Chapter 154 Escape

"Damn it! You humble little reptile, you don't even know the original power of the soul?" The bloody little fish was angry.

The roaring bloody little fish angrily explained what the original power of the soul is, and also said how to draw the original power of the soul into this space.

"Hey!" Meng Tianchen, who secretly laughed strangely, found that even if the bloody little fish was furious at this moment, that power would not be able to affect his soul power.

"Procrastinate any longer! This guy doesn't know the reason, as long as he is awake, his power will quickly weaken." Meng Tianchen, who had made up his mind, seemed to see hope.

"Great emperor, besides the space of the Blood River Tower, does the Blood River Tower have a more magical space? If I sign the sacrifice contract, I will become stronger in the future. Is there any reward for sacrificing more soul power? "

Hearing this, the bloody little fish who was originally furious became happy.

"Humble little guy, as long as you become stronger in the future, the power of the soul of the sacrifice will reach the transformation level. This Emperor will open the space of the second tower of Blood River for you, and even the space of the third tower of Blood River will be no problem."

"What? In addition to the seven primordial essence spaces, there really are higher-level spaces in the Blood River Pagoda?" Meng Tianchen was so shocked.

"Ri-you bang bang bang, the Blood River Pagoda is definitely not an ordinary ancient artifact, it is an unimaginable fetish!" Instantly, Meng Tianchen became frenzied, and his mind moved.

"The great emperor! What is the space of the second blood river tower? What's so magical about it?" Meng Tianchen, curious, continued to stall for time.

"Humble little reptile, stop rambling! Your soul power is still far away from the transformation level. Quickly draw the original power of your soul here, the emperor is going to sleep!" The bloody little fish was very annoyed, he couldn't wait to The son crushed Meng Tianchen in front of him to death.

"It's almost there!" Meng Tianchen clearly felt that the bloody little fish's power was already very weak.

Suddenly, Meng Tianchen drove the power of the soul fiercely, condensed into a mark, and moved towards the mark on the bloody little fish.

What made Meng Tianchen dumbfounded was that the imprint of his condensed soul made a crisp sound before it even got close to the body of the bloody little fish, and it collapsed.

"Damn it!" Meng Tianchen cursed angrily.

"Humble little reptile, do you think the empress doesn't know about your narrow-mindedness? Haha! You are looking for death. This is the soul space of the empress. If you don't want your soul to be annihilated, quickly attract the original power of your soul." Bloody Xiao Yu's voice suddenly became very cold, showing his murderous intent.

"It's troublesome! What kind of shit is this fucking soul, how can it have such a high spiritual intelligence?" Meng Tianchen groaned, he knew that he had completely underestimated this terrifying old antique.

"What should I do? Is it true that I can only attract a trace of the original power of the soul here and sign some kind of sacrifice contract?" Meng Tianchen was thinking anxiously, wanting to find a way to break through the predicament.

"No! Absolutely can't hand over a sliver of my original soul power to the other party. Then my life can be regarded as in the other party's hands." Secretly, Meng Tianchen roared angrily.

However, no matter how hard Meng Tianchen tried, his soul power could not move at all, and he was imprisoned to death by the bloody little fish, and it was impossible to escape.

Seeming to have discovered Meng Tianchen's incomparably tenacious will, the bloody little fish no longer wanted to procrastinate, and said angrily: "You humble little reptile, how dare you waste my time and consume so much energy. Die! I don’t know how many people want to sign a contract with this emperor.”

In fact, the reason why he has been entangled with Meng Tianchen for so long is that the bloody little fish discovered the extraordinary characteristics of Meng Tianchen's soul, and after failing, he launched a murderous plan.

At the moment when a terrifying bloody light erupted from the bloody little fish, and at the moment when Meng Tianchen's soul was dissipated, a miraculous scene happened.

The dark space that had disappeared for a long time appeared in Meng Tianchen's sea of ​​consciousness.

The moment a stream of black light shot out, the dark space disappeared mysteriously again.

However, this mysterious stream of black light unexpectedly forcibly entered the soul space of the bloody little fish.

The mysterious black streamer that entered into the bloody little fish's soul space immediately evolved into a phantom, a terrifying monster phantom.

This phantom easily blocked the blood light attack from the bloody little fish, saving Meng Tianchen's life, at the same time, its boundless power was revealed.

In an instant, the small space that was originally blood-colored changed into pitch black.

For this phantom of the monster, Meng Tianchen felt incomparably kind, it was so evil, so domineering.The faintly visible head is very vague, like the head of a dragon.

Meng Tianchen was very familiar with this domineering phantom, it was it that shocked An'an Takeshita, and thus subdued that submissive woman and became the inexplicable master.

Although Zhuxia An'an is currently in a state of soul slumber, Meng Tianchen firmly believes that one day, he will be able to wake her up, and wake up the woman who has been haunting him all this time.

Also, Meng Tianchen always feels that the dragon head of this domineering phantom is very similar to his dragon head and tiger body after the transformation, at least, the shape of the dragon head is very similar.

The sense of confinement imposed on Meng Tianchen disappeared immediately.

call out!
However, during the moment when Meng Tianchen was stunned, the domineering phantom that suddenly appeared turned into a black dragon's head mark and stabbed at the bloody little fish.

