Chapter 550 Nine Great Sword Powers
Three gangs!

The strongest ones are the disciples of Elder Hanlin headed by Tian Chenbo.

Tian Chenbo, the strongest ruthless person on the sixth floor.However, he was defeated by the mysterious black tower and fell into the fifth floor area of ​​the spinning top sky island.

Even so, Tianchenbo is the first among the twelve evildoers on the fifth floor, none of them.

The descendants of the Tianchen family who belonged to Elder Han Lin's party, in the spinning top island, have the only leader of Tianchen!

The second group, which is slightly weaker, is on the side of the Great Elder. Among the twelve evildoers on the fifth floor alone, there are two. In addition to the little boy Tianchen Lengfeng who Meng Tianchen knows well, there is another one named Tianchen Guangnan. !
The third gang is the neutral force of the Tianchen family, led by Tianchenlin, who is also one of the twelve evildoers on the fifth floor.

"Nimma, what a good Tianchen family, and it's torn apart!"

These days, Meng Tianchen has seen many battles between the children of the Tianchen family, which is very tragic.

Every now and then, Tianchenbo would challenge Tianchen Lengfeng and Tianchen Guangnan.

Fortunately, these two people who had self-knowledge refused to take up the challenge.


Tianchenbo's real combat power, which has always been known for its viciousness, can even be compared to that of the extremely powerful emperor.No matter how arrogant Tianchen Lengfeng and Tianchen Guangnan are, they dare not fight rashly.

Time goes by, enlightenment in battle, or meditation!Meng Tianchen's Shura Dao Dao has suddenly reached the peak of the Small Realm, only one step away from entering the Middle Realm.

He is not far from Emperor Zhongwu.

This is not Meng Tianchen's real harvest. In the three years of non-stop fighting, Meng Tianchen finally collected all the fragments of the martial art of Litian Dao Dao.

In the past three years, Meng Tianchen has rushed to the fifth floor many times, but he failed to really gain a foothold.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Meng Tianchen, whose eyes were brightened, was very excited.

Finally got the complete Litian Dao of Sword.

Surprisingly, all the fragments of Litian Dao of Sword and Martial Arts gathered together and transformed into magic.

It actually formed a quaint scroll.

On the picture scroll, there is a sword mark, the mystery is endless!

Just glanced at it, Meng Tianchen was shocked, and instantly felt that Guangling's mind seemed to have a kind of strange power, which was about to be pulled into that sword mark and chopped into pieces.

"What a terrible power!"

Instead of feeling the slightest fear, Meng Tianchen was extremely excited.


Dodge into the Canglong space.

Just started to comprehend the Dao of the Litian Great Sword, which was transformed into a simple picture scroll, Meng Tianchen suddenly found that he was already in a terrible place.

This is a magical mood.

This place seems to be in a large hall.

In the majestic palace, everything was beautiful, and a figure gradually condensed on the throne on the main hall, dressed in brocade robes, with boundless power, like an emperor.

"If you want to be qualified to practice the Great Sword Dao of Litian, you have to defeat this seat." The king in brocade robe looked down.

"What?" Meng Tianchen was taken aback. He never expected that he had managed to collect Qi Litian's Great Sword Art, and he still had to defeat this terrifying weirdo before him.

Taking a closer look, Meng Tianchen definitely had a blurred figure of the brocade robed king, and couldn't even see his face clearly, especially the aura on the opponent's body, so he couldn't see what state he was in.

call out!
The King Pao King's eyes were piercing, and a large golden sword appeared in his hand.


The towering brocade robed king, like the emperor of heaven and earth, looked at Meng Tianchen as if he was looking at an ant.

"Nimma, how could this happen?" Meng Tianchen was extremely confused.

However, he couldn't help but think too much, he had to fight!

It seems that if you want to comprehend and practice the Dao of Litian Great Sword, you can only defeat the king in brocade robe.

Meng Tianchen, who dares to be negligent, merged with the real body of the devil's embryo, activated the secret method of Konglongzu's devouring, and activated the power of black mist!
Meng Tianchen stood motionless, while the king in brocade robe walked down slowly step by step. Although the two hadn't fought each other before, there was faint aura surging, and they were both watching their opponents.

"Li Tian, ​​dignified and upright! Crush and crush everything!"

As if teaching, the king in brocade robe suddenly shook the golden sword in his hand and shouted loudly.

A terrifying power directly crushed down, and the big sword slashed down angrily, as if it wanted to kill all the enemies who blocked it.This terrifying sword intent alone is enough to make many Martial Emperors fearful.

"Depend on."

The Canglong Stick in Meng Tianchen's hand flickered, and he slanted his hand, directly rubbing the golden sword.

Although it was just a touch from the side, it actually made King Pao more uncomfortable than a frontal resistance!With this rubbing, the weird force caused his golden sword to change direction, once the sword changed direction, naturally it would be impossible to touch Meng Tianchen.

"If you don't take the weird way, it will be difficult to achieve the real Litian!"


Meng Tianchen, who secretly smirked, finally understood that although it was a battle in the artistic conception, he had to defeat the king in brocade robe in order to obtain the qualification to practice and comprehend the Dao of Litian Great Sword.

And this brocade-robed king, every time he makes a move, he actually has the intention of pointing out something.

Again, the opponent didn't use any terrifying supernatural powers, but relied on a golden sword.

Opportunity to take advantage!

