Chapter 536 Tiger Corpse
Strangely, there were no guards at the gate of Wanyan Hall, and the gate was closed tightly.

Meng Tianchen, who didn't know why, was about to knock on the door and call for someone.

Little did they know, his hand had just touched the door of the palace.

Automatically, the palace door opened.

Stepping into it, there is still no one.

Suddenly, a huge group of black shadow rushed forward, and this group of black shadow burst out with a strong corrosive atmosphere.

The moment he sensed this breath, Meng Tianchen's pupils contracted, and his figure retreated rapidly, feeling a huge crisis.

How can you manage so much.

"Hey!" Meng Tianchen yelled, and quickly ran the Konglong Zuzhu, and at the same time he cast the Asura Emperor Armor, he aroused the power of the black mist and poured it into his whole body.

Meng Tianchen's face was as sinking as water, this figure wrapped in corrosive aura, the powerful aura emanating from his body was absolutely no less than that of an ordinary Earth Martial Emperor powerhouse.

If Meng Tianchen didn't fuse with this terrifying existence, he would definitely not be an opponent!


Without even thinking about it, Meng Tianchen merged with the real body of the magic fetus in an instant, and black light burst out from his body.

At the same time as the terrifying aura soared, Meng Tianchen condensed an incomparably sharp sword glow.

It is the sword intent of Qingtian!

call out!
How could he know that the ferocious Qingtian Sword Intent slashed at the opponent, except for a clanging sound, it did not cause any trauma to the black shadow.

"Depend on!"

After scolding, Meng Tianchen couldn't figure out why there were such monsters in Wanyan Palace.

Fortunately, after merging with the magic fetus, under the blessing of the power of the black mist, it is difficult for the fierce attack of the black shadow to hurt him.

Meng Tianchen made a frantic move, brazenly fighting the black shadow into a group, the two frantically fighting caused terrifying energy fluctuations to spread in all directions, under this aura fluctuation, the entire space was swept away.

This black shadow didn't seem to be a real life, it was tightly wrapped in a black mist with a strong corrosive atmosphere, it looked cold, evil, and violent!
At this moment, Meng Tianchen somewhat understood that this was definitely intentional by that old man, Elder Wan Yan, in order to verify his real combat power.

How did Meng Tianchen know that Elder Wan Yan was completely stunned and stupid at this moment.

Even if he killed him, he would never have imagined that Meng Tianchen would be so ferocious, a mere peak martial king, would be able to fight an indissoluble tiger corpse with an earthly martial emperor.

Originally, he just wanted to see if Meng Tianchen could withstand a breath of time under the tiger corpse.

But such a bizarre scene happened.


"Hahaha! Hahaha..."

After a moment of bewilderment!Elder Wan Yan seemed to have lost his mind, and he laughed crazily. There was even a hint of tragedy in his out-of-control laughter.

The crazy fight between Tiger Corpse and Meng Tianchen is still going on.

Even if Meng Tianchen used the power of the black mist frequently, regardless of the consumption of the power of the black mist, and displayed the fighting intent of Tianshan or the sword intent of holding up the sky, he could barely block the opponent's violent attack.

The decline is slowly revealed.

Meng Tianchen, who hated so much that his teeth were itching, was heartbroken, and the power of the black mist was rapidly consumed.

Nima, it's not easy to condense those black water droplets in the space of his stele.

"Oh my God! Is my great Holy Flame Tiger Clan finally about to rise? This? Is this the true combat power of the Little Holy Lord?"

"It's unheard of, not only crossing the ranks, but also crossing five small ranks in succession, comparable to tiger corpses! Is this true?"

Elder Wan Yan, who looked like a lunatic, prostrated himself on the ground, worshiping in one direction, with tears streaming down his face, as if he was praying, praying.

"court death!"

Meng Tianchen got angry and roared wildly.

call out!
A black prison, tightly covering the tiger's carcass.

That's right, Meng Tianchen cast the cursed prison.

However, in just an instant, the fierce and incomparably cursed prison was torn apart, and what was even more tyrannical, seemed to have a great enmity with Meng Tianchen, roaring angrily, and culled him.


The startled Meng Tianchen didn't understand why this monster was not afraid of the attack of the cursed prison.

"Little bastard, this guy looks like a puppet or something strange. It has no soul at all. There is a use for you to cast a curse on the prison!" Wuhen old ghost could see it.

"Master, how can we kill this fellow?" For a moment, Meng Tianchen became anxious.


Shaking his head, the Wuhen old ghost said in a deep voice: "It's too difficult to kill, your cultivation level is too low, if you want to destroy this monster, the only way to destroy it is to use violence to control violence, savagely tearing and disintegrating its body." OK."

"This?" Meng Tianchen groaned inwardly, this monster didn't know what it was, its body was terribly frightening, the tyrannical Qingtian Sword Intent or Tianshan Battle Intent bombarded his body without any scars.

The tiger carcass, which was really violent, seemed to have entered a state of madness, roaring again and again.

In an instant, Meng Tianchen's hairs suddenly sprouted, and an extremely dangerous feeling of life and death crisis was born in his heart. This crisis was so strong that he seemed to be facing death directly.

The other party blasted out an extremely terrifying aura, a corrosive aura.

A black fist mark the size of a millstone hit Meng Tianchen heavily.

Meng Tianchen, who flew upside down, slammed hard on the wall of the main hall, his body seemed to be falling apart, his qi and blood were agitated, and his meridians were shifted.

