Chapter 164
"It seems that this emperor's master is not ordinary!" After thinking secretly for a long time, the bloody little fish could only silently marvel.

A few days later, Meng Tianchen, who had just left the space of the stele, appeared under the cliff together with the little broken bird Mao Mao.

"Fucking!" Meng Tianchen yelled angrily just after releasing his primordial consciousness.

It has to be said that Meng Tianchen's luck is very good, there is a group of black demons in the sky less than five thousand miles away from the cliff here.

Moreover, it is not an ordinary black demon, there is an unforgettable figure of Meng Tianchen among them.

"Haha! I found it! Little brat, let's see where you escape this time!" The second elder Ling Sideng roared while gnashing his teeth the first time he found Meng Tianchen.

While sending a message to the Bone Demon Lord and Qianshan Demon Lord, Second Elder Ling Sideng flew towards the direction of the cliff where Meng Tianchen was.

"If I didn't expect it, the elites of the Black Demon Clan should all be in this area. The Bone Demon Lord must have guessed that my destination is Bloody Battle Valley!" Meng Tianchen's face was gloomy.

The little broken bird Mao Mao immediately became bigger and shouted anxiously: "Aba, hurry up, run away!"

Ling Sideng was not comparable to the Seventh Elder Duancengbi, but a powerful Ninth Layer powerhouse in the Sanctuary, fighting against him would only lead to death.

In an instant, many thoughts flashed in Meng Tianchen's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Escape?" Escape is necessary, but Meng Tianchen is not reconciled.

Putting the target on Ling Sideng is asking for death.

Meng Tianchen had locked onto the person behind Ling Sden, the Sixth Elder, Duan Jilao.

After thinking about it, Meng Tianchen found that the speed of the little broken bird after Mao Mao became bigger was more than twice as fast as that of Ling Sideng.

Escaping is not a problem, as long as you don't meet the Bone Demon Lord or Qianshan Demon Lord.

"Maomao, let's go up!" There was a hint of madness in Meng Tianchen's voice.

"What?" The little broken bird Moomao was dumbfounded.

"Aba, Lingsden's bastard is the ninth level of the sanctuary, let's change direction!" In the eyes of the little broken bird Mao Mao, Meng Tianchen might be confused.

"Maomao, the Sixth Elder Duan Ji Lao behind Ling Sden is only the Eighth Layer Sanctuary, can you kill him with one blow?" Meng Tianchen was surprisingly calm, and did not panic because of the powerful Ling Sden's rapid attack. .

"I'm [-]% sure!" Only then did the little broken bird who understood Meng Tianchen's thoughts become anxious, and said anxiously: "Aba, what about Lingsden? He is from the Ninth Layer Sanctuary, and he can use the Yuan Qi Domain."

"Don't be afraid, Lingsden's vitality field is only a kilometer in radius at best. I cast a curse prison a kilometer away, which can definitely stop him for a breath."

"Aba! It's too, too dangerous!" The little broken bird Mao Mao was so frightened that his voice was trembling.

"Hey! Fight!" Meng Tianchen's black eyes were deep, revealing a kind of madness.

"Go up!" With a cold shout, Meng Tianchen swept up the back of the little broken bird Mao Mao, and soared into the sky.

Meng Tianchen's plan is crazy, and also extremely dangerous.

If any detail is not handled properly, it will be a tragedy.

Meng Tianchen pinned all his hopes on the little Po Niao Mao Mao, betting that the little Po Niao Mao Mao would be able to instantly kill the Sixth Elder Duan Ji Lao.

Closer, the distance between the two sides is getting closer.

Ling Sideng, who showed boundless hatred, was very confused. Even if he was killed, he couldn't figure out why the opponent would meet him head-on.

"Jie Jie! Could it be that the brat is so arrogant that he can fight me?"

However, what Ling Sden didn't expect was that Meng Tianchen really wanted to fight him, but he was just delaying time, just delaying the time for one breath.

At the moment when he approached Lingsden at a distance of 1000 meters, Meng Tianchen shouted loudly at the same time Lingsden was about to display his vitality domain.

Curse the prison!

Ling Sden was dumbfounded to see that he was actually imprisoned in a strange prison.

At the same time, the huge little broken bird suddenly became very small, with the size of a palm, showing a shape, a small black arrow shadow, like a phantom locked on Duan Jilao and stabbed.

"Conceited boy, is this your reliance? This broken prison is like trapping me?" Ling Sideng roared, and unexpectedly transformed into his own body, displaying a pair of black wings behind him.

In just an instant, the cursed prison that had been placed on Lingsden's body was broken.

"Damn it!" Meng Tianchen cursed angrily, and Meng Tianchen's face changed slightly.He didn't expect Lingsden to be so powerful, and the curse prison couldn't last a breath, it only blocked the opponent for a moment.

However, Ling Sden was arrogant; he didn't immediately rush to Meng Tianchen and display the vitality domain.

From Lingsden's point of view, Meng Tianchen has no possibility of escape this time, even if he escapes into a different dimension element, he is not afraid.

Therefore, Ling Sideng paid attention to Duanji Lao who was about to be attacked.

It was this momentary delay that gave Meng Tianchen a chance.

The second cursed prison once again covered Lingsden.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Meng Tianchen ignored Ling Sideng, who was trapped in the cursed prison, and flew to one side, trying to distance himself from the other party as much as possible.

"Damn it, this broken prison doesn't pose any threat to me at all. What is the plan of that brat?"

With just one punch, Lingsden broke through the cursed prison.

