Chapter 546 Yao Gun
"Little bastard, I felt a hint of rock fire in the center of the earth in the fierce earth demon supernatural power that guy used! Be careful!" The old ghost Wuhen didn't expect that this Yaoge was so terrifying.

"Earth core rock fire?"

He paused for a while, and while drinking violently, he used chain-killing supernatural powers, locked on the opponent, strangled away, and was very cautious.

In an instant, Meng Tianchen understood.

Obviously, the opponent, Lao Shizi, has extremely strange supernatural powers, and he needs the rock fire in the core of the earth to cultivate successfully.

However, the rock fire in the core of the earth is a magical and terrifying acquired flame.

Although it is not as terrifying as the Innate Flame, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can resist.

"Jie Jie! I won't play with you anymore! Die!"

Yaoge, who looked increasingly ferocious, became fierce.

He actually didn't drive the mighty earth demon supernatural power containing the acquired flame earth core rock fire to collide and chain kill, but locked on Meng Tianchen's body and culled him.

"not good!"

With a cry of surprise, Meng Tianchen never expected Yaoge to be so fierce.

Could it be that he is so confident that he can resist the chain killing attack?
This is a brutal and experienced opponent.

"Hey!" shouted loudly.

Meng Tianchen's body was overflowing with blood, a strange blood light.

Instantly, a phantom appeared above his head, a phantom of a bloody whirlpool.

That's right, this is Shura Dao of Killing.

It was only because Meng Tianchen had only cultivated the Asura Great Killing Dao to the early stage of the small realm, that a faint phantom appeared.

But, this is enough.

As soon as Shura killed him.

Yaoge's face changed in shock.

From the phantom of the bloody vortex above Meng Tianchen's head, he felt the terrifying power, and clearly felt that the Earth Demon Fire Martial Arts above his head was suppressed, extremely suppressed.

When this happens, Yaoge knows that there is only one possibility.

That is the opponent's seemingly weird martial art, which is extremely unusual and definitely a terrifying martial art.

Only the emergence of the three thousand great martial arts can cause great suppression to the ordinary martial arts.


"What kind of martial arts are you? Great martial arts?"

"That's right!" Meng Tianchen replied arrogantly.

In a moment of stagnation, Yaoge stabbed and flew out with a scream.

On his body, amidst the sound of tearing, the dark red battle armor shattered, and a terrifying murderous aura entered his body, wreaking havoc.destruction!
Yaoge, who was roaring, seemed to have cast some secret technique, and a raging and strange dark red flame ignited on his body.

He actually blocked the chain kill attack.

At the same time, Meng Tianchen's expression was extremely serious.

The flame monster containing the rock fire in the core of the earth, with its supernatural powers, the moment it came to kill, it seemed as if it wanted to devour and chew his whole body.


With a hasty cry, Meng Tianchen desperately drove the power of the black mist to seep out from the space of the stone tablet and pour it into his whole body.


As everyone knows, a strange scene appeared.

The flame monster that was about to cull Meng Tianchen just now stripped a trace of fire.

The line of fire, dark red, contains terrifying power.

This kind of fire thread stripped from the flame monster actually wound up above Meng Tianchen's head.

Falling into the phantom of the bloody vortex, falling into the Dao of Shura's Great Killing, and disappearing.

However, the flame monster that lost this dark red line of fire seemed to be at the end of its strength, and it had no power at all when it was culled on Meng Tianchen.

He couldn't even shake the Asura Emperor Armor.

"Damn it!"


Not only Yaoge and Meng Tianchen were amazed, but even the old ghost Wuhen was frightened.


In a blink of an eye, as if thinking of something, Wuhen's wild laughter penetrated into Meng Tianchen's sea of ​​consciousness.

Extremely excited.

"Master, what does this mean?"

"Boy, you are well developed! As I expected, the Dao of Asura you practiced has deviated from the real Dao of Asura. The cause of this miraculous phenomenon is definitely the Shura flame hidden in the Dao of Asura. !"

"I didn't expect it! Your boy's Asura Dao can devour the essence of acquired flames! Hehe!"

After being instructed by Wuhen old ghost, Meng Tianchen understood immediately.

"Damn it, are you still alive now?"

Meng Tianchen, who is full of confidence, never imagined that the Asura Dao of Killing has such a miraculous feature.

The other party had worked so hard to obtain the supernatural powers of the earth core rock fire cultivation, which did not pose any threat to him at all.

"Damn it! Damn it! I must kill you!"

Yaoge, who was extremely angry, had a dangerous and crazy light in his eyes. He was angry, really angry.

The huge energy riot caused a huge earthquake in a huge space.

Yaoge changed and became a giant.A dark red light shone on his body, and the surface of his body seemed to be condensed by countless crystal stones, exuding a terrifying aura.

The fire crystal giant is as tall as a hundred meters, raising its hands and stomping its feet, and its power is overwhelming.

"This guy has performed a magic transformation? Is this his body?"

The surprised Meng Tianchen became nervous again.

Because, he found that the other party's aura was not a simple Tianwu Emperor powerhouse, compared to ordinary Tianwu Emperor, he did not know how many times stronger.

Meng Tianchen didn't understand how the supernatural transformation had improved so much.

"Master, do you know this guy's body?"

"I haven't seen it!" After thinking for a moment, the old ghost Wuhen didn't know.

