Chapter 538

"Second brother, forget it!"

Fortunately, the beauty in silver armor spoke.

"The fifth way." Meng Tianchen gritted his teeth, fearing that something might happen, he spoke out hastily.


The man in silver armor, who seemed to be unwilling and bored, snorted coldly.

call out!call out!
In an instant, two ray of light swept towards Meng Tianchen and Ji Yan'er, flying away from the top of the mountain.

"here is?"

After half a day, Meng Tianchen and Ji Yan'er, who had stopped, looked at each other in blank dismay!Looking around curiously.

Ahead is a huge dark abyss, the bottom of the abyss swallows all light, and it is difficult to see what is below.

In the mid-air above the dark abyss, there are islands floating one after another. Each island is only about a hundred feet away. There are hundreds of thousands of floating islands at a glance!They are all densely suspended in the sky, and they are constantly rotating slowly.There are hundreds of thousands of floating islands, some are high and some are low.

At the lowest level, at a glance, there are more than 30 suspended islands rotating in the shape of a top!

At a higher level, there are more than 2 islands.

The third layer has more than 3000 islands.

The fourth floor has more than 100 islands.

On the fifth floor, there are only twelve islands.

The sixth floor is the highest point, and there is only one island!
"This is the spinning top island." The man in silver armor pointed to the floating islands.

"Every spinning island has a prisoner!"


Meng Tianchen couldn't believe it, didn't it mean that there are hundreds of thousands of strong people here?
"Warriors on Spinning Sky Island can only challenge people at the same level or lower," said the man in silver armor. "Fight against different people on the same level, if you win ten games in a row, you can rise to a higher level. If you win another ten games in a row, you can rise to a higher level. As long as you lose once, even if you survive by chance, you will have to go down a level .”

His complexion changed, and Meng Tianchen looked at the floating islands. He finally understood that these floating islands were slowly rotating at different heights. The only island on the sixth floor must have defeated at least one island on the fifth floor. Ten opponents.Then reach the sixth floor.From now on, only he has the opportunity to challenge the opponent, and the opponent is not qualified to challenge him.

"Dare to ask, how can we get out?" Meng Tianchen was very concerned and hurriedly asked.

"Don't worry."

The silver armored beauty smiled.

"Battle on the spinning top sky island again and again. It is very simple to break out successfully."

"As long as the two of you collect a complete set of martial arts, you can go out."

"Collected the complete martial arts?" Meng Tianchen was very confused.

Ji Yan'er was also very curious.She still doesn't know the danger of this place.

"Yes, on the spinning top island, every time you defeat or kill an opponent, you can get the martial arts fragments in the opponent's hand."

"For example, there are [-] martial arts shards in Xuanlei Martial Arts. As long as you gather all the [-] martial arts shards, you can get the martial arts inheritance. It can be regarded as you have completed your experience and can go out."


Suddenly, Meng Tianchen was dumbfounded, and Ji Yan'er was also stunned.

Are you kidding me, a Xuanlei Martial Dao is actually divided into [-] Martial Dao fragments, God knows how long it took him, and how many dangerous battles he went through to gather them together.

Well, it is no longer a matter of luck.

Moreover, Meng Tianchen guessed that there must be more than one kind of martial arts fragments on the hundreds of thousands of spinning top islands.

It is difficult, difficult to gather a complete martial arts inheritance.

"Entering the Gyro Sky Island, the two of you can easily find out which island each piece of martial arts is on, and you can propose a challenge to it. The premise is that you are qualified to propose a challenge. Like the only one now The one on the sixth floor, no one is qualified to challenge him. Only he can challenge others."


"If you have gathered a complete set of martial arts inheritance, you can leave."

"If you have gathered two complete sets of martial arts, you must leave."

The silver-armored beauty suddenly smiled strangely.

"Of course, like the one on the sixth floor, he got a complete set of martial arts inheritance, and later deliberately lost a few pieces of martial arts, and then won another set of complete martial arts. Lost a few more pieces of martial arts! Back and forth, He has obtained eight complete martial arts."


"Can it still be like this?"

Meng Tianchen immediately became jealous. This place is obviously the real place where the geniuses of the Holy Flame Tiger Clan practice. There is a great opportunity.

If you have a complete set of martial arts, you can leave, but if you have two complete sets of martial arts, you must leave. There is still a loophole in this rule!
"In the Spinning Sky Island area, there are a total of 99 powerful and complete martial arts inheritances."


"Fight at most once a day."

"If you don't have a single piece of martial arts on your body for a month! Then you will be forcibly sent to the evil Flame Demon Abyss! Hehe, that is not a good place." The silver armor man said, "So I want to avoid the battle and live comfortably Days, it's impossible."

Meng Tianchen finally understood.

After all, there are very few trainees from the Holy Flame Tiger Clan here, and most of them must be real prisoners.

For the defeated, the martial arts fragments will be looted!Then if there is not even a piece of martial arts fragments, others are too lazy to fight!In this case, you can live in peace.

However, if there is not a piece of martial arts fragments in a month, they will be sent to the terrible Yanmoyuan!
It seems that the prisoners imprisoned here are not having a good time.


