Chapter 148 Forbearance
"Xiao Tianchen, your master hasn't come back yet. You don't need to call me Lord Demon Lord anymore, just call me Old Bone!" The Demon Lord's tone was very friendly, and he wanted to get closer to Meng Tianchen.

"Yes!" Meng Tianchen agreed casually.

"Huh!" The moment Meng Tianchen stepped onto the bloody chain, he was suddenly amazed and screamed in a low voice.

"Xiao Tianchen, what's the matter?" The Bone Demon Lord who was walking in the front stopped, looked back at Meng Tianchen, and asked with concern.

"No, nothing!" Meng Tianchen responded repeatedly.

The three continued to move forward, even the powerful half-step Martial Sect Bone Demon Lord dared not be careless on the bloody chains.

But Meng Tianchen's heart was full of turmoil and it was difficult to calm down.

"Aba, what's the matter?" Mao Mao, the little broken bird in the stele space, was also very curious.

"Maomao! It's so strange. I feel that there is an invisible murderous aura on the bloody chains, which can penetrate the black mist shield that the bone demon lord put on my body and enter the body. Moreover, it was killed by the killing characters on the Wudan. Absorbed."

The little broken bird Mao Mao who was also confused murmured: "Aba, it's hard to say that your killing character can really become an extremely powerful killing move. Even the murderous aura that the bone demon masters are afraid of can be absorbed, which can be called against the sky ah!"

At this moment, regarding the killing characters on the black seedling Wudan, Meng Tianchen walked forward slowly while perceiving and checking carefully.

From Meng Tianchen's point of view, once the killing character is activated, his own power will only increase a lot.Terrible murderous intent bloomed all over his body, and those with low cultivation bases couldn't resist it at all.However, for the powerhouses in the sanctuary, those who are at the same level as Meng Tianchen's cultivation level, or those who exceed it, have no lethal power.

Killing characters is actually a tasteless one, it can only intimidate warriors under the sanctuary.

With terrifying strength, Meng Tianchen doesn't have to worry about low-level sacred warriors, let alone those who are at the Poyuan level.

Faintly, Meng Tianchen felt that something was wrong again.The killing character that is almost fused with the black seedling Wudan should not be so simple. It is very possible that its huge role or potential has not yet been discovered.

After leaving the Blood Crystal Secret Realm, Duan Yuhuan, who was very upset, snorted at Meng Tianchen and left hastily.

"Xiao Tianchen, you go to the Bone Demon Palace in a month, and I will open the Blood River Tower for you. During this period of time, you can consolidate your gains in the Blood Crystal Secret Realm!" The Bone Demon Lord said with a smile, looking at Meng Tianchen, very excited. is satisfied.

"Okay!" Meng Tianchen was modest and polite, he didn't want to talk too much, for fear that the Bone Demon Lord would perceive his hidden hostility.

Walking back to the area of ​​the Wuhen Demon Lord, Meng Tianchen went straight to the main hall.

"I don't know how Xiaoyun and the others are doing!" Meng Tianchen was a little worried, after all, this is the core area of ​​the Black Demon Clan, and the Wuhen Demon Lord is not there.

When he was about to approach the main hall, Meng Tianchen remembered to use Yuan Consciousness to investigate.

You know, in the blood crystal secret realm, Yuan Consciousness cannot be separated from the body at all, and Meng Tianchen is almost used to not driving Yuan Consciousness to investigate.

The moment Yuan Consciousness left the body, Meng Tianchen suddenly felt slight fluctuations in the surrounding space.

Powerful, this feeling is wonderful.

Meng Tianchen had already forgotten to check the whereabouts of Zhuge Yun and the others in the main hall, driving Yuan Consciousness to extend all the time, crazily.

Moments later, Meng Tianchen was dumbfounded and stood there dumbfounded.

"Aba! What's the matter?" The little broken bird Mao Mao repeatedly asked.

"Maomao, this? How is this possible?" Meng Tianchen was frightened, completely frightened.

"I, my primordial consciousness can extend to [-] miles! Is this shit real?" Meng Tianchen's voice trembled, unparalleled excitement.

"Ah?" Now, it was the little broken bird Mao Mao's turn to be dumbfounded.

Just kidding, what is the concept of [-] miles? Under Meng Tianchen's consciousness, the huge Black Demon City suddenly seemed so small.

You must know that the Yuan Consciousness requirement for warriors in the Ninth Layer Sanctuary is [-] miles.Meng Tianchen, whose primordial consciousness is [-] miles away, can definitely be compared to a half-step Wuzong powerhouse.

Powerful, this indescribable feeling is wonderful.

If this wasn't the inner courtyard, Meng Tianchen would even want to vacate and vent his anger.

"Maomao, it's amazing! It's hard to imagine that my primordial consciousness has really reached the level of a half-step Martial Ancestor." Meng Tianchen was so excited when he calmed down.

"Aba, you've made a lot of money this time!" the little broken bird Mao Mao said sourly.

But for any martial artist whose cultivation has reached above the sanctuary, the most difficult thing to improve is the primordial consciousness.For the vast majority of warriors, the comprehension of the profound meaning of vitality can basically meet the advanced requirements, and the only thing that is stuck is the original consciousness.

At this moment, Meng Tianchen finally knew that the Demon Devouring Knife is not just a simple terrifying move, it is simply a super powerful cultivation artifact.

At present, Meng Tianchen of the First Layer Sanctuary can use the Demon Devouring Knife ten times a day.That is to say, every day, you can kill the enemy with the magic biting knife, so as to improve your original consciousness.

Meng Tianchen believed that once promoted to the second level sanctuary, the Demon Biting Knife would have a significant improvement.

