Chapter 534
Emperor Wu's Nine Realms.

There are two great barriers!
In addition to the peak Martial Emperor's promotion to the Venerable Heaven and Earth, the bottleneck of the natural moat that is difficult to ascend to the blue sky is the promotion from the Tianwu Emperor to the Extreme Martial Emperor!

It can be said that in Zhongyu, in Shengyan City!Emperor Tianwu is very ordinary, but!There are fewer Emperor Wu.

Every Extreme Martial Emperor is an extremely monstrous existence, and they are the pillars of any party's forces.

Moreover, there are some martial emperors who practice great martial arts, Tianwuhuang powerhouses, it is even more difficult to be promoted to Jiwuhuang and break through the bottleneck.

With dragon blood fruit it will be different!

The whole hall is quiet!

Dragon blood fruit, the ultimate treasure!

No matter how scheming and gloomy people are, seeing such heaven-defying treasures, they cannot continue to maintain peace of mind.

"You, are you really willing to sell?" Elder Han Lin's words trembled a little. Among his descendants of direct blood, there are quite a few talented monsters who are stuck at the peak of Tianwu Emperor.

Moreover, they are all practicing powerful martial arts. Once they have the dragon blood fruit, they can break through easily, and they will achieve extraordinary achievements in the future, and it is possible to become the peak Martial Emperor.

For a moment, the gazes of countless old monsters in the hall fell on Meng Tianchen at the same time, filled with endless shock, doubts, and a trace of ecstasy hidden deep in their eyes.

"Sell! Of course! As long as you can afford it, you will definitely sell it!"

Meng Tianchen's face was calm, and at this moment he suddenly chuckled.

Just kidding, this dragon blood fruit is a powerful fire clan, and it took a lot of effort to cultivate it!How could it be so simple, let alone these old monsters, even the ancestor families of the Ten Directions Great World couldn't calm down when they heard about this treasure.

Really sell!This prodigal.

It's actually true!
"Elder Zhu, now that the dragon blood fruit has been seen, bring the Haodian." Meng Tianchen said with a smile.

Elder Ju’s complexion was ashen, and the shock in his heart still didn’t subside, he took a deep look at Meng Tianchen, and said in a deep voice: "Boy Meng is indeed very generous, selling dragon blood fruit, this matter is indeed beyond my expectation. "

"It's not unfair to lose this game. I keep my word, and you can just take this hair."

Flicking his sleeves, he threw the hair hall out and took back the brand mark on it. Although blood was dripping from his heart, the old monster didn't show the slightest bit on the surface.

Meng Tianchen raised his hand to take it, and swept it directly into the storage ring with his spiritual consciousness, cupped his hands and said: "So, I would like to thank Elder Jiu."

Elder Han Lin's face sank like water, this Meng Tianchen really didn't play his cards according to common sense, since he showed up until now, he has suffered many injuries to his power.

The Qi family, the Teng family, the Lin sect, Elder Han, and Elder Jiu all suffered losses in his hands in a short period of time.

It seems that this Meng Tianchen is really his evil star!

The whole hall fell into an eerie dead silence. At this moment, no one cared about the embarrassment of the elder, and the complexions of many old monsters were all gloomy, obviously the thoughts in their hearts were churning rapidly.

"Boy Meng, dare to ask, how do you sell this dragon blood fruit?" The ancestor of the Qi family was the first to resist the temptation of the dragon blood fruit, and was the first to jump out.

How could he still remember Lao Shizi Teng's birthday.

The ancestor of the Li family stood up second, and asked in a trembling voice: "Boy Meng, you can make an offer!"

"Yes, make an offer quickly."


For a moment, all the old monsters, how could they care about it? Ancestor Teng on the main seat looked ashen, and looked at Meng Tianchen eagerly.

Meng Tianchen was overjoyed to get the Haodian out of thin air!

Although he can't use it for the time being, there is no doubt about Haodian's strength.

Ancestor Teng's eyes swept across Meng Tianchen's body, his heart was full of murderous intent, he took a deep breath to suppress the thought of killing him here.

To be honest, how could he not be tempted by Dragon Blood Fruit.

However, Meng Tianchen's real purpose was to disrupt his birthday, and wanted to turn his birthday into an auction.

Despicable, incomparably despicable.

The red-armored guard standing behind Meng Tianchen saw Meng Tianchen play these high-ranking old ghosts in a daze for a while, he was overjoyed, felt that he had more face, and couldn't help puffing up his chest.

Slowly filled a glass of fine wine and drank it slowly, Meng Tianchen smiled.

"Dragon blood fruit, my lord is not allowed to sell it! If it is sold, the old man will beat me up!"

Hearing this, everyone became nervous.

Indeed, Elder Wan Yan is not a fool, knowing that Meng Tianchen obtained the Heaven-Defying Dragon Blood Fruit in Huku, how could he allow Meng Tianchen to sell it?

"But, I'm short of money! The huge Meng Mansion is still empty! Nothing."

"How about this, you bid yourself, the one with the highest price may be able to get it! If Wu Jing is not enough, you can use other treasures to replace it. I also know the difficulties of your family's great career."

"Dragon blood fruit, the base price is 100 million Wujing! You can bid now."

The voice is flat, but if you savor it carefully, you can find a hint of banter hidden in it.

The starting price of 100 million Wu Jing is simply unheard of in Zhongyu.

As the words fell, the entire hall fell into dead silence for an instant. On the seats, the eyes of all the old monsters suddenly widened, and they said "hoo hoo" for a while, as if they were strangled by the neck, but they couldn't make a sound.

100 million Wu Jing starts bidding!

It's really cruel.