Facing the heroic killing move of the Jinpao King, although Meng Tianchen tried his best to block it, it was always very difficult, and every time he was shocked and flew backwards.

The opponent is quite strong, if it wasn't for Meng Tianchen's stealth and trickery, he would have been unable to support it long ago.

"Plow the sky and do the right thing! Fearless!"

The brocade robed king who yelled again, the golden sword in his hand.blink!
Suddenly, a round of golden crescent moon sword light sprang out from the golden great sword, slashing towards Meng Tianchen horizontally.

This is not a magical attack, nor is it a real locking attack!

It's just the sword glow, the terrifying golden crescent moon sword glow.


Using the Canglong stick, he rubbed the domineering golden crescent moon light directly from above.

With this rubbing and pressing, completely unequal forces are colliding.

Under the slash of the terrifying golden crescent moon sword light, the Canglong stick flew out.

The golden crescent moon sword light cast by the king in brocade robe is even more domineering and upright!

As for the Canglong Stick controlled by Meng Tianchen, it was erratic, thinking of dumping the opponent's attack every moment, avoiding the opponent's terrifying sword light.

laugh!chi chi!

The golden crescent moon sword light, the blue dragon stick, stalking and fighting non-stop.

Every time, without exception, the Black Dragon Stick was knocked into the air.

Fortunately, the Canglong Cudgel is really good, under such a terrible attack, it was not damaged.

call out!
The golden robed king drove the golden sword in his hand, and another golden crescent moon flashed out.

"Plow the sky to be righteous, press it with strength, and break it with force!"

Meng Tianchen, who didn't dare to be negligent, memorized every word of King Pao King, but he was faced with a great predicament.

Even with the use of the Canglong Stick, with all his strength, the opponent's golden meniscus sword glow could be deflected, so that he couldn't hurt himself, but it was no way to support it like this.

Even though he has two major martial arts, his martial energy will sometimes be exhausted.

Especially the power of the black mist is consumed too quickly.

"It's good that this damn can save his life, how can he defeat his opponent? Could it be that I'm doomed to have no chance with this Dao of Li Tian Dao?"

At this moment, Meng Tianchen was complaining in his heart.

About half an hour later, Meng Tianchen, who was getting more and more embarrassed, suddenly saw the Jinpao King disappear.

In the empty hall, scenes of golden light flickered.


"Litian! The majestic momentum, the domineering swordsmanship! The majestic crushing power, the slaughtering swordsmanship..."

At the same time, a sound like a bell was deeply imprinted in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

A blink of an eye!

Meng Tianchen recovered, leaving the previous mysterious mood.

"This? This is?"

Meng Tianchen, who was a little confused, was very puzzled.

However, when Meng Tianchen drove Guangling's mind to touch the ancient picture scroll again, he actually sensed it.

That's a sword!

A great golden sword.

Just looking at it gives a feeling.

It is dignified and upright, majestic and majestic, you cannot look up!

At the same time, this golden giant sword contained an extremely terrifying killing aura.

"This is the Litian Great Sword Art? I have passed the test?"

Meng Tianchen, who suddenly woke up, understood.I fell into that miraculous artistic conception before, not to really defeat the brocade robed king, that is an invincible opponent, impossible to defeat.

As long as you survive half an hour, if you survive half an hour, you will pass the test.

"Hey Hey…"

Meng Tianchen, who was overjoyed, smirked and kept smirking.

Nima, this is a great way of swordsmanship!

Meng Tianchen, who couldn't wait, tried his best to calm down.

Start enlightenment!
Comprehend the real way of plowing the sky and the great sword.

Very strange!
Litian Dao of Sword is not like other martial arts, but Dao of Martial Arts. It is divided into small realm, small realm, middle realm, large realm, earth realm, heaven realm, extreme realm, universe realm, and peak realm!Nine realms.

It is divided into nine types.

Obviously, these nine styles correspond to the nine realms of the Martial Emperor.

Only by comprehending the first form thoroughly can one practice the second form.

The nine great sword powers are equivalent to the ninth level of martial arts.

Very idiosyncratic.

The first form, the positive sword force!With a basic comprehension of the Litian Dao of the Great Sword, and a preliminary grasp of the profound meaning of the Litian, the mind and the sword are perfectly integrated, where the heart goes, the sword goes!
The second form, the sword-slaying gesture!The tyrannical killing sword, the sword that kills everything head-on, is irresistible and unpredictable.

The third form, Liyue Jianmang!

The fourth form, the sword and shield posture, the ultimate defense, unbreakable!

The fifth form is the attacking sword posture, the sword posture of attacking and killing from the front, and the sword posture of majestic beheading and killing.

The extremely shocked Meng Tianchen was dumbfounded.

It's a pity that with his current Xiaowuhuang's peak cultivation level, he can only see the first five sword moves of the Litian Dao of Sword.

Even so, it was scary enough.

This sword power is like the combination of martial arts power and supernatural power, how terrifying.

No wonder!
Only now did Meng Tianchen understand why he hadn't heard of any supernatural powers like the Dao of the Sword.

It turns out that the so-called Dao of the Sword itself is an attack and a supernatural power.It is the perfect fit of martial arts power and supernatural power.

In front of the Litian Dao of the Great Sword, each of the five great sword moves is a terrifying killing move.

"I have developed!"

Immediately, Meng Tianchen's heart was surging, and he decided that no matter what, he would major in the Plowing Heaven Sword Dao.

(End of this chapter)

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