Unable to hold it back, Meng Tianchen spat out a mouthful of blood, looking sluggish.

"Nimma, is this monster too strong? Can it still display supernatural powers?" Meng Tianchen was a little dazed.

, disregarding the magical powers of phantom demons, and directly knocked him away with injuries, and suddenly turned around with a pair of blood-colored eyes that looked at Meng Tianchen, opened his blood-colored mouth, and let out a terrifying roar towards Meng Tianchen's mouth!
"Damn old man! If you don't come out again, I will scold you!"

Helpless, Meng Tianchen had no choice but to scream and shout out.


Elder Wan Yan, who just remembered something, was shocked.

Elder Wan Yan, who appeared in front of Meng Tianchen in a flash, let out a sigh of relief when he saw that Meng Tianchen was only slightly injured.


Meng Tianchen, who was very surprised, saw the figure of Elder Wan Yan, and at the same time, he discovered that the previous monster had disappeared, and disappeared strangely.

"Old man, that thing was too powerful earlier, what exactly is it?"

Seeing Elder Wan Yan appear, Meng Tianchen heaved a sigh of relief.

"Little Saint...Little Tianchen! That's a tiger carcass, the secret of our Shengyan Tiger Clan!" Looking at Meng Tianchen foolishly, he was about to call Little Holy Master, but suddenly changed his words.

"Tiger carcass?"

"Master, that thing is so powerful, can you give me a few hundred?"

"Hundreds?" Now, it was Elder Wan Yan's turn to be dumbfounded.

"The tiger corpse is the core secret of our Shengyan Tiger Clan. It is a powerful puppet refining secret method. The refining of each tiger corpse requires a lot of rare materials!"

"For you now, these are all external forces, no need! What you have to do is to improve your own strength!"

Elder Wan Yan who originally planned to give Meng Tianchen some tiger carcasses for body protection changed his mind after seeing Meng Tianchen's true combat power.

In the eyes of Elder Wan Yan, any tiger carcass is an external force.

The future Little Holy Master of the mighty Holy Flame Tiger Clan, what a noble existence, how could he need external protection.

Only one is needed.

That is non-stop, continuous improvement of strength.

"Master, can you teach me the secret method of refining the tiger carcass?" Full of disappointment, he thought about the secret method of refining the tiger carcass.

Indeed, Meng Tianchen was moved.

He has seen the strength of the tiger corpse, how can he not be tempted?
"This may be possible! By the way, when you are promoted to Martial Emperor, I will teach you the secret method of refining tiger corpses! However, it must not be passed on to anyone, not anyone."

"I need to remind you that you will not be able to refine tiger carcasses for quite a long time! Refining tiger carcasses not only requires some rare materials, but also requires your own strong strength!"

After Elder Wan Yan explained, Meng Tianchen was a little disappointed with the magical secret method of refining tiger corpses.


Thinking of the business of coming here this time, Meng Tianchen didn't hide anything, and then slowly narrated what happened in Teng's house.

However, the facts are definitely not what Meng Tianchen said. This kind of embellishment not only dragged Elder Wan Yan into it, but also ruthlessly buried the three elders including Elder Hanlin, Elder Han, and Elder Jiu.

He even dug a big hole for Ancestor Teng, Ancestor Qi and others, saying that not only did those giants and old monsters not pay attention to him, the great elder of the Sacred Flame Tiger Clan, but they were also planning something.


Sure enough, under Meng Tianchen's instigation, Elder Wan Yan, who was originally smiling and peaceful, suddenly became ugly.

"You kid, go back! You can be promoted to the Martial Emperor the fastest! If you don't reach the realm of the Martial Emperor, you won't be able to learn many powerful magical powers and secret techniques of our Sacred Flame Tiger Clan!"

In a blink of an eye, recalling that Meng Tianchen had disgraced Elder Han Lin and others in Teng Mansion, Elder Wan Yan came back to his senses, and asked Meng Tianchen to come to see him again after he was promoted to Martial Emperor.


Meng Tianchen, who secretly smirked, had a panoramic view of the subtle changes in Elder Wan Yan's expressions before and after, and felt at ease.

This old man is obviously a protective temperament.

He is Meng Tianchen, and he will not be afraid in Shengyan City in the future.

"Is there anything else?" Seeing that Meng Tianchen did not intend to leave, Elder Wan Yan asked curiously.

"Master, I'm on the verge of breaking through now, and all the conditions for being promoted to Wei Wuhuang have been met, but I need an opportunity! I don't know if there is a suitable place in our Shengyan City?"

Meng Tianchen didn't believe that the mighty overlord of the central region, the Shengyan Tiger Clan, didn't have such a dangerous place to experience. You know, even the remote Linhe region, the former Black Demon Empire, had a magical secret realm of blood crystals.

But what Meng Tianchen didn't know was that Shengyan City really didn't have a weird secret realm like the Blood Crystal Secret Realm.


Elder Wan Yan, who suddenly understood, inspected Meng Tianchen without thinking, and smiled.

"Your brat's real combat power is already comparable to that of the Martial Emperor! You are barely qualified to enter the Yan Prison! But..."

Having said that, Elder Wan Yan hesitated a little.

After all, Yanlao is not an ordinary place, with special rules, even if he is the great elder of the Shengyan Tiger Clan, it is not easy to break it.

Once Meng Tianchen enters the Yan Prison, there is really danger, a great danger.

(End of this chapter)

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