Chapter 513 Lost?

"Meng Tianchen, although I don't know who you are, you will know today that I am determined to get the qualification to enter Huku."

The voice was calm, but it contained endless confidence. It seemed to be describing a certain established fact. Before Meng Tianchen could react, he strode forward and entered the Flame Tiger Tower in a blink of an eye.


It's not because he's afraid of Meng Tianchen's sharp counterattack, but because he doesn't want to waste time needlessly. Since the matter is already doomed, why bother talking.

From this point, you can clearly feel how strong Tengshan has self-confidence!

Teng Shan's powerful and confident demeanor and words were projected into the ears of countless warriors through the high-altitude projection, and when countless warriors cheered, many people also secretly cursed their arrogance.

Elder Wan Yan and Elder Quan looked slightly gloomy, their eyes swept over the surroundings, seeing the calm faces of Elder Han Lin, Elder Zhu, etc., suddenly felt a little uneasy in their hearts, and their brows furrowed unconsciously.

Meng Tianchen raised his head, a slight smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth, he didn't say much, he walked like an ordinary person, and his figure entered the entrance of Yanhu Tower.

But it was his calm appearance, which was the most fierce and powerful counterattack. It was explained that he didn't take Teng Shan's actions at all, and he obviously had full confidence in his heart.

The moment the two figures entered the Flame Tiger Tower, the whole world fell silent at the moment, even the nine elders also looked solemn, quietly waiting for the outcome of this battle.

Meng Tianchen's face was calm, he couldn't help but frown slightly when he entered Yanhu Tower, his eyes flickered and swept around, and then he returned to calm.

The surrounding area is full of powerful coercion, and only King Wu can bear this coercive atmosphere. If warriors below King Wu enter, they will be crushed instantly, and their bodies and spirits will be destroyed!
However, this level of coercion is meaningless to Meng Tianchen, he climbs up the stairs like walking in a courtyard.

The tower is 36 stories high, and there are 36 steps between each floor, winding up in a ring shape. The surrounding tower body is engraved with countless complicated and seemingly meaningless textures, but there is a mighty and coercive atmosphere slowly exuding from it.

First floor, second floor, third floor...

No.16 layer.

No.17 layer.

No.18 layer.

Meng Tianchen's face gradually revealed a dignified look. The Yanhu Tower is worthy of being the treasure of the Holy Yanhu Clan. It is indeed incomparably miraculous. Every step forward in the tower, the pressure will rise a bit, and each floor will be a qualitative leap. .

Wei Wu Wang, corresponding to the first and second floors, 72 steps, only those who have reached the peak level of Wei Wu Wang can pass through, and they will be oppressed by the tyrannical power in the tower as a warning, if they continue to go forward, they may be killed obliterate.

King Xiaowu corresponds to the third to fourth floors.

Peak Martial King, corresponding to No.17 to [-] floors.

Stepping onto the No.18-storey tower now represents the ultimate level of combat power of the peak Martial King. It is a half-step Martial King. If you want to step forward again, you need the strength of the Martial King to do it.

Meng Tianchen pursed the corners of his mouth, and there was a bit of a smile on the corner of his mouth. Now he did not rely on any tricks, but relied entirely on his own cultivation to resist. He just wanted to see how far he could go with his own strength.

This magical Yanhu Pagoda is not only a mysterious space to test one's cultivation, but also a treasured place to experience one's mind and spirit.

However, Guangling's mentality, which has undergone repeated transformations, has long surpassed the average Martial Emperor powerhouse, and even Meng Tianchen himself does not know what level he has reached.

The coercion of the No.18 floor is difficult to even arouse the slightest fluctuation in Guangling's mind.


Taking one step forward and stepping on the first step to the 19th floor, the majestic pressure suddenly increased by more than several times, and swept straight towards Meng Tianchen with overwhelming momentum. The strength was strong enough to instantly defeat the peak Martial King.

"Hey! It's interesting!"

Meng Tianchen's body remained motionless, his eyes emitted a strange black light, his feet were steady, and he walked forward step by step.

He didn't use Konglong Ancestral Biting, and didn't drive Guangling's mind.

Still easy.

"What, what is the background of that Meng Tianchen? He surpassed the No.18 floor so quickly?"

"This? Impossible! He is the peak Martial King, how could he enter the No.19 floor?"

In the Yanhu Tower, a group of warriors who were silently tempering their minds and spirits were suddenly awakened at this moment. Sensing the rapid rise in the rankings in the tower, they all appeared and left after a while. Seeing the nine elders coming together, one after another His complexion changed drastically, and he bowed respectfully and stepped aside.

No.19 layer.

No.20 layers.

No.20 first floor.

No.20 second floor.

After Teng Shan and Meng Tianchen broke through the second floor of No.20 successively, all warriors in the entire Flame Tiger Tower have now been awakened, and they withdrew one after another, their faces full of shock!

On the quaint and solemn pagoda, there are now two floors glowing with spiritual light, Meng Tianchen on the second floor of No.20 and Tengshan on the fourth floor of No.20.

After breaking through the eighteenth floor, it means that the mind has reached the level of Wei Wuhuang.