However, when Ling Sideng saw a cloud of blood rising from Duan Jilao's head, he felt something was wrong.Originally, he thought that only a little broken bird from the seventh level of the sanctuary dared to attack Duanji Lao, but it was just a moth to the flame.

He didn't even think that it was this little broken bird of the Seventh Layer Sanctuary who didn't take it to heart, and killed the Sixth Elder Duan Jilao in an instant.

"Why! How is it possible?" Ling Sden, who couldn't turn the corner for a while, was stunned. Meng Tianchen had a talent against the sky, and he had heard about fighting over the top.However, how could the opponent's witch beast, a small broken bird the size of a palm, be able to leapfrog and kill it?
It was also Lingsden's stunned moment that brought Meng Tianchen's plan full of loopholes to a successful conclusion.

After killing Duan Jilao, the little Po Niao Mao Mao quickly grew in size, lightly carrying Meng Tianchen on his back, and dashed away.

In an instant, he disappeared from the sight of Ling Sideng and the other deacons.

"Meng Tianchen!" Ling Sideng roared in grief and indignation, just waking up like a dream.

While spurting blood again and again, Ling Sideng, who almost fainted from anger, chased Meng Tianchen.

Humiliation, this is the real humiliation.

At this moment, Ling Sideng, who already understood Meng Tianchen's intentions, wished he could find a rock and bump into it.

"Haha! Ah Ba, it's so cool! Now, that idiot Lingsden is probably half-dead with anger!" The little broken bird was extremely happy.

Meng Tianchen couldn't laugh, but it was too dangerous just now.

Luck, it was that trace of luck that saved him and the little broken bird Mao Mao.

"Damn it, I can't be reckless anymore!" The little broken bird Mao Mao didn't know that Meng Tianchen was still covered in cold sweat, purely out of fear.

Flying towards the north, it took less than an hour to get rid of the pursuit of everyone in Lingsden.

Originally wanting the little broken bird Maomao to change direction, Meng Tianchen's expression changed abruptly after taking a break.

Ugly, Meng Tianchen's face was extremely ugly.

"Aba, what's the matter?" The little broken bird Mao Mao, who clearly sensed the violent fluctuations in Meng Tianchen's mind, hurriedly asked.

Meng Tianchen's current primordial consciousness surpassed the feathers of a small broken bird, and could extend to a radius of [-] miles.

Just now, Meng Tianchen found a familiar and terrifying figure, appearing within the scope of Yuan Consciousness, coming head-on.

"How to do?"

Meng Tianchen was in a hurry, even the little broken bird Maomao who had grown in size couldn't match the speed of the Bone Demon Lord.Once approached by it, there is no way out.

In an instant, Meng Tianchen made a strange move, did not change direction, and did not run away.While putting the little broken bird Mao Mao into the space of the stele, he also hid in it.

You must know that Meng Tianchen's front and rear directions are the Bone Demon Lord and Ling Sideng respectively, so the probability of escaping is too low.

So, this time Meng Tianchen fought and gambled.

Meng Tianchen was betting that he was not discovered by the bone demon lord at that moment just now, he was betting that as the bone demon lord of the half-step Wuzong, his primordial consciousness did not reach fifteen thousand miles.

The gamble this time is too terrible, if Meng Tianchen loses, it will be completely over.

Knowing the reason, the little broken bird Mao Mao was so frightened that he couldn't speak, and his palm-sized body trembled a little.

I have to say that Meng Tianchen was really decisive and very lucky.

This gamble, he succeeded.

However, it was not out of danger.

Previously, if Meng Tianchen hesitated for a moment, it would be a real tragedy.What he didn't know was that although the strength of the bone demon master's primordial consciousness hadn't reached fifteen thousand miles, it had reached fourteen thousand miles.

A thousand miles is just an instant for a terror like the Bone Demon Lord.

Not long after, the Bone Demon Lord and Ling Sideng reconciled.

After hearing what Ling Sden said, the Bone Demon Lord almost slapped Ling Sden to death in a rage.

"That cunning brat must have hid in the alien dimension of the mysterious element, sent a message, sealed off the surrounding [-] miles, I must find it out! Damn you bastard." The bone demon master was furious.

Soon, following the transmission of the secret method of the Dark Demon Clan, a large number of elites of the Dark Demon Clan moved closer to this area.

He didn't even think that the place where Meng Tianchen was hiding was not far from him.

"Ah! Abba, it's over now!" After hearing the words of the Bone Demon Lord, the little broken bird Mao Mao was terrified.

Meng Tianchen said nothing, his face was deep, extremely deep.

If the Bone Demon Lord and Qianshan Demon Lord completely sealed off the surrounding fifty thousand li area, he would be discovered sooner or later.

Moreover, this time will not be long.

Dead end, this is almost a dead end.

Forcibly calming down, Meng Tianchen thought anxiously, wanting to find a glimmer of life in this terrible dead situation.

no way!
After thinking about it, Meng Tianchen couldn't find a way to escape.

Now, the only thing he prays for is, Lord Qianshan, please don't come.

A Bone Demon Lord is scary enough, but it is unimaginable to have a Thousand Mountain Demon Lord come again.

What Meng Tianchen didn't expect was that the Qianshan Demon Lord who was sitting in the Fenglong Fortress and spreading his nets had indeed received a summons from the Bone Demon Lord.

Ever since Meng Tianchen came out of the inner courtyard, the Demon Master Qianshan became even more irritable. Even some black demon inner guards would be executed by him at every turn.

After receiving the message from the Bone Demon Lord, Qianshan Demon Lord was about to leave, but was delayed by unexpected events.

(End of this chapter)

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