Chapter 507
"Tuoba Bufeng, come quickly!"

A moment later, a young man with a firm face was the pride of the Tuoba family, and Tuoba was unstoppable!He rushed in quickly and saluted respectfully.

"Remember, even if you find a boy named Meng Tianchen to fight in the future, you must not be hostile to him. If you can make friends, you can try to keep them! Well, yes, it is friendship."

Friendly, this kind of word, seems to rarely appear in the hearts of men from the Tuoba family.

The sturdy Tuoba Bufeng frowned slightly. He had no idea who this Meng Tianchen was. From what he knew, there seemed to be no such person among the young geniuses in Shengyan City.

However, the ancestor actually solemnly asked him to make friends with each other and to remain friendly.

Just kidding, the Tuoba family, who are famous for their swordsmanship, how do they know what kindness is?Especially the men of the Tuoba family, all of them are so domineering, they would rather bend than bend!

"Old, old ancestor, what kind of friendly method?" Tuoba Bufeng, who looked suspicious, was a little dazed.

"You bastard, you don't even know how to be friendly?" Old Freak Tuoba was furious. His little grandson was extremely gifted, and he was the rarest training wizard in the Tuoba family for nearly ten thousand years.Especially in the way of swordsmanship, he has an almost heaven-defying comprehension talent.

However, this single-minded guy is domineering and aggressive by nature.

In the entire Shengyan City, the rebellious Tuoba Bufeng had almost no friends, and whenever he disagreed with each other, he drew his sword to face each other.

The old monster Tuoba with black hair had no choice but to patiently teach Tuoba Bufeng how to make friends with a boy named Meng Tianchen in the future.

After leaving, the old ghost smiled when he saw the little grandson leaving the courtyard belonging to the forbidden area of ​​Tuoba old monster.

"Hey! Although the Tuoba family is domineering and tyrannical, they are definitely not idiots like the Qi family. They would actually come here to kill and threaten the Tianchen royal children."

Tuoba old monster never dreamed that Tuoba Bufeng, who had just left, was excited just after leaving the small courtyard.

"Haha, according to the old ancestor, that kid named Meng seems to be extraordinary! I'll go right away, beat him until he can't find Bei! Well, yes, he just beat his mother to death!"

Tuoba Bufeng, who was muttering words, was very excited, and hurried out to find out who Meng Tianchen was.

In Shengyan City, some old monsters who paid attention to this matter guessed that Meng Tianchen was definitely a direct descendant of the Tianchen Royal Family.

Unanimously, they issued the latest order in the shortest possible time. For Meng Tianchen, he can be wooed or kept away, but he must not be provoked.

Elder Xingchen was a little unhappy when he heard that Meng Tianchen categorically denied his proposal.

As an old antique of the Tianchen family, the first time Elder Xingchen saw Meng Tianchen, he felt an incomparable sense of closeness. After a little induction, he immediately sensed Meng Tianchen's orthodox Tianchen family blood.

Except for the Tianchen family, it is impossible for any member of the Shengyanhu clan to have that kind of holy flame tiger blood aura.

The point is, the aura of the Holy Flame Tiger's bloodline on Meng Tianchen's body is extremely strong!Elder Xingchen was stunned, and he couldn't help but think of the Tianchen family, an extremely secret incident.

This incident is the top secret of the Tianchen Royal Family, and there are very few people who know about it.

"That's all! We still have to take it easy!" Elder Xingchen, who had figured out some of Meng Tianchen's temper, had no choice but to suppress his dissatisfaction and put on a smile.

"Meng Tianchen, now follow me to the Elder's Hall and test the blood concentration!"

"What? Test the concentration of blood veins?" Meng Tianchen was taken aback. It was the first time he heard about blood veins, and the idea of ​​testing the concentration was simply unheard of.

"That's right! It's to test the blood concentration!" Immediately, Elder Xingchen's expression became very dignified, with an undeniable look.

It seemed that once Meng Tianchen refused, he would strike.

"Damn, I finally got rid of Old Dog Qi, so I'm going to..." Just when Meng Tianchen was unsure, Wuhen Old Ghost's surprised cry came from the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

"How is it possible? The Holy Flame Tiger Clan in the small world of Jiawu Continent, how could it be possible to test the blood concentration? No! Impossible!"

"Master, what is going on?"

Under Wuhen's explanation, Meng Tianchen was startled.

It turns out that in some big families with extremely long inheritance, the blood of the direct line of the royal family, it is said that the blood concentration is tested.

The Lonely Soul Ancient Tree Clan, including Wuhen Old Ghost, has such a magical method.

However, although the Saint Flame Tiger Tianchen family in the central region has been passed down for countless years and is also the holy land of the Saint Flame Tiger Clan in the Jiawu Continent, they should definitely not have such a terrifying method of guessing the blood concentration.

If it is said that there is a Holy Land of the Holy Flame Tiger Clan in the Great World of Ten Directions, Wuhen Old Ghost is not surprised that there is such a method, but what is the Holy Yan City, it is just a small world that I don't know.

Could it be that the Tianchen family on the Jiawu Continent is the entire royal family of the Holy Flame Tiger?

this?How is this possible?
Not only Wuhen old ghost was dumbfounded, but even Meng Tianchen felt dizzy.