"One million martial crystals!" After a brief silence, the ancestor of the Qi family who couldn't bear it first became anxious.

The patriarch of the Qi family opened his mouth and started the crazy competition of dragon blood fruit. Under the temptation of breaking the treasure, even these peak existences of the holy flame tiger clan will be completely crazy!

"150 martial crystals!"

"170 martial crystals!"

"200 martial crystals!"


In order to compete for the dragon blood fruit, the things outside the body are not worth mentioning at all. At this moment, all the old monsters participating in the auction are staring at Meng Tianchen, wishing to eat him alive.

"500 martial crystals!"

When the price climbed to 500 million martial crystals, the voices of the old monsters gradually eased, and they were no longer as eager as they were at the beginning.

"Little bastard, what are your plans? Wu Jing is absolutely indispensable to you!"

Seeing all these led by Meng Tianchen, Wuhen old ghost was very puzzled.

Just kidding, within Meng Tianchen's [-]-mile martial world, there is a heaven-defying existence of Wujing Beast, and Wujing is inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

Why did Meng Tianchen reveal such a heaven-defying treasure as dragon blood fruit?


Meng Tianchen's simple response almost made Wuhen old ghost jump up.

What a fool, prodigals are not such a loser!

It's just for fun, hell!Has anyone come out to play with such a heaven-defying treasure as dragon blood fruit?
Among the eighteen clans, the Tuoba clan was the first to withdraw, followed by the Xi clan, the Ming clan, the Jiang clan, and the Hu clan. The remaining 13 clans were still vying for it wildly, and the price kept rising amidst everyone's fear.

600 million Wu Jing.

700 million Wu Jing.

800 million Wu Jing.

900 million Wu Jing.

This kind of huge wealth has already exceeded the tolerance limit of ordinary families!
The price has risen, and the number of bidders has decreased. At this moment, there are only three major families competing, namely the Qi family, the Teng family, and the Li family.

However, there are still Elder Han Lin, Elder Ju, and Elder Han who have cold and stern faces who have not made any bids.

The Teng family, Li family, and Qi family are recognized as powerful existences among the powerful forces, and the competition is extremely hot!

Obviously, to possess this dragon blood fruit, there will definitely be a peerless powerhouse in their family.Under the cultivation of all efforts, it is very likely that the peak of the Holy Flame Tiger Clan exists.

"Ten thousand and three million martial crystals!" The patriarch of the Qi family said in a deep voice with a solemn expression, but his eyes were flickering with madness.

He must keep the dragon blood fruit in his hands, at any cost, even all the wealth of the whole family!As long as you succeed in starting.

His son-in-law, Qi Wumian, is stuck at the peak of the Tianwu Emperor, and he is practicing a tyrannical martial art. Once he overcomes the bottleneck, he will become the peak powerhouse of the clan in the future. Their Qi family will definitely be able to overwhelm the Li family and the Teng family.

At that time, everything lost by the Qi family can be easily recovered!
Therefore, the ancestor of the Qi family will never give up today!

The madness of the ancestor of the Qi family is clear to many old monsters, if they get along in different places, they will do the same!Qi Wumian is indeed the favored son of a talented monster. Once he is promoted to the Emperor of Martial Arts, it will be terrible.

The Li family was the first to give up. Although the old man Li was unwilling, he also sensed the determination of the ancestor of the Qi family. If he continued to fight hard, even if the Li family was powerful, his vitality would be severely damaged, and it would be extremely difficult to recover after that!

The ancestor of the Teng family frowned, hesitated for a long time, his eyes were cloudy and uncertain, and after a while he spoke softly.

"500 million!"

This is the maximum reserve price he can bear. If the ancestor of the Qi family continues to bid, he will let it go and stop making a move.

"600 million!" The ancestor of the Qi family never hesitated, but his voice became colder and colder.

"Old ghost Qi, since you are so determined, you are bound to win! I will not continue to bid, and I will let you have this thing." The ancestor of the Teng family shook his head helplessly.

At the same time, Meng Tianchen was surveyed with cold eyes, how resentful he was.

"Thank you, Old Ghost Teng, I have made this matter down, and there will be rewards in the future!" The eyes of the ancestor of the Qi family flashed with joy, and he had no doubts about the background of the Teng family. Otherwise, continuing to bid will only cause him to suffer greater losses.

600 million martial crystals!

This time, even Meng Tianchen was shocked.

"Damn, these giants are really fucking rich! Tens of millions of Wu Jing, I really don't know how they accumulated and searched for it!"

"Could it be like this? It's not fun, it's not fun at all!" Meng Tianchen was a little unhappy as if he hadn't achieved his expected goal.

"Old Ancestor Qi bid 600 million Wu Jing, I don't know who else will bid, don't be afraid if Wu Jing is not enough, you can use other treasures, just estimate the price!"

Silence, the hall was still silent.

Getting up, the face of the ancestor of the Qi family turned red, he couldn't contain his excitement, he got up and was about to walk towards Meng Tianchen to complete the transaction.

But at this moment, his footsteps stopped suddenly, and a cold shout came out.

"700 million martial crystals."

The voice was cold, but like a majestic peak collapsing, it fell into the vast sea, stirring up endless shock waves, covering the sky and the sun!

"Who?" Involuntarily, Qi Patriarch shouted under the rage.

After seeing the bidder, Patriarch Qi almost broke out.Si Si Lei Mang erupted from the depths of his eyes, turning into a frightening silver-white color, and the momentum surged.

All the old monsters looked at Meng Tianchen in unison, extremely shocked.

Because, the person who bid 700 million Wu Jing was completely beyond their expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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