Dead?" Meng Tianchen who retracted the gray stick was stunned.

Qi Bai's resentful spirit was still floating there, motionless, as if in deep thought.

"This? What's the matter with this shit?"

"Aba! The form of the wraith is between reality and illusion. This kind of attack is useless at all. Only the soul attack can annihilate them." The little broken bird screamed.

"Ah?" Meng Tianchen who cried out in surprise suddenly felt a terrible crisis. Not far away, Qi Bai's Wraith, whose body was about one meter high, suddenly moved and turned into a white mist, moving towards He rushed quickly.

"Not good! Aba, hurry up, quickly drive the magic biting knife to attack." The little broken bird was in a hurry.

"Magic Devouring Knife!"

In a hurry, Meng Tianchen, who yelled angrily, shook his wrist, moved the magic biting knife with his mind, locked on the Qi Bai mist that was rushing towards him, and stabbed it.

The moment the magic biting knife pierced Qi Bai's mist, Meng Tianchen heard an extremely ear-piercing strange cry.

This terrifying cry even made his mind unsteady, even the little broken bird Mao Mao was unsteady and fell from Meng Tianchen's shoulder.

Fortunately, the magic biting knife did not disappoint Meng Tianchen, it actually completely swallowed the Qi Bai mist.The Wraith is dead and has completely disappeared.

He fell down on the dry bone ground, and at the same time as the crack sounded, cold sweat covered Tianchen's head. This was the first time such a weird battle had happened.

Fortunately, the magic bite knife can kill the opponent, if not, Meng Tianchen really doesn't know what to do.

Facing such a strange wraith, Meng Tianchen found out what strength, combat skills, and origin power.None of these attacks worked.

"Fucking shit, it's finally done!" Meng Tianchen felt relieved at this moment.

"Aba! Let's go out! This is the most low-level vengeful spirit. Once you encounter a powerful vengeful spirit, it's hard to say that your magic biting knife can't help it!" The little broken bird yelled repeatedly.

"What? There are more powerful wraiths? Is there anything else that can't be classified as wraiths?" Meng Tianchen looked at the little broken bird Maomao in surprise.

"Huh!" Meng Tianchen, who took back the magic bite knife, was stunned while asking anxiously.It is obvious that the energy of the magic biting knife has a slight increase, and there is a trace of milky white mysterious energy floating on the magic biting knife.

 Attacking Mao Mao!

(End of this chapter)

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