Although this matter is too far-fetched!But Meng Tianchen felt that it was really possible, it was true.Because, he has the entire lineage of the Holy Flame Tiger on his body, the supreme totem of the Holy Flame Tiger's bloodline!
And Meng Tianchen's Saint Flame Tiger blood was undoubtedly inherited from his old lady.

Could it be that his old lady came from the Tianchen family?

Thinking of this, Meng Tianchen suddenly became anxious.

One of the main purposes of his coming to Zhongyu was to find the mysterious old lady.

Amidst a whistling sound, Meng Tianchen, unable to move, felt that he was swept by Elder Xingchen to a mysterious place.

This is an extremely wide hall, or it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the main hall of the main hall.

The entire space is huge, tens of thousands of meters long.

The ground is covered with a kind of fierce red spar, which gives people a violent meaning.

In the center, there is a statue, a fiery red tiger-shaped statue!About a kilometer high!

Just looking at the tiger-shaped statue, Meng Tianchen was shocked, as if he had fallen into an endless flame, and the endless flame became a sea.

The sea of ​​flames is violent, and every place is burning with terrifying flames that are extremely destructive.

Meng Tianchen, who was so frightened, took a deep breath, and quickly stabilized his mind, not daring to check that extremely weird tiger-shaped statue any more.

What surprised Meng Tianchen was that there was no one in this tiger-shaped statue, not a single person.

He didn't know how he was sent in by Elder Xingchen.

"Damn it! There's something creepy here!" Meng Tianchen, who didn't dare to move, was very careful.

I saw a black light shining between Meng Tianchen's brows, this is the black aperture consciousness.

Driving the black aperture consciousness, Meng Tianchen still has no one, except for the strange tiger-shaped statue in the center, there is no one in the huge space, and there is no danger.

"This? Could this be the Holy Flame Tiger Clan testing the bloodline space?" Wuhen old ghost was startled.

"Master, you said this is the bloodline test space of the Holy Flame Tiger Clan?" Meng Tianchen was very confused, he couldn't find Elder Xingchen at all, how could he know how to test the bloodline concentration.

"Hey!" At first, he was worried that Meng Tianchen would encounter many dangerous Wuhen old ghosts when he entered the central domain, but he suddenly thought that it would be beautiful if Meng Tianchen was protected by the Tianchen family.

Once recognized by the Tianchen family, Meng Tianchen can be said to walk sideways in the vast central region in the future.

"Xiao Tianchen! Testing the blood concentration is not as mysterious as you imagined! It's very simple."

"Master, what do I need to do!"

"You just force out a drop of blood that contains the power of the Holy Flame Tiger's bloodline, and just drop it on that tiger-shaped statue!"

"It's that simple?" Meng Tianchen looked in disbelief.

"It's just a blood test, not a life-and-death experience!" Wuhen old ghost, who was amused by Meng Tianchen's cautious look, sneered.

I was despised by the old ghost again!
Meng Tianchen, heartbroken, took a step towards the tiger-shaped statue.


As if sensing something, the tiger-shaped statue actually trembled slightly, and a kind of fire light was emitted from the whole body, which was extremely violent.

As if, anything close to that terrifying flame would be incinerated into nothingness.



"This is?"

At the moment when the tiger-shaped statue changed suddenly, in another hall, all the immortals screamed in shock.

"How is it possible? How did the holy image get touched?" Elder Xingchen's mouth grew so big that it looked like it could fit a huge spar.

"No, it's been countless years! In the history of our Holy Flame Tiger lineage, there is finally the ninth Holy Master who can touch the holy image!"

An old ghost sitting at the top was crying and extremely excited.

"Great Elder! What ninth touches the icon? What holy master?"

Almost at the same time, frightened by the old antique sitting at the top, the other eight old men, including Elder Xingchen, shouted in unison, extremely shocked.

"Hahaha! Haha!"

There was no response to the questions of Elder Xingchen and the others.

But seeing the old man with ancient beard known as the Great Elder, he stood up and laughed wildly.

The terrifying laughter made the entire huge hall rattle and vibrate.

At the same time, violent laughter penetrated and resounded throughout Shengyan City.

The Shengyan City, which has a radius of thousands of miles, is so huge that everyone was startled by the terrifying laughter.

"Damn it, that desperate person actually dared to go crazy in our Shengyan City, looking for death!"

"Who is this? Tired of living?"

For a moment, violent laughter resounded over Shengyan City, causing countless warriors to scold violently.

However, only some old guys, some old immortals hiding in the vast Shengyan City knew where the sound came from, and some even guessed who it was who made the laughter.

The faces of each of them changed wildly.

It seems that the Shengyan City, which has been silent for many years, is about to surge again.

The Great Elder, who looked extremely arrogant, seemed to be venting, venting the grievances and pressure that had been squeezed in his heart for many years.

In the entire Shengyan City, there was only one person who did not hear that terrifying laughter.

This person is none other than Meng Tianchen who is slowly approaching the tiger-shaped statue.

He, vaguely sensed a sense of kindness and heart-blood connection on the strange tiger-shaped statue.

(End of this chapter)

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