Chapter 519 Flame Tornado
"Giving you a fragment of the sacred artifact!" Meng Tianchen had already known what Wuhen wanted to say, and hurriedly stopped him.

"Little bastard, now that the fourth floor of the Blood River Tower has been opened, and the bloody little fish is still recovering, can't you give me all these holy artifact fragments?" Wuhen old ghost had no choice but to ask for help. Soft-spoken.

"Give you all?"

Meng Tianchen almost fainted out of breath, this old ghost really dared to speak.

"Little bastard, my remnant soul is dying. If I don't restore the Wuhen Tower as soon as possible, I won't live long!"

"I still…"

"Bastard, have you forgotten Shura Dao Dao? That's what I gave you!"

"and also…"

The chattering Wuhen old ghost was like a nagging woman, endlessly, almost annoyed Meng Tianchen to death.

"Okay! It's not over yet!"

In desperation, Meng Tianchen had no choice but to give all the fragments of the sacred artifacts he had obtained earlier to Wuhen Old Ghost.

There's no way, this old ghost can't stop talking.

Let him go on talking, Meng Tianchen seems to have become a devil who betrayed his teacher and way in the mouth of the old ghost.

"call out."

Suddenly a streamer flew in the distance.

Meng Tianchen, who had just made the old ghost Wuhen shut up, was startled.

"Damn aliens! Hahaha, hand over those sacred artifact fragments, and I will spare your life." A strange person, extremely arrogant.There is a small curved horn on the top of the head, golden.

"This is?" Meng Tianchen frowned.

"Hand over the magic weapon!" Seeing Meng Tianchen's indifference, the Golden Horn old monster turned cold, "Otherwise, die!"

"Old monster Golden Horn, I don't want to be your enemy, this place is very big, why fight to the death." Meng Tianchen said.

"Damn alien! Fight to the death? Just you?" The golden horned old monster finally lost his patience and shouted in a cold voice.

"kill him."

The golden-horned old monster gave an order, and some weird people suddenly appeared beside him, also with golden curved horns on their heads.

Each of these weirdos has the cultivation base of Emperor Zhongwu, and they are very powerful.

Hu, Hu, Hu!
I saw many streamers rushing towards Meng Tianchen at a frightening speed.


Meng Tianchen didn't dare to hesitate at all, and turned around quickly.

Just kidding, hundreds of Golden Horn monsters, all of them are Zhong Wuhuang, and there is also the Golden Horn monster, at least they are all Da Wu Huang.

"You can't escape." The Golden Horn old monster sneered.

With these servants...

The Golden Horn boss is below Emperor Tianwu, almost invincible!

"Hey, little bastard, I'm in trouble!" Wuhen, who was still begging Meng Tianchen just now, became gloating in the blink of an eye.

"Master! Help!"

Helpless, Meng Tianchen had no choice but to ask for help.

Hell, so many golden-horned monsters are not fiery beasts, they are terrifying, especially the golden-horned old monster, even if Meng Tianchen is fused with the real body of the devil's fetus, he is absolutely no match.

"Hey! Who told me that I was the master of your unlucky bastard!"

The Wuhen old ghost who was overjoyed, of course saw that Meng Tianchen's current situation was very critical. Those weird golden-horned monsters had a strange aura and were too fast.

Suddenly, Meng Tianchen, who was flying fast, was wrapped in a black mist.

The speed seemed to exceed the limit for a moment.

"Damn it, how did the speed become so high?" The golden horned old monster frowned coldly when he saw this.

"You run fast, I hope you can run so fast next time!"

Meng Tianchen glanced back and breathed a sigh of relief.


Meng Tianchen continued to speed forward at high speed.

"Little bastard, I spent a lot of energy this time, you have to make up for it with at least a hundred pieces of holy artifacts!" The old ghost Wuhen insisted.


The one who almost didn't yell violently, was so excited that he almost fell down and fell into the magma below.

Meng Tianchen, who didn't bother to pay attention to the old ghost without trace, kept running at high speed.

At the end of the magma area, some towering volcanoes appeared.

"Damn! This Lao Shi Zi Hu Ku is really dangerous!"


Meng Tianchen landed on the mountain peak and looked around.

"Huh?" Meng Tianchen suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance.

A fiery red beauty is sitting cross-legged on a mountain peak in the distance. The woman has a pretty face, eyes like autumn water, and is surrounded by pieces of blade lights like the waning moon. These blade lights are surrounded by flames, surrounded by hundreds of blade lights. , the flames spread all around.

"Supernatural power? Is she practicing supernatural power?"

Meng Tianchen, who was pale with shock, happened to see that the beauty had a small golden horn on top of her head.

"What race is this?"

Even if Meng Tianchen collects the vast amount of information he has already controlled, he still doesn't know what race the other party is.

Obviously, that golden-horned beauty should be of the same race as the golden-horned old monster who chased and killed Meng Tianchen earlier.

"What a beautiful woman." Even after seeing many peerless beauties, she couldn't help sighing secretly after seeing the golden horned beauties, "This must be a disaster for the country and the people."

Meng Tianchen, who was cautious, found that the golden horned beauty didn't seem to care about his appearance.

After taking a look, Meng Tianchen didn't rush to provoke her.