At the same time, the old ghost Wan Yan, who was closely watching the battle, was also nervous.

"Troublesome! Little Holy Master is in trouble! That damned prisoner of the Yao tribe actually consumed his soul source and performed a magical transformation!"

Realizing that Meng Tianchen might be in dire danger, the old ghost Wan Yan sneaked out and came to the spinning top island area without anyone noticing.

It's just that no one found him.

The old ghost Wanyan who made up his mind never wanted to see the future little Holy Master of the Holy Flame Tiger Clan die at the hands of a lowly foreigner.

And Yaoge is one of the original clans of Qinglong Abyss.

Belonging to the tyrannical Yao tribe.

The people of the Yao tribe have a terrifying ability, which can consume the source of the soul and perform magical changes in extreme danger.

This kind of magic transformation is completely different from the magic transformation performed by other warriors.

Once the people of the Yao tribe performed their magical transformation, their combat power soared, which was terrifying!Those who are talented and evildoers can even increase their combat power by a small level, which can be called against the sky.

However, after the battle, unimaginable soul relics are needed to nourish the soul, and it will take a long time to slowly restore the soul.

Dangerous, very dangerous!

Being targeted by Yaoge who turned into a fire crystal giant, Meng Tianchen had a creepy feeling.


With a startled cry, without thinking about it, how dare to hide it, and instantly merged with the real body of the magic fetus!
Meng Tianchen, who has fused with the real body of the devil's fetus, really feels much more relaxed when facing the lock of Yaoge's qi mechanism. Although he is also a little nervous, it definitely does not have the incomparably dangerous meaning before.

"This guy has a lot of cards!"

Meng Tianchen, who was complaining endlessly, never imagined that his tenth opponent on the fourth floor would be so difficult to deal with.

"Little bastard, you have to figure it out for yourself. Just in case, don't worry about anything, you can perform magic tricks! It's important to save your life!" The old ghost Wuhen was also extremely dignified.

Combined with the real body of the devil's fetus, the blood-colored vortex phantom above Meng Tianchen's head is even more terrifying.

Sen Han's murderous aura pervades.

The space with a radius of tens of thousands of meters is covered by the terrifying murderous aura of Shura's Great Killing Dao.

The fire crystal giant Yaoge's power has skyrocketed and has been increasing.

After ascending to a terrifying level, the space around this guy was buzzing.

Suddenly, a terrifying thing appeared above the head of the fire crystal giant Yaoge.

It was a plate of flames, a plate of phantom flames, purple in color.

The moment the phantom of the purple fire plate appeared, the flames lit up!

Purple flames shot out, covering the ten thousand meter space where Meng Tianchen and the fire crystal giant Yaoge were located.

"This? How is this possible?"

For a moment, Meng Tianchen turned pale with shock.

He could see at a glance what kind of power the other party was using.

This is Si Yan's great martial art.

Si Yan's Dao of Martial Arts is not terrible, it is not at the same level as the Asura Dao of Killing controlled by Meng Tianchen, and there is no comparison.

Among the three thousand great martial arts, although Si Yan's great martial arts is also a great martial art, it is only at the lower level, ranking 650th and fifth.

However, this Nima's Si Yan Dao martial arts is the rare martial arts inheritance ranked No. 99 among the 13 martial arts inheritances in the Spinning Sky Island area.

Obviously, the fire crystal giant Yaoge's Siyan Great Martial Arts was acquired here.

You know, how difficult it is to gather all the fragments of Siyan's great martial arts. God knows how long the fire crystal giant Yaoge has been in the spinning top sky island area.

100 years? 1000 years?

Or longer.

"Ruthless!" Meng Tianchen couldn't help admiring the other party, who actually gathered Si Yan's great martial arts.


Exercising Siyan's Great Martial Arts, he really felt that the suppression of martial arts disappeared, and the fire crystal giant Yaoge burst into a roar.

"Bitch, your end is here! Die!"

The huge face showed a ferocious and terrifying expression, and the fire crystal giant Yaoge roared again and again.

"Yao Gun!"

While roaring, the fire crystal giant Yaoge quickly condensed a long spear.

The long spear was ten meters long and was burning with intense flames.

This long spear is like a condensed mysterious fire essence. It is not a weapon, but a powerful supernatural power displayed by the fire crystal giant Yaoge.

The terrifying supernatural power originated from the ancient inheritance of the Yao people.


Meng Tianchen's face became more dignified the first time he saw Yao Qiang's supernatural power.


This was Meng Tianchen's first thought involuntarily.

Just kidding, Yaoge, the fire crystal giant in his current state, has reached the peak of Emperor Tianwu, not only displaying Siyan's great martial arts, but also using his trump card.

Yao gun supernatural powers!
He is bound to kill Meng Tianchen!

With a loud roar, Meng Tianchen, who was also in the strongest state, forcibly dispelled the fear.

Chain kill!

The bloody chains instantly condensed.

Seeing the terrible Yao gun, he came to assassinate him.

Meng Tianchen didn't dare to be negligent, and drove the bloody chains to come out.

In this attack, Meng Tianchen did not attack the body of the fire crystal giant Yaoge, but the Yao spear.

Meng Tianchen didn't bother to attack the opponent at all, he was lucky to be able to break this fierce attack.

But, chain killing supernatural power, can it break the opponent's Yao gun?

No bottom, Meng Tianchen has no bottom at all.

(End of this chapter)

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