Meng Tianchen looked at the weird and terrifying spinning top island, and these four words could not help but appear in the sea of ​​consciousness.


The man in silver armor waved his hand, and a mighty force rolled down on Meng Tianchen or Ji Yan'er.

Under an irresistible force, Meng Tianchen found his body and involuntarily flew to the spinning top island closest to him.

"Tianchen." Ji Yan'er was a little anxious to leave Meng Tianchen.

"Be careful." Meng Tianchen shouted with concern.

"You too." Ji Yan'er had reluctance in her eyes.

Meng Tianchen regretted that he should not have called Ji Yan'er out.

"Second brother, do you think the two of them can survive?" the silver armor woman asked.

"These two little guys are a bit weird, especially the little guy with annoying eyes. He is very talented! Do you think old ghost Wan Yan is confused? A mere peak martial king dares to send him in, so he must have something to rely on!"

"We're bored anyway, just watch!"

Quiet gyro sky island.

Meng Tianchen, whose face was extremely surprised, actually caused the spinning top island to flutter at the moment he fell into the spinning top island, and this thing recognized itself as its owner.

What kind of bullshit island is this Nima? Obviously, it was refined by a terrifying and powerful man.

Walking on this gyro empty island, the island is only a hundred feet square, which has a special meaning.

The moment Guangling's mind touched the spinning top sky island, a lot of information appeared in Meng Tianchen's sea of ​​consciousness.

This information records more than [-] other spinning top islands, warriors on each spinning top sky island, and the martial arts fragments they possess!
What attracted Meng Tianchen the most was the explanation of the 99 martial arts.

The number one ranking turned out to be a great martial art.

Heart-cracking Martial Arts!
Ranked No.17 among the [-] Great Martial Arts, because it is the rarest one, the Great Martial Arts that specializes in the power of the mind is extremely rare, and its true power is no less than some of the top five legendary martial arts.

"Fuck! Fuck!"

Meng Tianchen, who was yelling again and again, had red eyes.

Just kidding, this is the legendary Heart Cracking Martial Arts, it is extremely rare to specialize in the power of mind and spirit.

You must know that among the three thousand great martial arts, there are very few great martial arts that specialize in the power of mind and spirit.

It's a pity that it is divided into [-] martial arts fragments, and it is difficult to gather them all.

Ranked second is Yinkong Dawu Dao!

The most mysterious space martial art, unless it has a rare space attribute, it is difficult to practice.

This Yinkong great martial art ranks tenth among the three thousand great martial arts.

Not only is the attack powerful and unpredictable, but any Martial Emperor who has practiced the Hidden Kong Dao will be very difficult to die!Feel free to hide away.

"It's a pity! If Maomao and Beibei are the two who get this hidden space martial art, it will be awesome!"

"Ranked third……"

99 complete martial arts inheritances, with detailed rankings.

The strongest heart-cracking martial arts requires [-] martial arts fragments.

The weakest one has to collect a hundred martial arts fragments.

To be honest, Meng Tianchen's heart is moved by every kind of great martial art that ranks high.

"Amazing! This is definitely a method arranged by a certain powerful man who reaches the heavens and reaches the earth!" The old ghost Wuhen was also dumbfounded and surprised.

This wonderful spinning top island is obviously the best place for training.

Grow up in the killing, and get the martial arts inheritance that suits you.

"Master, once I become the emperor, I will cultivate the Dao of Asura, and then practice other things. Isn't it more difficult to advance?" Meng Tianchen was a little confused.

"Bastard! You know what a fart!" The Wuhen old ghost suddenly became angry and cursed violently.

"Any Martial Emperor is eager to practice a great martial art. You are good! You don't want to make progress, you know? After practicing two or more great martial arts, its combat power is definitely not a simple multiple improvement! "

"I've chosen it for you! The first thing you must get is the No. [-] heart-cracking martial art! Damn it, it's specialized in the power of mind and spirit. If you miss this time, you kid will cry to death in the future! "

Under the repeated scolding of Wuhen old ghost, his face turned dark every day.

It seems that Wuhen old ghost wants to get all these 99 kinds of martial arts.

"This old man!"

Meng Tianchen, who kept complaining, cursed secretly.


Meng Tianchen's eyes suddenly lit up.

"This is not bad!" Meng Tianchen locked on the ninth ranked martial arts inheritance.

"Li Tian Dao of the Great Sword!"

Although Litian Great Sword Dao ranks 110th among the [-] Great Martial Arts, this sword method is absolutely fierce.

Kendo, the master of killing!Pursue the ultimate attack.

Immediately, Meng Tianchen had an idea, and listed Litian Great Sword Dao as his first goal!

As everyone knows, the recent joining of Meng Tianchen and Ji Yan'er has aroused the attention of all warriors on the lowest level of nearly 30 spinning top islands.


"Hey, there is a newcomer."

"These two newcomers must have a lot of treasures."

"You have to hurry up and grab it."

"Yue Zhan, take off both of their clothes."

"A battle."

(End of this chapter)

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