Keep on galloping forward.

This so-called tiger library has too much space, and Meng Tianchen still hasn't flown out of the volcanic area after wandering around for three full months.

In the meantime, I saw a lot of golden horn monsters.

Fortunately, these golden-horned monsters did not take the initiative to attack.

Boom boom boom!
There are bursts of huge energy fluctuations in the distance.

"Huh?" Meng Tianchen's eyes lit up, "The fluctuations are really big, there seem to be several fluctuations, go and have a look."


Meng Tianchen approached quickly and silently, and soon came to a mountain peak. Meng Tianchen looked into the distance, and there were hundreds of people fighting in a valley in the distance.

The strange thing is that all the people fighting are golden-horned monsters.

These golden-horned monsters, the lowest level of cultivation is actually the Wei Wuhuang, the powerful one, and even the Earth Martial Emperor!

"Not good!" Meng Tianchen, who was thinking about why so many people were fighting against each other, suddenly felt a terrible crisis.

Around him, there was a terrible wind, a whirlwind of flames!


The whirlwind of flames swept Meng Tianchen who couldn't resist.

Towards the bottom of the mountain, it rolled away.

Below is a seemingly bottomless abyss, which seems to be the deepest part of the underground world.

Meng Tianchen's body was spinning, he was wrapped and swallowed and fell, the speed of falling was extremely fast.

"Stop, stop."

Meng Tianchen instantly merged with the real body of the devil's fetus, and at the same time comparable to the aura of the peak Great Martial Emperor, he shot!
Waving his claws, he grabbed at random, as if he wanted to grab something.

Meng Tianchen had a premonition that if he was allowed to be sucked into the deepest part by the whirlwind of flames, he might die.

Must stop!

The flame whirlwind is too scary.

"Little bastard, it's dangerous, quickly perform magic transformation!" Immediately, the same anxious old ghost Wuhen yelled violently.

As a last resort, Meng Tianchen performed a magical transformation.

A powerful body as long as a kilometer, with a dragon head and a tiger body!A powerful breath burst out.

Finally, a dragon claw caught a stone pillar in a thrilling manner.


Meng Tianchen, who was swept down at high speed, stopped suddenly because the dragon claws grabbed the stone pillar. This terrible tearing force made Meng Tianchen tremble all over. The extremely sharp dragon claws instantly became numb, and he couldn't help it Just let go, and continued to be swept downward by the whirlwind of flames!
Ka Ka Ka!
The fiery stone pillar that Meng Tianchen had grabbed once before also had cracks, under the howling flame whirlwind.The stone pillar finally broke completely, and was also wrapped in madness and fell downward.




Meng Tianchen's dragon claws are trying to grab all around, grabbing everything that can be grabbed, and want to stop.


Meng Tianchen finally stopped, and his dragon claws were inserted into a huge crack in the rock wall at the same time.With the help of this tyrannical force, it finally resisted the suction and sweep of the flame whirlwind.

"Phew, it finally stopped." Meng Tianchen heaved a sigh of relief. This huge crack stretched for thousands of feet on the rock wall. hanging on a rock wall.

"Fucking shit, what kind of shit is this place, I almost hung up here today!"

Meng Tianchen, still in shock, cursed angrily.

"Master, can you tell what this flame whirlwind is?"

"This?" The old ghost Wuhen who hesitated to speak fell silent.

"I have to get out of here." Meng Tianchen raised his head and looked up, the whirlwind of flames roared, but fortunately with the blessing of Konglong Zuzhu, the Asura Emperor Armor on his body has not yet broken.

Otherwise, the trouble is really big.

"That's it?" Meng Tianchen looked at the depth of the crack in surprise.

In the depths of the crack in the rock wall, there is actually a small cave. At a glance, it can be seen that the cave was deliberately dug out. Because it was completely dug inside the crack in the rock wall, although the flame whirlwind roared, it did not invade the cave. Inside, the cave is a rare place of peace.

"Who dug such a cave here? Never mind, climb over and rest for a while."

"Hurry over." Meng Tianchen approached the depths of the crack.

Driving the extremely sharp dragon claws forward with difficulty, the closer he got to the depths of the cracks in the rock wall, the more he felt the pulling force of the flame whirlwind outside was getting smaller.

"Come in."

There was no wind in the cave strangely, and it was extremely calm.

Meng Tianchen, who came in from the flames and whirlwind environment outside, was a little uncomfortable.

"Fuck me, I can finally rest for a while." Meng Tianchen put away his transformation, glanced at the whirlwind of flames outside the cave, and then turned his head to look at the cave carefully.

The traces of the cave excavation are obvious and very regular. The grooves look like fish scales. There are also some characters and patterns on the rock walls of the cave. There is a strange artistic conception in the whole cave, as if there is a faint flame growing. Meng Tianchen couldn't help being affected, and his heart became very calm.

Meng Tianchen was not in a hurry to look at the patterned text, but first carefully looked at the scale-like traces carved on the rock wall.


Driven Guangling's mind, Meng Tianchen actually sank into a mysterious and unspeakable artistic conception when he first touched those fish scale marks, it was very strange.

Calm down, Meng Tianchen could feel some special artistic conception conveyed by these fish scale patterns.

(End of this chapter)

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