Teng Shan has long been famous among the Holy Flame Tiger Clan. No one was surprised that he broke into the No.20 fourth floor with ease.You know, Teng Shan is a powerful Jiwu Emperor.

However, almost all warriors find it difficult to improve their minds after being promoted to Wei Wuhuang.

From the No. 19th floor of the Yanhu Tower, it is extremely terrifying. If you are not careful, your mind will collapse and your body will die.Even the strongest of the group like Elder Wan Yan couldn't break into the No. 30th floor.

But Meng Tianchen has not yet been promoted to Martial Emperor!But he was able to enter the No.19 floor, not only that, but climbed to the No.20 second floor in one breath, how unbelievable is this.

The peak Martial King was able to climb to the second floor of No. 20 in the Yanhu Tower. In the entire history of Shengyan City, it has never appeared before, and it is unique.

However, when the hearts of many warriors were shocked, Elder Wan Yan and Elder Quan looked at each other, but they couldn't help showing a bit of worry in their eyes.

Although it seems that Meng Tianchen is not too far behind Tengshan, the two of them can clearly see that it is much easier for Tengshan to break through the 24th floor than Meng Tianchen. Climb to the top of the No.20 four-story Yanhu Tower, and then stop advancing, as if waiting for Meng Tianchen to catch up.

"Could it be that in the Azure Dragon Abyss, Teng Shan got a huge opportunity? His mind has been tempered to a more terrifying level?"

No. 20 fourth floor to No. 20 fifth floor, the real gap is only known by old antiques like Elder Wan Yan.

That is, it means that the mind has reached a whole new level.The gap between the two is like a world of difference!
It seems that in the past three thousand years, Tengshan's progress has exceeded everyone's imagination. Although Meng Tianchen has the highest bloodline and extremely strong aptitude, he suffers from the short training time. Whether he can win today's battle, Elder Wan Yan I suddenly felt a little uncertain, and at the same time couldn't help but secretly regretted it.

If he had known that Tengshan was so powerful, he should have thought carefully about it. Is it too impatient to do so now? The qualifications of the library, this is the most terrible thing.

"Hey!" With a secret sigh, Elder Wan Yan frowned tightly. At this moment, the matter is a foregone conclusion, and it is useless to regret. He only hopes that Meng Tianchen can have enough trump cards to completely defeat Tengshan!

"Little Holy Master, don't let me down."

Teng Shan stood on the No.20 fourth-floor Yanhu Pagoda, closed his eyes slightly to sense Meng Tianchen's aura, and sensed the powerful coercion raging everywhere around him. half point.

In the past 3000 years, he has rarely shown his full strength. Even the ancestors of the Teng family don't know what kind of state his real combat power has reached.

"Hmph! A lowly bastard who came out of nowhere! How dare you compete with me for the qualification of Huku!"

"I'll wait here today to see if you have the qualifications to let me unleash my true strength."

"The game has just begun, so don't let me down."

Teng Shan slowly opened his eyes, but his pupils turned into strange double pupils, and his whole person's aura changed drastically, with a lifeless and decaying smell, but it also became stronger.

The realm of cultivation is still banned, and he is still the peak Martial King, but at this moment, Tengshan seems to have changed a different person, which is extremely terrifying and weird.

No.20 second floor. .

Meng Tianchen's face was pale, and every piece of flesh and blood in his body was trembling, but his eyes were extremely bright, revealing a sense of unwillingness to give up and give in!

There are still two final steps!

Meng Tianchen's breathing was heavy and short, and the only thing he could feel was deep fatigue. Even though his physical body was strong, the surging river-like coercion around him still made him feel that he had reached the limit.

With the ontology, can we only reach here?

Meng Tianchen's face was gloomy. Although he was extremely domineering, he could only stick to the second floor of No.20 with his body. There was still a huge gap between Tengshan and his effort to reach the fourth floor of No.20.

You know, how powerful his main body is, but it is a dual martial arts pill, a unique dual martial arts pill.

"Damn!" Meng Tianchen was a bit unwilling, knowing that if he didn't activate the undead breath in Guangling's mind, it would be difficult to persevere.


Pausing for a moment, Meng Tianchen, who was somewhat stubborn, did not activate the breath of immortality in Guangling's mind, and did not activate the mysterious power of the seeds of immortality.

Gritting his teeth suddenly, Meng Tianchen clearly heard the sound of "cracking" coming from his body, and his body swayed violently under the impact of endless pressure. layer!

"Hey, bastard, this place is very mysterious, stick to it, it will be very good for your Guangling mind!" The Wuhen old ghost who looked at everything outside seemed very relaxed.

This fucker just stands and talks without back pain!
Meng Tianchen's eyes flashed with determination, and he stepped forward without hesitation, stepping on the first step of the third floor of No.20!
Vast forces suddenly swarmed from all directions like an undercurrent under the water, mixed with irresistible force, knocking Meng Tianchen's figure into the air, leaving the Flame Tiger Tower in an instant and appearing in the outside world.


Elder Wan Yan's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, maybe he really looked at Meng Tianchen too highly.


(End of this chapter)

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