Entering the Blood Crystal Mystic Realm this time, although he has encountered terrible dangers many times, the rewards are really unimaginable.Meng Tianchen was very satisfied, but the only pity was that Lan Xiaorou was missing.

"Ah!" Suddenly, Meng Tianchen who screamed was not even a little bit happy, his handsome face was full of evil spirit.

Just now, Meng Tianchen, who was originally extremely happy, drove Yuan Consciousness to look not far ahead, in the main hall, Zhuge Yun, Heita and Xiaobao.

However, except for Xiaobao, Zhuge Yun and Heita were all breathless, and they had obviously suffered serious injuries.

With Meng Tianchen's Yuan Consciousness comparable to half-step Wu Zong, it is easy to find that the situation of Zhuge Yun and Heita is very bad, and it can even be said that their lives are in danger.

"Damn it, who did it?" Meng Tianchen, who was furious, rushed towards the main hall at high speed, cursing angrily.

Obviously, the little broken bird Mao Mao also checked the situation of Zhuge Yun or the black tower, and said in a cold voice: "Aba, it must be done by the black demons. They took advantage of us to enter the blood crystal secret realm, and killed the two of them." .”

Forced to stabilize his emotions, Meng Tianchen yelled sharply: "From the attitude of the bone demon lord to me, this must be weird, and it shouldn't be the meaning of the two old undead demon lords."

Flying into the hall, Meng Tianchen went straight to Zhuge Yun's room.

Having also found Meng Tianchen, Zhuge Yun, Heita and Xiaobao all got excited and broke into Zhuge Yun's room one after another.

"Xiao Yun, what's going on?" Meng Tianchen stared at the extremely haggard Zhuge Yun with great concern, and asked anxiously.

"Little Tianchen, it's okay! Something went wrong in his cultivation!" Zhuge Yun, who had made up his mind a long time ago, was afraid that Meng Tianchen would do something radical. This is the inner courtyard, the core area of ​​the Black Demon Clan.

Heita was also embarrassed and said in a naive voice: "Brother, we are fine, you are finally back."

"Brother-in-law, that's not the case. It's Young Master Ling Potong who bullies us. If it wasn't for Brother Heita's black prison, we might all be dead." Xiao Bao couldn't control that much, and said angrily.

"What? It's Ling Potong's scum?" Meng Tianchen was angry, and after thinking about it, only the Ling brothers and Duan Yuhuan dared to break into this place.

In fact, what Meng Tianchen didn't know was that Ling Potong was planning to give Meng Tianchen a blow, he was jealous, very jealous.You know, in the past, he tried every means to become the disciple of Demon Lord Wuhen, but he failed to get what he wanted.

"Damn it!" Meng Tianchen cursed angrily, and Meng Tianchen, who was about to go out, unintentionally activated the killing character, and his whole body was murderous, very terrifying.

"Little Tianchen!" Zhuge Yun, who was too frightened, hurriedly pulled Meng Tianchen, begging: "Little Tianchen, don't go! Young Demon Lord Ling Potong has reached the peak of the fourth-level sanctuary. Moreover, he is a young demon Lord, we can’t afford to offend. My injury is not a problem, I just need to cultivate for a period of time. In fact, the young demon master has kept his hand, otherwise we would not be able to survive.”

"Hmph! You bastard Young Demon Lord! I am also the Young Demon Lord, so I'm still afraid of him!" Meng Tianchen didn't want to swallow his anger.

"What? Brother! How did you become the Young Demon Lord?" Heita was very surprised.

Meng Tianchen disdainfully took out his token of the young demon master, and said in a cold voice: "What is a mere young demon master, damn the black demon clan, I will make them look good sooner or later."

After the rage was over, Meng Tianchen still restrained himself.At present, it is not suitable to turn against the Dark Demons.His strength is not enough, far from enough.

"Xiao Tianchen, let's not make too much noise, and pay attention to what you say." Zhuge Yun looked around in horror. She knew the horror of the Black Demon Clan, not to mention that this place is the inner courtyard; the core of the Black Demon Clan zone.

Under Zhuge Yun's persuasion, Meng Tianchen calmed down.Everything here will definitely be monitored by the powerhouse of the Dark Demon Clan, even if he wants to call the Black Tower and others into the stele space to increase the speed of cultivation.

The secret of the stele space must not be revealed.Moreover, even the extremely precious profound crystals cannot be refined by Zhuge Yun and others.

"Let's wait for Wuhen old ghost to come back. Without his support, it is almost impossible to fight against the black demons." Meng Tianchen, who knew this well, was very helpless, extremely helpless.

"Damn it, nothing will happen to the Wuhen old ghost! Logically speaking, he should have come back a long time ago." Meng Tianchen recalled the agreement with the Wuhen Demon Lord, and faintly felt that something was wrong.

After taking out some healing relics to Zhuge Yun, Meng Tianchen had no choice but to leave the hall.

Go to the underground secret room of the withered courtyard, the only place where you can isolate yourself from the detection of the external consciousness.

Enter the underground secret room, this is the place where Wuhen Demon Lord practiced, it is very safe.

Can't wait to flash into the space of the stele, Meng Tianchen looked at Feng Hanba, Lei Jiansheng and others who were cultivating in different places, and felt relieved.

Coming to a corner, Meng Tianchen stared at a rusty giant ax, very surprised.

"Maomao, don't you think it's strange? How did the Sankong Divine Ax become like this? There is no trace of fierceness. As the life weapon of Sankong Blood Emperor who doesn't know what level it has reached, the Sankong Divine Ax is at least the pinnacle Let’s use the original weapon!” Meng Tianchen, who was still a little cautious at first, was very puzzled after carefully inspecting the dead Sankong Axe.

(End of this chapter)

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