As if remembering something extremely terrifying, the bloody little fish just uttered a terrible cry.

Strangely, Meng Tianchen saw the bloody little fish gradually fade away, and all the soul power withdrew from the bloody space.

Looking around in surprise, Meng Tianchen was dumbfounded.

He was not in the Blood River Tower, but was surrounded by a huge square, which belonged to the square in front of the main bone hall of the bone demon. Not far away, some black demon inner guards on the square were looking at him in amazement.

"Where is the Blood River Tower?" Meng Tianchen saw that there was nothing in the square, and the huge body of the Blood River Tower disappeared.

"Aba, have you subdued the Blood River Pagoda?" The little broken bird Mao Mao, who had been unable to sense Meng Tianchen, suddenly became excited.

After waking up, Meng Tianchen was startled when he looked at the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Shocked, what a shock.

The main body of the Blood River Pagoda actually appeared in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and at the beginning of the induction, a feeling of heart-blood connection emerged spontaneously.

Control, absolute control.

"My father, what's going on here? I have subdued the Blood River Pagoda, or completely subdued it, the real control! I am already the real master of the Blood River Pagoda?" Meng Tianchen was so unbelievable.

All of this is too weird.

"Xu Ying, that Xu Ying must have helped me subdue the Blood River Tower!" Meng Tianchen, who almost jumped up, seemed to sense the existence of the little bloody fish. It fell into a deep sleep and seemed unable to wake up.

Moreover, what made Meng Tianchen completely at ease was that he felt absolute control over the little bloody fish.

Meng Tianchen has experienced how scary the bloody little fish is.

"Haha, I really conquered the Blood River Pagoda. This is my artifact, a real ancient artifact!"

Feeling it again, Meng Tianchen was so happy that he almost fainted.

The Blood River Pagoda actually has nine floors.

The first floor is the space of the Blood River One Tower, which is the space for seven vitality mysteries, in which you can comprehend all the vitality mysteries of the seven systems, that is, 63 kinds of vitality mysteries.

"This? Is this nima really an element? Is there such a powerful element?"

While excited, Meng Tianchen wanted to check the space of the Blood River Second Tower, but was stunned.

To his surprise, from the space of the second tower of Blood River to the highest level of the nine towers of Blood River, they are all sealed, and they are also sealed in the shape of a black dragon head.

"Are these seals arranged by ghosts?" Meng Tianchen was very puzzled.

"Aba! What are you still doing in a daze! Hurry up and run away!" Finding that Meng Tianchen was indifferent, the little broken bird in the space of the stele became anxious.

Just kidding, if you take someone else's treasure, if you don't run away, you will die.

You know, the Blood River Pagoda is a sacred object passed down by the Black Demon Clan for countless years, and it is the treasure of the clan.

"Ah?" Meng Tianchen screamed and looked around. The black demon guards guarding the square were obviously surprised why the Blood River Tower suddenly disappeared and were very shocked.

However, Meng Tianchen is the newly promoted Fourth Young Demon Lord, they dare not neglect.

"Let's go!" Meng Tianchen, who forced himself to be calm, left quickly, and ran towards the area of ​​the Wuhen Demon Lord.

On the one hand, Meng Tianchen prayed that the Bone Demon Lord would not come out of the Blood Crystal Secret Realm so soon, on the other hand, Meng Tianchen was also worried that the sudden disappearance of the Blood River Tower would attract the attention of other big bosses in the inner court.

It has to be said that Meng Tianchen's luck is really good.

Due to the accident in the black prison, all the bosses in the inner court were extremely anxious.

Even the elder who had been monitoring the hall where Zhuge Yun and the others lived for a long time didn't bother to keep watching.

After returning to the main hall, Meng Tianchen didn't talk nonsense, and immediately put Zhuge Yun, Heita and Xiaobao into the space of the stele, without even having time to explain.

Afterwards, Meng Tianchen who rushed out of the inner courtyard became worried.

I don't know where to flee.

Meng Tianchen knew very well that the matter of the Blood River Pagoda would soon be revealed, and he would face a terrible pursuit, the crazy pursuit of the entire black demon clan.

Meng Tianchen saw that only by fleeing to two places can the crisis be resolved.

However, these two places are too far away.

To the south is the Wulian Mountain Range, the extremely mysterious and terrifying Wulian Mountain Range. As long as one enters the Wulian Mountain Range, one will not be afraid of the Black Demon Clan.

To the north, Black Sword Mountain, that strange place shrouded in curse power, also stopped the Black Demon Clan.

"Where are you going?" Meng Tianchen had just left the north gate of the inner courtyard at this moment.

"Hey, isn't this the so-called Young Demon Master Tianchen?" Little did he know that Meng Tianchen was stopped by someone.

"You?" Anxiously, Meng Tianchen found that the person standing in front of him was a young man with a vicious expression on his face.

"Ling Potong!" Meng Tianchen recognized that this guy was really the murderer who hurt Zhuge Yun and Heita. Moreover, that guy was extremely arrogant, as if he didn't pay attention to Meng Tianchen, with a superior expression, it seemed that he was the master. Feeling like berating a slave.

(End of this chapter)

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